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Origin Unknown
Fighting Style Sheer Force
Age 0
Blood Type None
Height 7'8"
Weight 370 lbs
Occupation None
Hobby None
Likes Jane
Dislikes None


[edit] Introduction

Jack-5 is a character in the Tekken fighting game series. Jack-5 was featured in Tekken 5 and the PlayStation Portable version of Tekken 5, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Jack-5 was sent to the fifth tournament for field testing.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Story

[edit] Tekken 5

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Tekken 5 Jack-5.

[edit] Tekken 5 Manual Version

JACK-5, beloved heavy machinery soldier with no heart. Two years ago, a physicist completed the mass-produced fighting weapon, JACK-4. Later, she started development of JACK-5 based on the data collected from the deployment of JACK-4. She sees the upcoming tournament as the perfect chance to test her latest weapon.

[edit] Official Version

Beloved Jack-5... Two years ago, a physics scientist named Jane tried to sneak into Mishima industries with Gun Jack. However, they were discovered by a Tekken Force patrol and were fired upon. Gun Jack placed himself in the line of fire to protect Jane. After the hail of bullets stopped, Gun Jack had ceased to move.

The day after, Jane was found and rescued by a G Corporation freighter. Jane joined the robotics division of G Corporation and successfully created Jack-4. Jane used data collected from Jack-4 and began work on a newer model, Jack-5. She saw the upcoming King of Iron Fist Tournament as the perfect chance to test the latest model, equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

[edit] Interludes

Stage 4: Heihachi Mishima

Jack-5 encounters Heihachi at the Final Frontier. As Heihachi is speaking, Jack-5 prepares its Data Analysis Program. After defeating Heihachi, Jack-5 headbutts him several time (like in Heihachi's interlude with Jack-5) and then punches him upward, sending Heihachi flying.

Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima

Jinpachi says "Die." Jack-5 has now found his primary target and is ready to fight. Upon victory, Jack-5 walks over to Jinpachi and beginnings jabbing his unconcious body several times. Jack-5's analysis has successfully been completed.

[edit] Ending Animation "Fin"

Jane is seen working on her laptop in front of a deactivated Jack-5. After a moment, Jack-5 becomes active; however, Jack-5 is going haywire, destroying everything in the room. Just when he is ready to destroy Jane, the newly uploaded memories kick-in and Jack-5 remembers who Jane is, stopping the madness. He picks up Jane and they go on happily ever after.

[edit] Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Jack-5.

Jack-5's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

[edit] Character Relationships

[edit] "Jack" Robots

Jack • Prototype Jack • Jack-2 • Gun Jack  • Jack-4 • Jack-5 • Jack-6

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