Forest Law

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Forest Law
Origin USA
Fighting Style Jeet Kune Do (listed as "Martial Arts" in the T3 and TTT booklets)
Age 25
Blood Type B
Height 5'10"
Weight 146 lbs
Occupation Marshall Dojo, Second Master (maybe)
Hobby Shopping
Likes Credit cards (paid for Paul's Tournament entrance fee and gas as well)
Dislikes Riding on the back of Paul Phoenix's motorcycle (Paul's driving scares him).


[edit] Introduction

Forest Law first appeared in Tekken 3. Forest also appears in Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken Advance. He is Marshall Law's son. They have the same fighting style and the same moves. Like his father, Forest is friends with Paul Phoenix. Forest's name is sometimes spelled "Forrest".

[edit] Trivia

  • Forest Law's bosses in the Tekken Force side game in Tekken 3 are (in order of appearance) Paul Phoenix, Hwoarang, Eddy Gordo, and Heihachi Mishima.
  • Forest Law appeared in a TV commercial, aired in the year 2000 by the Swiss Milk Producers Association, where he fought and lost against their cow mascot, Lovely. ([1]).
  • Forest and his father Marshall are possibly to be voiced by one voice actor.
  • It was rumored, though not confirmed, that Lili defeated Forest in a street fighting tournament prior to the events of Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. The rumour was based on a man, wearing attire similar to one of Forest's outfits, was seen lying on the ground in Lili's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection prologue.
  • In his attires in Tekken Tag Tournament, his first selection attire resembles Bruce Lee's from Enter The Dragon. His fifth selection resembles the yellow tracksuit of Bruce Lee from Game Of Death.
  • Forest may appear in Tekken 6.

[edit] Story

[edit] Tekken 3

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Tekken 3 Forest Law.
Tekken 3 Forest Law.

[edit] Manual Version

Forest is Marshall Law's proud son. Paul dragged him into the Tournament, but now he feels that this is an ideal opportunity to prove his strength to his father and to himself.

[edit] Offical Version

Living in his father's shadow... The proud son of Marshall Law, Forest trains at his father's dojo to achieve Law's success and greatness. As a protective father, Marshall has forbidden his son from entering any contests outside the dojo. Marshall's long-time friend and competitor, Paul Phoenix, visits once every few months to spar with Marshall.

One day when Paul arrived, Marshall was away supervising the building of a new dojo. Paul insisted that Forest join him in some training exercises. Forest declined knowing that his father would disapprove. But Paul wouldn't take no for an answer.

Unaware of Marshall's restrictions on fighting, Paul suggested to Forest that he join "The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3." Paul sold Forest on the idea by telling him he's a better fighter than his father. Forest knew his father would be angry, but he had to prove that he was worthy of one day inheriting the dojo. Marshall was enraged when he found out what happened. To him, it was as if his son had been kidnapped.

[edit] Ending Animation "Middle Age"

Paul and Forest arrive at Marshall's Dojo on Paul's motorcycle. Paul and Forest walk into the building and meet Marshall Law. They walk in and bow their heads slightly. Marshall looks angry. Marshall points behind himself with one of his thumbs. Paul, Marshall, and Forest are then seen stretching. Then, they are seen preparing to perform some sort of move. Forest performs a suicide kip-up. A noise can then be heard. Forest looks over to see Marshall and Paul. Marshall is shown laying on the floor on his stomach, and Paul is shown sitting on the ground. They did not successfully do the suicide kip-up. Forest shrugs.

[edit] Tekken Tag Tournament

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Tekken Tag Tournament Forest Law.

Forest Law is featured as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament, a non-canonical Tekken game. This is Forest's last appearance as a playable character.

[edit] Ending Animation

Forest and Paul Phoenix are training in Forest's first Tekken Tag Tournament stage (called "Law-A"), performing many mirrored punches and kicks. Suddenly, they turn to each other, not realizing their position, and accidentally kick each other in the crotch. Both of their faces are distorted as they scream in pain and fall to the ground.

[edit] Tekken 5

Although Forest does not participate in the fifth tournament, he plays a significant role as he is the reason for Marshall entering. During this time, Forest went for a joyride on Paul Phoenix's bike, despite his reservations against it, and ended up causing a major traffic accident. This is the reason why his father, Marshall, decides to enter the tournament in order to pay off the large sum of property damage and Forest's hospital bills that arose from the situation.

[edit] Character Relationships

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