G Corporation

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G Corporation is a cutting-edge biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research in the Tekken series.


[edit] Kazuya Mishima

G Corporation accidentally stumbled upon the remains of Kazuya Mishima, who had been thrown into a volcano by his father, Heihachi Mishima, after Kazuya was defeated in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. This happened during a routine research mission at Mt. Shirane. Afterwards, Kazuya's body was taken to the G Corporation’s Nebraska research facility. After being resurrected, Kazuya offered his body as research material for genetic experimentation to investigate, determine, and harness the true mechanism of the Devil that resided within his body. According to Kazuya Mishima's translated Tekken 6 story, Kazuya has figured out which division of G Corporation was the one that betrayed him and viciously killed them all. Kazuya has now risen to the head of G Corporation in the shadows. Also, note Anna Williams joins G Corporation in order to find Nina.

[edit] G Corporation raid

Heihachi Mishima discovered that G Corporation had found the remains of Kazuya, and had extracted and analyzed the genetic data. In fact, Heihachi learned that the G Corporation was in the midst of creating a new life form by using the data. Heihachi himself had intentions of creating the ultimate life form by combining Ogre's DNA with his, but he needed the Devil Gene, something that only his son, Kazuya, and his grandson, Jin Kazama, had. Heihachi used the Tekken Force to raid G Corporation’s maximum security research laboratory in Nepal on December 25. The bottom floors of the building were completely destroyed. The remaining data storage facility containing file servers was airlifted by a group of heavy-duty helicopters. At the same time, a separate unit, which was led by Heihachi himself, infiltrated the G Corporation underground research facility in Nebraska, where Kazuya Mishima’s remains were supposedly preserved. The operation in Nebraska failed, due to the unexpected intervention of Kazuya Mishima.

[edit] Hon-Maru invasion

Before The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, many Jack-4s, created by Jane, were sent to attack Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima at Hon-Maru. Kazuya escaped before one of the Jack-4s self-destructed by transforming into Devil (or Devil Kazuya, which is what Devil is called in Kazuya's Tekken 5 prologue) and flying away through a hole in the wall. Heihachi did not escape, as Kazuya threw him to the Jack-4s before making his escape. The explosion almost killed Heihachi, but he managed to survive and participate in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. This is most likely revenge for the raids on G Corporation in Nepal and Nebraska.

[edit] Jane

The physicist Jane was protected by Gun Jack when the Tekken Force attacked her inside Mishima Zaibatsu Heavy Industries. A G Corporation freighter saved her the next day. She became an engineer for G Corporation, developing Jack-4, as well as Jack-5, Jack-4's successor. G Corporation sent Jack-5 to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 for field testing.