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This article is about the first King. For the second, see King II.

Origin Mexico .
Fighting Style Professional Wrestling.
Age 32.
Blood Type A.
Height 190 cm.
Weight 85 kg.
Occupation Except for Professional Wrestling, it is a mystery.
Hobby Watching the smiling faces of children.
Likes Jaguars (the animal), and children.
Dislikes Sad children.

King is a video game character in the Tekken fighting game series.


[edit] Introduction

King is a masked wrestler who fights to help fund and support his orphanage. Armor King is King's friend and rival, and Armor King is King's sub-boss in both Tekken 1 and Tekken 2, King's only appearances in the Tekken series. King was supposedly attacked and killed by Ogre, which is why King makes no further appearances. King II takes King's place, name, and moves in Tekken 3 and subsequent games.

[edit] Trivia

  • King does not speak. He only growls like a jaguar.
  • The children in his endings in Tekken and Tekken 2 are real people.
  • The character of King was inspired by both legendary Japanese pro wrestler Tiger Mask, who also had his own cartoon and comics, and real life Mexican wrestler Fray Tormenta, who just happened to be a catholic priest who became a masked wrestler in order to support an orphanage.

[edit] History

[edit] Tekken 1

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Tekken 1 (Arcade version) King.

King is a famous wrestler from Mexico. King used to be a ruthless street brawler with no care in the world except fighting. In one of King's fights, King was grievously wounded and collapsed in front of a monastery. The Marquez priests saved him from death. After recovering, King realized how wrong he was, and he wanted to start a new life. It was then that he became a Catholic priest and renounced his old fighting ways. He then became a man with a mission: to build an orphanage so that street children will have a home to go to and not end up like what he used to be. Needing finances for the building of the orphanage, King discovers The King of Iron Fist Tournament. Against the monastery's order not to join, King enters the tournament. He did receive the money, but with a heavy price: he was excommunicated from his order.

King's Tekken 1 Story, taken from the console version's booklet: A mysterious masked wrestler. He is an outstanding young man who usually takes care of orphans. However, once he puts on his mask he turns into an extremely strong masked wrestler who cannot be stopped by anybody. He is taking part in the tournament in order to get funds to found an orphanage. In the past he was an orphan himself and was taken in by a friendly family.

[edit] Ending Animation - Church

An orphanage is shown, and kids begin running out of it. King is standing outside, and all the kids go around him, jumping up and down with joy.

[edit] Tekken 2

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Tekken 2 King.
Tekken 2 King.

King managed to win third place in the King of Iron Fist tournament and had enough money for his orphanage, but while a child died in his care, King became wracked with guilt. Too ashamed to return home to the ones he loved so much, he removed his mask and once again went back to the streets. Soon, he began to heavily drink alcohol. Armor King found King and convinced him to wear the Jaguar Mask again and join The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. The second tournament gave King another reason to live: for the sake of the children in his orphanage. There he lost to Armor King and after the second tournament, King return to his orphanage and participated in both pro-wrestling and martial arts tournaments to win money to help his orphanage. He also taught his fighting skills to the children under his care as a means of self-defense.

King's Tekken 2 Story, taken from the console version's booklet: King helps orphans by managing an orphanage with money he earns from Pro Wrestling. Unfortunately, the orphanage is running out of money and King has turned to heavy drinking. He decides to participate in the tournament to regain the children's hearts and to pull his life together.

[edit] Ending Animation - Children

King is standing outside of his orphanage, watching his foster children celebrate Christmas around an attendant. It is snowing outside. Ashamed after having lost the tournament, King leaves some presents outside for the orphans and walks away, but is stopped by the happy children who run after him.

[edit] Tekken 3

Unfortunately, King was attacked and supposedly killed by Ogre. King II takes his place, name, and moves in Tekken 3 and subsequent games.

[edit] Character Relationships

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