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== Character Relationships == == Character Relationships ==
*Student of [[Baek Doo San]] *Student of [[Baek Doo San]]
-*Enemy of [[Jin Kazama]]+*Rival of [[Jin Kazama]]
[[Category:Playable characters]] [[Category:Playable characters]]

Revision as of 00:30, 30 January 2007

Origin Seoul, South Korea
Fighting Style Tae Kwon Do
Age (T3) 19, (T4) 21, (T5) 21
Blood Type O
Height 6'0"
Weight 150 lbs
Occupation Gang Leader,geneur
Hobby Yachting (good at all sports)
Likes Rock music, street fighting, quarelling,
Dislikes Mishima Style Karate, Jin Kazama



Tekken 3 Rival Tekken tag tournament Fin Hwoarang Tekken 4 Fin Hwoarang Tekken 5 Taekwondo Fall


Hwoarang was voiced by a Korean Voice Actor (alongside Baek Doo San) in Tekken 5. He bears the nickname, Blood Talon, and the pseudonym 'Bob' (Boy on Bike), allegedly because gamers have difficulty in pronouncing his name.

When it writes a name in the Hangul Alphabet, it is 화랑

When it writes a name in the kanji, it is 花郎


Tekken 5

Tekken 5 Hwoarang
Tekken 5 Hwoarang

Tae Kwon Do ace and rival of Jin Kazama, Hwoarang.

Hwoarang was taken into custody by the South Korean military during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long awaited fight with rival Jin Kazama.

Hwoarang was taken to the Korean embassy where he was brought before the ambassador. "You have received an official pardon granting you immunity from charges related to this incident. Also, we have received urgent military papers addressed to you. Please read them immediately!"

After reading the papers Hwoarang stood up abruptly. "I can't believe it. Are you sure this is correct?"

Two months later, Hwoarang finishes his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang is free to pursue a confrontation with Jin Kazama.

Tekken 4

Tekken 4 Hwoarang
Tekken 4 Hwoarang

Hwoarang was drafted into the military back in his homeland of Korea and was assigned to a special operations division. Although his successes in various missions were highly regarded along with his prowess at Tae Kwon Do and combat techniques, his penchant for disobeying rules and orders gave his senior officers more than a few headaches.

Hwoarang was uninterested in military life and felt a strange emptiness within him. He longingly recalled the days of hustling money in street fights and the rush he experienced from hand-to-hand combat. He often thought of one fight in particular - the fight against Jin Kazama. These longings could not be quelled by the military.

One day, Hwoarang found out about the announcement of the next Tournament. Hwoarang's blood stirred. He would defeat Jin, Heihachi Mishima, and anyone else who dared to challenge him to claim the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Filled with excitement he hasn't felt in years, Hwoarang slipped out from the military base and headed for the Tournament.

Tekken 3

Tekken 3 Hwoarang
Tekken 3 Hwoarang

Manual Version

Hwoarang entered this Tournament after Ogre attacked his mentor Baek, who Hwoarang respects greatly. He wants to redeem himself by taking revenge against Ogre and defeating Jin Kazama (Hwoarang failed to beat Jin in a previous fight).

Offical Version

A student of Tae Kwan Do who works out at Baek Doo San's dojo, Hwoarang makes a lot of money through dishonest gambling wagers. As part of what's called a fraud team, he and other members pick fights for money. They manipulate the odds by concealing their true strength. Hwoarang escalates the odds against him and makes what appears to be a foolish wager. His opponents soon realize they're the real fools when Hwoarang soundly beats each and every one of them.

One day, members of the Mishima Group came to town, including among them Jin Kazama. Hwoarang talks them into his game and is matched against Jin. Hwoarang embarrassingly can only manage a draw. He hangs his head in disbelief at the first blemish in his perfect career. Sickened at the thought of having to tell his teacher, Baek, the bad news, Hwoarang vows to practice every day to guarantee that it would never happen again. Then, terrible news -- Ogre claims Baek as yet another victim.

Hwoarang now has a purpose in life. He will participate in the tournament, beat Jin Kazama and seek revenge against the God of Fighting: Ogre.

Character Relationships