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Eddy Gordo

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Eddy Gordo
Origin Brazil
Fighting Style Capoeira
Age 29
Blood Type B
Height 6'2"
Weight 165 lbs
Occupation Heir to/owner of a multi-million dollar corporation
Hobby Leadership Training
Likes Power
Dislikes Weakness



There has been some talk of whether Eddy and Christie have been good for the game of capoeira. On one hand they have popularized capoeira, but on the other they are adding to the misconceptions about the art. Capoeira still has strong underlying philosophies which haven't been separated to create a corporate sport like has happened to most martial arts.

Eddy Gordo's nickname, Faisca, means "spark" in Portuguese.

Some of Eddy's moves are gymnastics, not capoeira. Specifically the flare, windmill, and handstand movements.


Tekken 5

Tekken 5 Eddy Gordo
Tekken 5 Eddy Gordo

Eddy Gordo, legendary Capoeira prodigy.

Eddy's master was about to be freed from prison after a long incarceration. Eddy went to the prison to meet his master but instead found a frail old man that was only a shadow of the strong Capoeira master he once knew.

Upon taking his master to a hospital, Eddy was told his master had an incurable illness and had less then six months to live. However, it may be possible to discover a cure if they had access to the technology and resources of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Several days later, Eddy decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 with Christie.

Ending Animation

Tekken 3

Tekken 3 Eddy Gordo
Tekken 3 Eddy Gordo

Eddy was born into one of the richest families in Brazil. Since he was a small boy he knew he would one day take over the family business. He was well-liked in his home town because he was a hard worker who treated others as his equals.

One day, when he was 19, Eddy came home from school to find his father shot and dying. He recalled that his father had been unusually nervous and fearful in recent weeks.

Eddy's father working to destroy the drug cartel in Brazil. His untimely death occurred just when he had obtained enough evidence to put the kingpins away for good. In his last breaths, Eddy's father told him, "Now is not the right time to fight. Falsely admit to the crime and hide in prison. Only there will you be safe". Eddy went along with his father's last wish and the model student went from a life of luxury to incarceration as a murderer.

Prison life was hell and not a day went by that Eddy didn't vow to get even with his father's killers. One day during a prison riot he watched an old man with great power fighting using a technique he called Capoeira. For 8 years Eddy practiced until he became a master and could be considered a lethal weapon.

Upon his release from prison, Eddy heard about the 'King of Iron Fist Tournament 3' and the MFE. He decided to enter the tournament, believing he could persuade the MFE to help him seek his long-awaited revenge.

Ending Animation "Fixer"

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