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This legend explains how to read the various movelists found on the Tekkenpedia as well as any move/juggle FAQ, about a Tekken-character, found anywhere on the web. Important note! A comma (,) is used to separate input. If there is no space between the inputs, it means that it is part of the same move/combo. If there is a space, it means that it is part of a new move (this is typically seen in juggle-FAQs).

For example 1,2,2 would be one move (Heihachi Mishima's Demon Slayer), while 1,2, 2 are two moves (the second 2 would be a regular right punch).


[edit] Commands

Notation Description Notation Description
1 left punch (square-button) 2 right punch (triangle-button)
3 left kick (X-button) 4 right kick (O-button)
5 tag button any any button, except tag
f tap forward F hold forward
b tap backwards B hold backwards
d tap down D hold down
u tap up U hold up
d/f tap down-forward D/F hold down-forward
d/b tap down-back D/B hold down-back
u/f tap up-forward U/F hold up-forward
u/b tap up-back U/B hold up-back
qcf quarter circle forward (d,d/f,f) qcb quarter circle back (d,d/b,b)
hcf half circle forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f) hcb half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b)

[edit] Notations

Notation Description Notation Description
FC full crouch animation ("activated" by pressing D) WS while standing up (aka "while rising")
N neutral (no direction inputs) WR while running
SS sidestep either way SSR sidestep to the character's right
SSL sidestep to the character's left [ ] content will be an optional command
, followed by (explained at the top) ~ immediately after
+ at the same time ( _ ) or
< delayed input = next in sequence
° push and hold button : requires just frame input
B! Bound

[edit] Grounded positions

Grounded Positions
Notation Name Description
PLD Play Dead Position Face up and feet away from opponent
KND Knockdown Position Face up and feet towards opponent
SLD Slide Position Face down and feet away from opponent
FCD Face Down Position Face down and feet towards opponent

[edit] Hit Range

Hit Range
Notation Name Description
h High Hits opponent high, guarded against with B or evaded by ducking
m Middle Hits opponent middle, guarded against with B
l Low Hits opponent low, guarded against with D/B, parried with d/f and evaded by jumping
Sm Special Middle Hits middle, can be guarded with B or D/B
H High Hits high, will hit grounded opponent
M Middle Hits middle, will hit grounded opponent
L Low Hits low, will hit grounded opponent.
! Unblockable Cannot be blocked, but can often be reversed/parried
(!) Unblockable Unblockable hit can be ducked
[!] Unblockable Unblockable hits grounded opponents

[edit] Move Properties

Move Properties
Notation Name Description
RC Recover Crouching You can recover from the move in a crouching position, instead of a standing, by pressing ~D.
GB Guard Break The opponents hand are usually raised.
MS Minor Stun In most cases hits aren't guaranteed.
CS Crumple Stun Animations can look different, can start a combo with a jab.
CF Crumple Fall Opponent slowly falls to KND position.
KS Kneel Stun In some cases you get a free launcher.
JG Juggle Starter Opponent is airborn and can be juggled.
BS Block Stun Attacking character is stunned.

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