Asuka Kazama

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Asuka Kazama
Origin Osaka, Japan
Fighting Style Kazama Style Ancient Martial Arts (風間流古武術)
Age 17
Blood Type AB
Height 5'3"
Weight 107 lbs
Occupation High school student
Hobby Vigilantism
Likes Confrontation
Dislikes Cocky people


[edit] Introduction

Introduced in the video game Tekken 5, Asuka Kazama is more famously known as the cousin of the series' protagonist, Jin Kazama.

Before releasing the game in the Arcades, franchise developer Namco released images of three new characters as part of their Tekken 5 promotions back in 2004. Amongst the new characters were Asuka, a Chinese kenpo-user named Feng Wei, and a mysterious Black man dressed in ninja gear named Raven. Immediately afterward, speculation began to spread about Asuka's role in the story and her possible relation to Jin Kazama.

Asuka is surprisingly brash and arrogant. Though her profile states that she breaks up fights regularly ("by knockout", as added in the game's prologue), she seems to have no qualms about fighting herself and even seemingly revels in it. In her story mode, after defeating her target, Feng Wei, she decides to remain at the tournament in order to "have fun". Her pre- and post-match quotes also demonstrate her confidence.

It is also worth noting that Asuka speaks with a very heavy Kansai Japanese dialect (Kansai is a region of western Japan encompassing the cities of Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe).

One awkward bit of fan speculation addresses a potential romantic relationship between Jin Kazama and Asuka Kazama, which several fans have formulated after viewing the circumstances of the two cousins' first encounter. However, there is little to suggest that such a pairing may actually occur, despite the conditions of their meeting often used as a setup for many romantic couples in several popular forms of Japanese media.

[edit] Trivia

  • Asuka's name is written as 風間 飛鳥 (Kazama Asuka) in kanji and as かざま あすか (Kazama Asuka) in hiragana.
  • Asuka is voiced by Shiraishi Ryoko.
  • Asuka's sub-boss is Feng Wei.
  • In Tekken 6, she retains her two default costumes.
  • Asuka's school uniform is selectable by pressing triangle after purchasing it for 500,000 gold. Her geisha-like outfit is selectable by pressing O after purchasing it for 500,000 gold.
  • Asuka's geisha-like outfit shows a tattoo saying "Tsuutenkaku" written in kanji. "Tsuutenkaku" is the name of a famous tower in Osaka, Asuka's hometown, and may have been the one Asuka jumped off of during the Tekken 5 opening.
  • Like several other characters, Asuka has special move she can do (that only works with Jin Kazama) called "Ultimate Tackle". Asuka will charge up, and then knock Jin over punching him in the face several times while yelling: "idiot, dumbass, friggin' asshole, stay there!" ([1]).

[edit] Story

[edit] Tekken 5

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Tekken 5 Asuka Kazama.
Tekken 5 Asuka Kazama.

[edit] Tekken 5 Manual Version

Ever since she was a child, Asuka received training in Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts from her father. One day, Asuka's father was roughed up and sent to the hospital. A police detective told Asuka the perpetrator was likely to enter the tournament, so she decided to enter as well.

[edit] Official Version

Ever since she was a child, Asuka had received training in Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts from her father. Born with a strong sense of justice, Asuka was well known around Osaka for breaking up fights in the neighborhood.

Upon returning home one day, Asuka found pupils of her father had been roughed up. She learned from her father's pupils that an unknown Chinese man (Feng Wei) showed up at the dojo, severely beat them, and put Asuka's father in the hospital.

Several days later, an Interpol detective from Hong Kong (Lei Wulong) came to investigate the incident, mentioning that the suspect is most likely planning to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament. Upon hearing this, Asuka decides that she will also enter the tournament.

[edit] Interludes

Stage 4: Feng Wei

Asuka runs into Feng Wei and asks him if he has seen a "strange Chinese Kenpo fighter," not realizing that he is the one who she is talking to. Asuka begins to describe him. She realizes that she is talking to Feng Wei. He introduces himself. Asuka claims that he is her father's sworn enemy, and then the two begin to fight.

When Asuka wins

Asuka is exhausted after a hard fight with Feng after he collapses to the ground. She admits that he is strong, but not strong enough for her. She then decides to stay in the Tournament, after she has avenged her father, to "have some fun."

Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima

Devil Jin is shown fighting Jinpachi Mishima. Frustrated, Devil Jin yells that he will take everything, running over to Jinpachi; however, Jinpachi easily knocks him out of the way. Asuka sees this and realizes that she will have to defeat Jinpachi herself.

[edit] Ending Animation

Asuka defeats Jinpachi Mishima, who dissolves into dust. Meanwhile, the advanced effects of Devil Jin's transformation disappear (the horns and the wings are gone), leaving a half-transformed Jin. Asuka rushes to Jin and tries to revive him, wondering what she should do. Though she is unaware of it, her touch undoes the final remnants of the Devil Jin transformation, and Jin wakes up in his human state. Alarmed at his unfamiliar surroundings, Jin tries to stand up quickly, tripping over Asuka and landing face-first between her breasts. Enough time passes for a small rock to roll to the ground before Jin finally sits up. Asuka, embarrassed at first, immediately turns angry and demands for Jin to explain himself. Jin, however, seems to be completely oblivious to the moment and continues to wonder where he is. Believing this to be a front, Asuka angrily punches Jin into a large rock, calling him a pervert as she does this, and then she stomps away angrily, leaving Jin to ask, "What was that all about?" Afterwards, a rock falls on his head.

[edit] Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Asuka Kazama.

Asuka Kazama's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

[edit] Tekken 6

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Asuka Kazama in Tekken 6.

Asuka entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to avenge her father, who was injured by Feng Wei. She was unable to find Feng Wei, and, as the tournament ended, she returned to her calm and normal life.

However, her life didn't stay peaceful for long, as Asuka discovered that Jin Kazama was the man responsible for the terrible war going on all over the world. She enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 in order to capture Jin Kazama.

[edit] Character Relationships

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