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Ogre/Tekken 3 Movelist

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[edit] Throws

Throw Name Command Type Damage Escape Properties
<write here>Jack-2 1+3 front 30 1
<write here>Kuma 2+4 front 10,25 2
<write here>Wang Jinrei d/f,d/f+2+4 front 30 none
<write here>Kuma (1+3_2+4) left 10,15,25 1
<write here>Jack-2 (1+3_2+4) right 40 2
<write here>Kuma (1+3_2+4) back 70 none

[edit] Moves

Move Name Command Stance Damage Hit Range Properties
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx
<write here> xx xx xx xx xx

[edit] Unblockables

Move Name Command Stance Damage Hit Range Properties
<write here>Anna Williams d/b+1+2 50  !
<write here>Armor King u/f+1+2~d 45 [!]
<write here>Armor King u/f,N+1+2~d 45 [!]
<write here>Wang Jinrei b,b+1+2 100  !
<write here>Unique f,f+2 15,20 m,! #1
<write here>Kunimitsu b+2 22  !
<write here>Kunimitsu f,f,N+2 25  !
<write here>Bruce Irvin b+2+3 60  !

#1 If the initial hit is blocked, the unblockable part can be evaded by sidestepping or back dashin.

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