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[edit] Possibility

Could this "Unknown Character" be some new form of Ogre? --RaiJinX

Yes...why not?... but, sure, this ISN'T the creature of Dragunov's ending...that's DEVIL

What?! I didn't say it couldn't be that either! It could be both. Besides, I'm not the one who believes that the creature in Dragunov's ending is Jin's Devil! And the person who edited the page (w/ speculation) is right: Sergei didn't find Devil Jin and I quote: "but that seems impossible, since dragunov's tekken 6 profile states he didn't find devil jin." --RaiJinX

Maybe it is True Ogre because it looks big and might have horns like True Ogre does. --Tekken infinity

Yeah. --RaiJinX

Has anyone ever thought that this could be one of two of the dark stars? --RaiJinX

I think Kazuya and Jin are the two and this Creature is another entity. Zafina's background says, "According to the tale, two evil stars will shake the world when they come into contact, and, inevitably, the two will unite with the sealed ancient evil being protected by her group, destroying the world." Cojin

Well, that theory was probably everyone's first guess (it was mine too you know). It's just that it could also be something else. --RaiJinX

Unknown Character appears to be sealed, and Zafina's group protects a sealed ancient evil. I think this character is the ancient evil that Zafina's group protects. In the arcade opening for Tekken 6, it appears that it awakens when some things go towards it. I thought it was the anomalous object that Dragunov found at one point (because the creature is concealed with ice, and the anomalous object was found below permafrost). I highly doubt it's Ogre, since Jin killed him. He dissolved into nothing. But I guess Namco could resurrect him. They resurrected Kazuya. I don't see how, though, because, as I previously said, Ogre dissolved into nothing. Well, I don't know for sure, but right now, the thing that Zafina's group protects is what I think it is. JunKazamaFan 19:08, 15 September 2007 (PDT)
About the two evil stars: I think they are either Jin (he appears to be evil now, although I think Devil Jin is possessing him) and Kazuya or Jin and Heihachi. Kazuya opposes Jin and the Zaibatsu, and Heihachi wants to get the Zaibatsu back (he needs to defeat Jin and win the tournament to do this). JunKazamaFan 19:16, 15 September 2007 (PDT)
I think so, too. --RaiJinX

Tekken-EX - I will teach you the meaning of fear! HIYA!:
TALK - 20:46, 24 March 2008 (PDT)
I think Azazel is the final boss in Devil Within. No-one really knows though.

[edit] Azazel

Looks like we have another cheater -_-. --RaiJinX

yeah we can most likly add him to the list of snk bosses.

JunKazamaFan - Growl snare snare growl.:
TALK - 20:23, 16 January 2008 (PST)
Yes, Azazel does look like it uses cheap tactics, like the stun, the boulders, and the crystals / small ice formations (I'm not exactly sure what they are at the moment.). I'll probably lose to it a lot before I figure out how to avoid these attacks and how to exploit its weaknesses. It will be very satisfying to defeat it, though! Yes, we can most likely add Azazel to the list of SNK bosses / bosses with "SNK Boss Syndrome".

jindaddy i think that he is the monster in sergeis ending

[edit] Azazel Images

JunKazamaFan - Growl snare snare growl.:
TALK - 20:30, 16 January 2008 (PST)
If anyone knows about better images of Azazel, then please either let me know about them so that I can upload them to Tekkenpedia, or please upload them to Tekkenpedia yourself. There are very few images of Azazel, so I'm uploading whatever images of it that I can find to Tekkenpedia.
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