Spinning Demon

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Spinning Demon
Command f,N,d,D/F+4,[4]

f,N,d,D/F+4,[4],[4] (Heihachi)

Stance {{{Stance}}}
Damage 15,12 (Kazuya)
15,18 (Jin, Devil Jin)
15,13,13 (Heihachi)
Hit Range Kazuya/Devil
ll (T1,T2)
LL (TTT onwards)
lll (T1,T2)
LLL (T3 onwards)
Jin/Devil Jin
Lm (T3 onwards)
Properties See text
Move Frames Hit Advantage
Block Advantage CH Advantage
Chains from Chains to

Spinning Demon is a move that was introduced in the first Tekken and can be performed by every practitioner of Mishima Style Karate.

[edit] When to use

Use of Spinning Demon is heavily reliant on "opportune moments". Examples of opportune moments would be; when the opponent is grounded, giving the user the opportunity to hit the opponent with some low kicks. When the opponent is at a frame disadvantage such as whiff recovery. Or simply Spinning Demon can be used against players who seldom block low. Spinning Demon can be used at risk, due to the block stuns that can occur and the numerous disadvantages that come with block stuns. When used without flaw, Spinning Demon can be useful, usually to damage grounded opponents; though in the case of Heihachi, Spinning Demon can chain to Tsunami Kicks or Spinning Demon Uppercut for a helpful combination.

[edit] Properties

Spinning Demon has multiple properties depending on the character. In the case of Kazuya the first hit can result in a block stun (BS) if blocked. The second hit can be a juggle starter (JG). All of Heihachi's hits can result in a block stun and force the opponent into playdead position (PLD). Jin/Devil Jin's first hit can result in a block stun and the second can result in the opponent being knocked down into knock down position (KND).

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