Armor King

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Armor King
Origin Unknown
Fighting Style Professional wrestling
Age Unknown
Blood Type Unknown
Height 6'4"
Weight 201 lbs
Occupation Professional wrestler
Hobby Challenging dojo leaders
Likes Beer
Dislikes Craig Marduk, nonalcholic beverages


[edit] Introduction

Armor King is a character in the Tekken fighting game series. Armor King has been in Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken Tag Tournament, and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Also, Armor King has been confirmed to return in Tekken 6.

Armor King was once the enemy of King I, but, eventually, they became very close friends. Armor King is King II's mentor and companion. He is part of a Mexican tribe who carries around the Jaguar masks that both King and Armor King wear. Armor King's left eye has been colored red ever since he left his jaguar tribe. Unfortunately, between the third and fourth tournament, Craig Marduk started a bar brawl in Arizona, and Armor King was killed. However, Armor King appears in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Whether this is the same Armor King, or a successor like the second King, is currently unknown, as very little information has been released about Armor King in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

[edit] Trivia

  • Armor King does not speak. He only growls like a jaguar.
  • Armor King's sub-bosses are King (T1 and T2) and Craig Marduk (T5: DR).
  • In Tekken, Tekken 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament, Armor King's alternate costume (chosen by pressing the "X" button or the "Circle" button while choosing Armor King) shows Armor King wearing blue armor instead of black and silver armor. However, in Tekken Tag Tournament, Armor King has a third costume which does not show him wearing armor. Also, in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Armor King's alternate costume does not show him wearing armor. However, Armor King's costume that doesn't show him wearing armor in Tekken Tag Tournament and Armor King's costume that doesn't show him wearing armor in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection are different (the costume in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection has a white design on it and shows Armor King wearing gloves).
  • In Tekken 1, Tekken 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament, Armor King's growls were much deeper than King's / King II's. In Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Armor King's growls were exactly like King II's.
  • Armor King's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Prologue is only two pages long. This makes Armor King's Prologue the shortest, as everyone else's Prologues are three pages long.
  • Armor King was featured in the official trailer for Tekken 6 ([1]). This confirms his appearance in Tekken 6. He was mostly shown fighting Leo in the trailer, but he also fought Asuka Kazama some.

[edit] Story

[edit] Tekken 1

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Tekken 1 Armor King.
Tekken 1 Armor King.

Armor King has travelled from one wrestling ring to another in search of a worthy opponent. He met his match in a Mexican village. They became bitter rivals for many years to come. Years ago, during a match, King made a mistake and smashed one of Armor King's eyes. Afterwards, King bathed in the spotlight of the Pro Wrestling World while Armor King went down the opposite road.

[edit] Tekken 2

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Tekken 2 Armor King.
Tekken 2 Armor King.

Unfortunately, a child died in King's arms after his orphanage was built. Soon after, King chose the path of a drunkard, stopped entering wrestling tournaments, and disappeared for large amounts of time. King felt as if he did not deserve to own the powers of the enchanted jaguar mask.

Armor King became worried for his friend / rival and intervened just in time, as King was at the edge of a breakdown. He eventually finds King drunk in an alley. Armor King threw the enchanted jaguar mask at his feet, and he told King of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 and his second chance at getting back up on his feet.

With that said, King came to his senses and began a furious training regime.

[edit] Ending Animation "Locker Room"

Lines that represent a heart beating and some x-rays are shown. Also, a ticking sound can be heard. The camera zooms in on Armor King. Armor King is sitting on a bench in a room. There are some lockers behind him. Armor King watches a drop of water drip from a sink faucet. Then, Armor King gets up and starts to walk out of the room. Suddenly, his eyesight starts failing and he stumbles, almost falling to the ground. Some drops of blood fall from Armor King's red eye. A few seconds later, Armor King gets back up and walks out of the room. Some applause and a cheering crowd can be heard as Armor King leaves the room.

[edit] Tekken 3

Years later, King was attacked and killed by Ogre. However, a new King, King II, emerges. Armor King begins to train King II how to fight, how to use the enchanted mask, and how to use the mask against Ogre.

[edit] Tekken Tag Tournament

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Tekken Tag Tournament Armor King.

Armor King is a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament. However, Tekken Tag Tournament is not a part of the Tekken series' canonical storyline.

[edit] Ending Animation

Armor King and King fight. They appear to be evenly matched, but Armor King emerges as the victor. After being defeated, King looks up at Armor King, who has his arms crossed. Then, King pounds the ground in frustration with one of his fists. This ending takes place in King's stage.

[edit] Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Armor King.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Armor King.
[edit] Prologue

The mysterious masked wrestler, Armor King...

Just who is behind the steel armor and black jaguar mask and what do they seek?

The answer is veiled in mystery.

That is all that is said about him in his Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection prologue. However, the game suggests that it might be THE Armor King who makes an appearance in the game. Although there is no mention of him being the original Armor King, his storyline has him fighting Craig Marduk, Armor King's supposed murderer, at Stage Four. A possibility is that the new Armor King is a successor of the original, well aware of Armor King's past history and with an agenda of avenging his teacher's death.

[edit] Interlude

Stage 4: Craig Marduk

Armor King (left) and Marduk (right) confronting each other, as seen in Armor King's Stage 4 interlude when playing Story mode.
Armor King preparing to kick Marduk in the face, as seen in Armor King's Stage Four interlude when playing Story mode.

Craig Marduk is walking when he notices Armor King behind him. Armor King remains silent. Marduk says, "I don't know who you are, but you'll pay for messing with me!" After Armor King wins, Marduk, who is now on the ground, asks, "Who the hell are you?" Armor King does not say anything, but kicks Marduk in the head and he raises a fist while growling.

[edit] Ending Animation

Armor King defeats Jinpachi Mishima, and Jinpachi dissolves into dust while Armor King watches. After Jinpachi dissolves into dust, Armor King turns around and begins to walk away. As he walks away, he passes King, who is walking towards him. Armor King walks past him. Then, King runs up to him and tries to get his attention. Suddenly, Armor King kicks King in the stomach, grabs him, jumps high into the air, and piledrives him into the ground, head first. After King's body hits the ground, Armor King looks at him for a few seconds before walking away. King regains his strength after a few seconds and gets up off of the ground. Then, King says (growls), "I know that move from somewhere."

Note: Seeing as how Armor King attacks King II in his epilogue, it is suggested that he may be the successor of Armor King instead of being the original Armor King. If the original Armor King would have met King II here, he would probably have greeted King II a lot more friendlier. But seeing as Armor King's successor would not know much about the friendship between them, he would have attacked King II in that manner, but this is just speculation.

[edit] Tekken 6

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Armor King (right) fighting Eddy Gordo (left) in Tekken 6.

During The King of Iron Fist Tournament, Armor King attacked Craig Marduk and then vanished.

Who is this man hidden behind the black jaguar mask and steel disguised as Armor King? What's his relationship to King and for what reason did he attack Craig?

Still hidden in mystery, the gong for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 has already been rung.

[edit] Character Relationships

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