Miguel Caballero Rojo

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Miguel Caballero Rojo
Origin Spain
Fighting Style Garyuno Kenka Kakutou-waza
Age 26 (T6) ([1])
Blood Type Unknown
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Occupation Bullfighter
Hobby Unknown
Likes His sister
Dislikes Jin Kazama


[edit] Introduction

Miguel Caballero Rojo is a character who is scheduled to appear in Tekken 6. Miguel was featured in the design phase in a trailer for Tekken 6 ([2]) (seen between 2:05 and 2:07), although most people didn't notice it. He was referred to as "Manly Man" before his real name was confirmed.

[edit] Fighting Syle Information

Miguel (a.k.a - "Manly Man") is a bullfighter who has a unique style of fighting. It is noted that he hasn’t studied any martial arts. It has also been confirmed that Miguel has a special stance ([3]). One of his stances is called "Savage Stance" ([4]). Some of the commands for Miguel's moves are "1,2,4", "f,f+2", "d/f+1,1~F (goes into "Savage Stance")", "("Savage Stance") b+1,2", "FC d/f+2", and "d/f+1+2" ([5]).

[edit] Trivia

  • Miguel has a third outfit in Tekken 6 that shows him not wearing a shirt ([6] and [7]).

[edit] History

[edit] Tekken 6

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Miguel in his second outfit in Tekken 6.

Despising the thought of having his life in the hands of others, Miguel sought to live it on his own. Even after being raised by strict parents, Miguel's blood thirsty personality found him starting fights with people around him and caused him to be seen as a rebel. Countless arguments with his parents forced him to leave home at the age of 15, and soon he found sanctuary at a bar he visited often. Miguel trusted no one except his kind-hearted sister, whom he cared about more than anyone. She visited him secretly without their parents knowing about it. Some time later, Miguel’s sister told him that she was to be married. Miguel, being outraged by this, thought of killing her fiance. On the day of the wedding, Miguel watched the ceremony from outside of the church, not wanting to be seen by his parents. Under the clear blue sky, almost as if it was a blessing, a line of planes passed by the wedding. Just a moment later, a burning inferno covered the scene. Miguel was blown away, and although he was in great pain and almost collapsed, he tried desperately to look for his sister inside the remains of the church. Later on, Miguel found her already dead, her wedding dress soaked in blood. Miguel’s screams echoed throughout the ruins. Some time after, Miguel discovered that the air raid was ordered by the Mishima Zaibatsu, and with hatred he vowed to get revenge on the Zaibatsu’s leader, Jin Kazama.

[edit] Character Relationships