Heihachi Mishima

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Heihachi Mishima
Origin (T3) Japan, (T4, T5) Japan (later denied by the Japanese government)
Fighting Style Mishima-Style Fighting Karate(三島流喧嘩空手)
Age (T1) 52, (T2) 54, (T3) 73, (T4, T5) 75
Blood Type B
Height 5'10"
Weight 181 lbs
Occupation Leader of Mishima Financial Empire (T1), Study (T2), Leader of Mishima Financial Empire (T3 and T4), None (T5)
Hobby Meditation, bathing, collecting shoes
Likes (T2) Geta collection, (T3) Ruling the world
Dislikes Explosions, Jack robots, Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, Jinpachi Mishima



Heihachi Mishima is a character in the Tekken series. Heihachi Mishima has been featured in Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Also, Heihachi has been confirmed to be in Tekken 6.

Heihachi Mishima (三島 平八, Mishima Heihachi; his given name in Japanese translates to "Flat Eight" in English. All Mishima given names end with the kanji 八 (meaning eight), pronounced as "Ya", "Pachi", or "Hachi").

He also one of the bonus characters available to play as or against in Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis, for the Playstation, alongside fellow Namco characters, including Richard Miller (from Time Crisis), Pac-Man, Reiko Nagase, and fellow Tekken characters Eddy Gordo and Yoshimitsu (in his Tekken 3 incarnation). Heihachi also appears as a playable character in the PlayStation 2 veresion of Soul Calibur II.

Heihachi Mishima is the host of Tekken, Tekken 3, and Tekken 4. He is the father of Kazuya Mishima and grandfather of Jin Kazama. Heihachi's fighting style is Mishima Style Fighting Karate. He is the founder and the "Commander" of the Tekken Force Unit.

Family Life

Heihachi was born as the heir to the rich, powerful, and well-respected Jinpachi Mishima, the owner of the powerful Mishima Zaibatsu and a world-famous martial arts master. During this time, Heihachi married and eventually had a son of his own--Kazuya. It is believed that Heihachi's wife Kazume died either in childbirth or not long afterwards. Heihachi raised Kazuya harshly; in his mind, he was forging a strong heir to eventually pass the Mishima Zaibatsu to. Much to his chargin, Kazuya grew up kind and frail, perhaps due to the more loving treatment he received from his grandfather, Jinpachi (see Kazuya's Tekken 5 ending). At some point, Heihachi betrayed Jinpachi and stole the Zaibatsu from his father. His motives for this act are as-of-yet unknown, but it can be speculated that he disagreed of Jinpachi's lack of ruthless aggression and his "soft" treatment of Kazuya. After assuming control, Heihachi began to steer the Zaibatsu into the military industry while his father vanished. After some time, Jinpachi attempted to launch a coup to retake the Zaibatsu from his son, but failed and was ultimately imprisoned underneath Hon-Maru, where he would remain for either close to, if not, exactly 50 years.

Creation of a Devil

Finally fed up with Kazuya's "weakness", Heihachi tossed his son down a deep ravine, claiming that if he were truly his son, he'd be able to survive the fall and climb back up. Kazuya actually managed to do so, but only because he'd made a deal with the Devil in order to survive (See Devil Gene). To further motivate Kazuya, Heihachi adopted a Chinese orphan named Lee Chaolan, and he raised him as a rival to his true son. It's assumed that Heihachi never really cared about Lee at all, and only used him to irritate Kazuya. Over the years, Kazuya traveled abroad and competed in martial arts championships, becoming an undefeated champion (the only blemish on his record being a draw against Paul Phoenix). Eventually, Heihachi decided it was time to test his son's strength, so he announced the Rave War/King of Iron First Tournament.

Much to Heihachi's surprise, he is beaten by his son. Kazuya tosses him off a cliff, like Heihachi did to him when he was younger. However, being the man that he is, Heihachi manages to survive, and he returns two years later as a competitor in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, which was being hosted by Kazuya. After winning the contest, he has a showdown with Kazuya, and defeats him. Afterwards, he tosses Kazuya, who had proven to be much too dangerous, into a volcano, killing him.

Heihachi's Scheme

Sometime later, he created the Tekken Force (Tekkenshu in the Japanese version), and used them as a quick-response group to appease the nations of the world. One day, 15 years after the end of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, the Tekken Force find ruins in Central Mexico and discover Ogre, who destroys them all. Later, Heihachi is approached by a young man, who claims to be his grandson, Jin Kazama. Heihachi takes in Jin and teaches him Mishima Style Karate for his own selfish purposes of using him as bait for Ogre. At the same time, Heihachi notices that Jin Kazama possesses the same "dangerous power" as his father, and resolves to eliminate him when he's served his purpose. At the conclusion of the tournament, Jin succeeds and defeats Ogre, but Heihachi betrays him and shoots him in the forehead. Surprisingly, Jin survives, transforms into Devil Jin, and strikes Heihachi down before flying away.

Afterwards, Heihachi intends to combine his own DNA with that of Ogre, but he discovers that he would need the Devil Gene that Kazuya and Jin both possess in order to combine the DNA. Heihachi searches desperately for Jin over the next two years, but cannot locate him anywhere. Fortunately, for Heihachi, Jin was not the only one with a compatible Devil Gene. Heihachi discovers evidence that Kazuya's body was taken by G Corporation (a rival company) and used for research. Heihachi's Tekken Forces raid the G Corporation's facilities to discover that Kazuya has been resurrected by the corporation. Heihachi decides to hold the fourth Tekken Tournament (with his very company's ownership as the grand prize) in an attempt to lure Kazuya so that he may extract the Devil Gene. At the same time, he expects Jin Kazama to become involved, so he sets a trap. His plan is to send the Tekken Force to capture Jin, make the two Devil hosts fight one another, and then defeat the winner while he's hopelessly weakened. Everything goes as planned, except that Jin is able to defeat both his father and Heihachi. Luckily, Heihachi is spared Jin's wrath when a vision of Jin's mother, Jun Kazama, stops him in his tracks.

"Death" and Resurrection

Right after Jin's departure, an army of Jack-4 units, sent by the G Corporation, invade Hon-Maru. Heihachi and Kazuya fight together, managing to destroy several Jacks, but Kazuya throws Heihachi to the Jacks and uses the opportunity to escape. One of the Jacks activates a self-destruct sequence, detonating and completely destroying Hon-Maru, leading everyone to believe Heihachi is dead. In reality, Heihachi was thrown miles from the site, landing in a graveyard and remaining unconscious for weeks. But Heihachi, no ordinary man, survives the near-impossible odds to take part in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Analysis of Heihachi

Heihachi is considered by most fans to be somewhat of an "anti-hero"; not as evil as Kazuya, and not as noble as Jin. At times, his actions are cold-hearted (he used his own grandson as bait for a murderous monster) and sometimes, they are inspirational (he has survived every attempt on his life thus far from pure willpower). But, in general, Heihachi is not above betrayal, deceit, or committing small crimes in pursuit of what he perceives as a "greater good". Blood relation means nothing to him, once he believes that you are a threat, he will eliminate you without any hesitation.

Heihachi is basically the epitome of a self-made man. Heihachi believes in complete self-reliance and in being the best in every endeavor. The only charity he will give or alliance he will accept is in a case where it can be beneficial to himself. Thus, Heihachi treated his own son cruelly in an attempt to instill him with the same toughness. When Kazuya proved too stubborn, he resorted to drastic measures; an action that has come back to bite him on several instances. Occasionally, Heihachi will reward people that he deems as extraordinary. For example, he adopted Lee Chaolan after witnessing the orphan fighting, he took in Jin Kazama (and many believe he actually came to respect the boy's determination to defeat Ogre before he sensed the Devil Gene and decided to eliminate him), and admitted Ling Xiaoyu into his school (complete with Panda, a giant panda bodyguard) after she aggressively attacked one of his yachts. Of course, he also had ulterior motives to each of these actions, which fits into his personal code of mutual gain.

It's not yet known why Heihachi has become so interested in creating an "ultimate lifeform" by combining the DNA of himself, Ogre, and the Devil Gene, but it can be assumed that because he no longer wishes to succeed his company to either of his hereditary heirs (Kazuya and Jin), that the best he could do now would be to clone an heir and ensure that it would be worthy. Another theory is that he wants to find a way to use Ogre and Devil / Devil Jin's blood to make himself an immortal, thus making an heir unnecessary. A third theory is that his interest may simply have something to do with his desire to take over the world using these lifeforms. The answer to this will likely come in future Tekken installments.


  • Heihachi Mishima is one of the four Tekken characters that have appeared in all of the Tekken games (the others are Nina Williams, Paul Phoenix, and Yoshimitsu).
  • Despite being 75 years old (as of Tekken 5), Heihachi appears to be in superhuman health. However, he is still not Tekken's oldest combatant. Both Jinpachi Mishima and Wang Jinrei are his seniors by at least 30 years.
  • Heihachi's closest friend was Kuma, his bear bodyguard. After Kuma's death, Heihachi raised Kuma's son, Kuma II, but that Kuma left Heihachi to train in the wild after it lost to Paul Phoenix in Tekken 3.
  • In Tekken 4, Heihachi noticably wore hand and foot wraps when Jin defeated him. However, he only wore wrist and ankle bands in the Tekken 5 opening when the Jack-4s attacked.
  • In Tekken 3, when Ogre is defeated, he seems to absorb Heihachi to transform into True Ogre. However, if you defeat Ogre with Heihachi, Jin Kazama will be absorbed instead.
  • Heihachi actually forgot that he had left Jinpachi imprisoned under Hon-Maru, according to both his and Kazuya Mishima's Story Mode dialogue.
  • Heihachi has been voiced by Daisuke Gouri since Tekken 3, but he was voiced by Banjou Ginga in Tekken and Tekken 2.
  • In the Devil Within side game, it is revealed that Heihachi has been cloned by G Corporation. Apparently, they cloned him four times. They are the final bosses of Level 2. It is unknown if Devil Within is canonical or not.
  • Since it was revealed that he never took part in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, therefore, his appearance in Tekken 5 is non-canon.
  • Heihachi's sub-bosses are Lee Chaolan, Jack-5 and Kazuya Mishima.
  • Heihachi's name translated into English is "Mishima flat eight."
  • Heihachi is the final boss in the Tekken 4 mini-game "Tekken Force." His stage is "Hon-Maru."
  • In Tekken 3, Heihachi is unlocked after beating the game seven times.
  • Heihachi is a playable character in Tekken 4 after beating the game 8 times.
  • In Soul Calibur II, Heihachi's destined battle is Raphael.
  • Heihachi makes a cameo appearance in Death by Degrees. He is shown on a screen talking to Enrique Ortega.
  • Heihachi Mishima's new win animation in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection features Heihachi laughing, followed by Heihachi saying, "That felt good. Next!" This is similar to a scene in Heihachi's Tekken 5 / Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Story mode, where, after defeating Jack-5, followed by headbutting it four times, Heihachi laughs. Then, Heihachi will say, "I feel much better now! Next!" Heihachi's movements, as well as the sounds of his words, are similar, as well.


Tekken 1

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Tekken 1 Heihachi Mishima.
Tekken 1 Heihachi Mishima.

Heihachi is the host of this tournament. During this tournament, Heihachi was defeated by his son, Kazuya Mishima. Kazuya took over the Mishima Financial Empire, and he ruled it to his heart's content.

Tekken 2

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Tekken 2 Heihachi Mishima (On Left.).
Tekken 2 Heihachi Mishima (On Left.).

Version 1

Beaten by Kazuya in the previous tournament, in an instant he lost both his fame and family. Having spent his previous time indulging in deviant acts instead of training, he vows to regain what he has lost.

Version 2

Ever since his son, Kazuya Mishima took over the Mishima conglomerate, Heihachi has been training to regain what was once his. After he defeats his son and watches the death of Kazuya, Heihachi will gain back the Mishima Financial Empire.

Ending Animation "A Son's Fall"

Heihachi is seen walking while holding an unconscious Kazuya in his arms. This takes place after Heihachi has defeated Kazuya and won The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. Heihachi drops Kazuya's body in a volcano. Heihachi is shown leaving by helicopter while holding onto a ladder. The volcano erupts, and then a closeup of Heihachi smiling is shown.

Tekken: The Motion Picture

Tekken: The Motion Picture Heihachi Mishima.

Heihachi Mishima is featured in Tekken: The Motion Picture.

Tekken 3

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Tekken 3 Heihachi Mishima.

Family matters... Heihachi retrieved the Mishima Financial Empire by defeating his son.

Scheming to further develop the MFE, Heihachi organized "Tekken Force", the MFE's private corps, and dispatched them to settle disputes and bring wasteland under cultivation to feed the poor countries of the world, in order to gain the support of leaders worldwide.

Fifteen years later, a secret excavation of Central American ruins by the Tekken Forces unearths an unusual find. They were annihilated by a mysterious being. Heihachi realized that the mysterious being could be the legendary Ogre, and took action to realize his life's goal: to capture Ogre and therefore rule the world.

One day, Heihachi was visited by a 15-year-old boy named Jin Kazama. Being informed that Jin was his grandson and hearing what had happened to his mother, Jun, Heihachi reasoned that Ogre thrives on the "strong souls" of others. Heihachi trained Jin to use him as a decoy to lure Ogre.

In Jin's 19th year, Heihachi declared to the world that the third "King of the Iron Fist Tournament" was forthcoming. At the same time he noticed that Jin, the youngest of Mishima bloodline, began to show the same dangerous power Kazuya had. Heihachi decided to dispose of Jin after he lures Ogre, in order to end the doomed destiny of the MFE.

Ending Animation "A Grandson's Fall"

Heihachi defeats True Ogre, and True Ogre dissolves into nothing. Heihachi takes a moment to rest. He notices Jin laying on the ground, unconscious. Next, some helicopters are shown flying in the sky. Heihachi and Jin, who is still unconscious, are onboard one of them. Jin is laying down on what appears to be a stretcher, and Heihachi is sitting next to him. A short while later, Heihachi notices that devil markings are appearing on Jin's forehead. Then, Heihachi picks Jin's body up and throws it out of the helicopter. Heihachi watches Jin's body fall.

Tekken Tag Tournament

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Tekken Tag Tournament Heihachi Mishima.

Heihachi is featured as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament. However, Tekken Tag Tournament is not a part of the Tekken series' canonical storyline.

Ending Animation

While sitting on the ground, Heihachi imagines beating up Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima. Then, Heihachi is shown smiling. This ending takes place in Jin's first Tekken Tag Tournament stage, which is called "Jin-A".

Tekken 4

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Tekken 4 Heihachi Mishima.
Tekken 4 Heihachi Mishima.

Two years ago, Heihachi failed to capture Ogre. He made his researchers collect blood and tissue left behind by Ogre and attempted to create a new life form by combining its genetic material with his own. The experiment failed, however, and Heihachi learned that he lacked the Devil Gene necessary to integrate Ogre's genome into his.

In order to obtain the Devil Gene, Heihachi searched for Jin, who transformed into a devil during the last Tournament. During the search, Heihachi learned that the body of his son, Kazuya - whom he killed 20 years ago - was stored at a cutting-edge biotech firm called G Corporation.

Heihachi ordered his Tekken Force to raid G Corporation in an attempt to obtain Kazuya's remains. They obliterated G Corporation's laboratory, and the mission appeared to be successful. .That was until Kazuya, revived by G Corporation, retaliated and caused the mission to fail.

Heihachi needed Kazuya or Jin's body to create the new life form. After much deliberation, an evil smile crept onto Heihachi's lips.

The next day, an announcement was made for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, with the Mishima Zaibatsu as the prize.

Ending Animation "Heihachi Fin"


Heihachi did not kill Kazuya outright. "Come with me if you want to see your son," Heihachi said, and led Kazuya out of the arena.

A few hours later, the two were deep within the Mishima Zaibatsu compound.

A massive temple stood in the midst of a forest enshrouded in fog.

The two entered the building...

The end of the text.

Heihachi and Kazuya enter Hon-Maru. They notice Jin Kazama chained up. Kazuya gasps. Two chains wrap around Kazuya's arms, and then he is suspended in mid-air like Jin. A short while after Kazuya is suspened, two more chains wrap around his legs. Kazuya struggles to get free. Kazuya says, "You think this'll stop me?" Kazuya continues struggling to get free. Heihachi says, "Did you think I'd be dumb enough--to let you in here without--a leash to tie you down? That chain has the ability to neutralize your powers. An individual saturated with the Devil Gene, such as yourself--will lose consciousness in a matter of minutes!" Heihachi laughs. Then, he says, "Now, all the pieces are in position! Be thankful that the two of you will die--helping me achieve my objective!" Heihachi laughs again, and then he starts to walk out of the building. Heihachi plans to create a new lifeform by combining their Devil Genes and Ogre's genetic material (samples of its blood and tissue) with his (Heihachi's) body. White text on a black screen says, "Thereafter, the world came to know an age of darkness..." The text disappears, and the ending video ends.

Soul Calibur II


Heihachi Mishima in Soul Calibur II.
Heihachi Mishima in Soul Calibur II.

Heihachi Mishima is a playable character in the PlayStation 2 version of Soul Calibur II, which was released in 2003. Heihachi's moves are different in this game, such as Heihachi's "Flash Punch Combo" (the command for this move is "1,1,2" in the Tekken series, but it is "F+2,2,2" in Soul Calibur II). However, some moves are still the same (Heihachi's "Demon Uppercut" is "f,F+2" in the Tekken series and in Soul Calibur II). Heihachi has also received new moves in Soul Calibur II (such as "1,1,2", where Heihachi throws a "hook" punch, followed by a "backhand" punch, and, finally, Heihachi pushes both of his fists forwards. The name of this move is "Thunder Twin Hammer").


After completing his mountain training with Kuma, Heihachi stopped by at a hot springs resort to recuperate. There he encountered an ancient metallic fragment. According to old picture scrolls, this shard was a piece of Soul Edge, a notorious sword from medieval Europe. Heihachi grabbed the fragment in excitement and accidentally cut his fingertip.

After a moment of dizziness passed, Heihachi looked around at his surroundings. A feeling of uneasiness washed over him. He was no longer at the resort he had been at just a few moments ago. Heihachi was stunned, but nevertheless remained collected.

After he wandered around for a while, he came to the conclusion that he was no longer in modern-day Japan. He had somehow traveled back to ancient times. Apparently, he was in the latter half of the 16th century.

Regardless of the situation, Heihachi had to find a way to return to his time.

There was a part of him, however, that was trembling with anticipation of what was about to transpire. He knew the history behind the fragment, which was rife with battles between warriors fighting for its possession. Now, he was right in the midst of it all.

What better way to test his strength than in a warring era ruled by power? A fighter could not ask for a better challenge!

Ending Animation

Image: An image of Heihachi standing with his arms at his sides. The background is a vortex-like background.
Text: Seeking battles, Heihachi threw himself into the vortex of chaos surrounding the evil blade.

Image: A black screen.
Text: He fought capable warriors day and night, defeating them one after another.

Image: Heihachi throwing a punch and shattering Soul Edge.
Text: And in the end, Heihachi challenged the demonic sword that stood in the very center of the fray.

Image: Heihachi throwing a punch and shattering Soul Edge (the same image).
Text: After defeating the best, Heihachi came to and realized that he was back in his familiar time.

Tekken 5

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Heihachi Mishima facing Kazuya Mishima in Tekken 5.

Head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and sponsor of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Heihachi Mishima.

After losing to Jin Kazama, Heihachi was cornered by a group of Jack robots in Honmaru. Heihachi and Kazuya began to fight off the Jacks together but Kazuya fled and Heihachi was caught in the explosion when the Jacks detonated.

The tremendous explosion would have killed a normal man but Heihachi, no ordinary man, managed to survive.

A month later, Heihachi learned that someone had taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and planned to hold the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Heihachi, having fully recovered, was determined to enter the tournament.

"I don't know who's behind this but the Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!"


Stage 4: Jack-5

Heihachi encounters Jack-5 while on the Final Frontier, realizing that it is "one of the things" that attacking him at Hon-Maru. After defeating it, Heihachi continually headbutts Jack-5, saying that this is what it means to mess with Heihachi. Jack-5 falls, and Heihachi, feeling much better, exclaims "Next!"

Stage 8: Kazuya Mishima

Heihachi runs into Kazuya, thinking that he betrayed him. Kazuya tells Heihachi that hadn't, and that he hadn't entered the Tournament "to hear his ramblings." Heihachi doesn't understand what Kazuya means by this, until it is spelled out for him (he then realizes that Jinpachi has been set free). After gaining victory, Heihachi looks down to an unconcious Kazuya, saying that Jinpachi must be waiting for him.

Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima

Heihachi and Jinpachi are staring at each other, arms crossed. Heihachi insults Jinpachi, saying that the years haven't been to kind to him. Jinpachi then dares Heihachi to repeat that after his transformation. After winning, Jinpachi tells Heihachi to do as he pleases; however, Heihachi tells him to get up, since the worst is yet to come (like being blasted off into space).

Ending Animation

A rocket is shown while a female voice does a countdown, starting with thirty. The rocket is preparing to launch. It is revealed that Jinpachi, Kazuya, and Jin are strapped onto the rocket with chains. They all try to get free, but they fail. After the countdown is over, a female voice says, "Ignition!" The rocket is launched and all of them scream. Heihachi looks at their faces with binoculars and laughs until the ending video ends.

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Heihachi Mishima.

Heihachi Mishima's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

Tekken 6

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Heihachi Mishima fighting Asuka Kazama in one of his alternative outfits in Tekken 6.

After being assaulted by the Jack force, Heihachi wakes up only to find out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 has already ended. He goes back to Zaibatsu headquarters only to find the Tekken Force blocking his way. After the next Iron Fist Tournament is announced and Heihachi finds out that Jin Kazama is the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he is enraged and declares that he will get everything back.

Character Relationships