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Revision as of 21:07, 19 February 2006; view current revision
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Origin Unknown
Fighting Style Ninjutsu
Age Unknown
Blood Type
Height 6'2"
Weight 176 lbs
Occupation Intelligence agent
Hobby Unknown
Likes Hair dye
Dislikes Failure



His ninjutsu fighting style is highlighted with his teleportation moves and extremely quick maneuvers. He is highly similar to Kunimitsu, a character who has not made a canonical appearance since Tekken 2. To date, despite not being of Japanese origin Raven is actually the most traditional (and some would say even lightly accurate) Ninja in the Tekken series. His fighting style, a combination of grappling, take-downs, and heavy strikes has light inspirations from supposedly real hand to hand combat ideologies practiced by the Ninja. By no means perfectly accurate, it is however more accurate than the typical multi-hitting speed demon style often used by Ninja's in video games as real Ninja often opted for quick take downs and grapples to incapacitate. Many of Raven's other qualities are much more traditionally Ninja (as depicted in fiction at least) like than that of Yoshimitsu, such as his tendency to leave a scene by jumping into the air, his hand symbols, and his poses. Raven's second player outfit is very traditional Ninja complete with flowing scarf, light armor, hood and a cowl. On a humorous note, when Yoshimitsu fights Raven in story mode Raven cannot believe that Yoshimitsu is a Ninja, as his fighting style and colorful as well as deceptively clumsy style is supremely unlike that of a Ninja (It can be argued too that Yoshimitsu is quite far away from the archetypes of a Ninja despite being one by profession). Raven in a rare showing of personal agenda, eagerly takes on Yoshimitsu to show him true Ninja fighting. If Yoshimitsu loses, Raven will attempt to teach Yoshimitsu the traditional Ninja hand signs of "Mundra's"(A long time Ninja trait in fiction) with humorous results as Yoshimitsu has difficulty remembering them. Indeed, a lighthearted moment for the rather stoic Raven.

Raven bears some similarities to Wesley Snipes. He takes characteristics from some of the characters he has played in films. (Simon Phoenix's hair, Blade's style and also shares similar clothing, etc) However, when asked if the similarities were intentional, Namco stated that it was purely coincidental. Raven has enjoyed a warm reception for his unique fighting style, and for the fact he's a rarely seen ethinticity when it comes to Ninja's. He is considered high tier as Raven has very damaging moves designed to counteract many other strategies.

Whatever costume Raven wears, he always has two Kunai strapped to his waist. Curiously, he never uses them in any of his moves despite his rather cinematic use of them during Tekken 5's intro movie making short work of a Jack unit. Another rather interesting thing to note is that the name Raven, obviously lifted from the bird itself, is a reference to the Japanese demon Tengu, sometimes Ravens in general are called Tengu as well. What makes this interesting is that in Japanese mythology as well as history, Ninja were sometimes called Tengu due to their dark outfits and covert ways. Some Japanese myths encorperating anthromorphic animals such as Tanuki and Kitsune often depicted Tengu (Anthromorphic Ravens along similar lines to Tanuki.) as Ninja's. This is in fact, one of the most ancient archetypes of the Ninja.

Raven is voiced by Jack Merluzzi.


Tekken 5

Tekken 5 Raven
Tekken 5 Raven

Codenamed 'Raven', he is known as one of the most skilled and ruthless agents from a certain government intelligence agency to which he belongs. Other than the x-shaped scar on his face, little is known about him.

While on a mission to investigate connections between Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, he witnesses Heihachi Mishima being assaulted by a deployment of Jacks and the explosion that ensues when the Jacks self-destruct.

Afterwards, news reaches Raven that The King Of Iron Fist Tournament will be held. Raven decides to enter in order to gather intel about the tournament and the motives of those behind it.

Character Relationships
