Tekken 3

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Tekken 3 Logo.

Tekken 3 is the third game in the Tekken series. It was released in Arcades in Summer, 1997, and for the PlayStation on March 26, 1998 (Japan), October, 1998 (United States), and November, 1998 (Europe). Tekken 3 is considered by many to be the pinnacle of the series, as well as the best fighting game for the Playstation. It was released during the peak of the 3D Fighting game genre and the PlayStation's popularity, selling over 6,000,000 copies worldwide, which is double than what Tekken 2 ever sold. Critics consider Tekken 3 to be one of the greatest video games of all time. This is because it excels in just about all aspects, such as graphics, sound, features, gameplay, and replayability. In December 2006, it was ranked #6 on Game Rankings top ten games of all time and on GameSpot's top ten list it was ranked #10.


[edit] Opening Movies

[edit] Arcade

[edit] PlayStation

[edit] Story

The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 draws to a close. Jun Kazama comes to the stunning realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil. But she cannot help being drawn to him, propelled by a mystic force beyond her control. Several days later, the final challenger arrives to face Kazuya, the organizer of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. In a reprise of the first Tekken tournament, the father and son clash in a cursed blood battle. Eventually, Heihachi emerges, scarred, but victorious, to regain control of the immense Mishima Conglomerate. Unaware of Devil's presence, Heihachi casts the lifeless Kazuya into a fiery volcano.

As Kazuya's body burns, the Devil appears before the pregnant Jun Kazama in a bid to enter the soul of the new life beating within her. But in a desperate struggle for the future of her child, Jun defeats Devil and retires to desolate Yakushima so as to raise Kazuya's son, Jin, alone.

Having regained control of the Mishima Conglomerate, Heihachi sets about to further increase his powers. He embarks on a crusade to win the trust of world leaders by putting wars and conflicts to rest. Using his immeasurable wealth, he forms the Tekkenshu, a mercenary group employed to quell conflicts efficiently. He also takes a strong interest in the well being of developing nations by helping them build agricultural systems that will sustain them. Through Heihachi's efforts, the world appears to be regaining peace.

Around fifteen years have passed, and Jin Kazama is now 15 years old.

Under Heihachi's orders, the Tekkenshu are excavating a Central American archeological site when they discover a mysterious life form. Heihachi orders the creature's capture, but loses contact with the Tekkenshu after a garbled radio message, "... they are all dead... Toshin (Fighting God)?!..."

Upon arriving at the dig, Heihachi finds a field of corpses. Heihachi is wracked by sorrow, but also realizes that the power of the mysterious life form could be the key to his long dormant dream of world domination. To obtain this mysterious power of Toshin, and the world, Heihachi tempts the fates once again...

Within weeks, strange disappearances occur throughout the world. Persons of strong soul, masters of martial arts and other derivative fighting disciplines are reported missing... with no knowledge of their whereabouts.

Jun Kazama instinctively picks up on the dark power encroaching on her life. She has no understanding of what it is, but senses that she has become a target. Accepting her destiny, she tells Jin everything she knows of their haunted past to prepare him for the fateful day she now feels is imminent. She tells Jin to go to his grandfather Heihachi if anything befall her.

Her intuition proves right on a cold, stormy night. Toshin comes to the mountains bringing a chilling, swirling wind. "Run away!" cries Jun. But against his mother's pleas Jin opts to face Toshin and is knocked unconscious.

When Jin awakens, the house and everything around it is burned to the ground. Jin searches frantically for his mother but she is nowhere to be found.

Jun has died at Toshin's hands. Honoring her instructions, Jin goes to Heihachi and begs to be trained in order exact revenge. Heihachi, hearing Jin's tale, is convinced that Toshin is after the souls of powerful fighters. To attract Toshin, Heihachi decides to host The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3.

Four years later, on Jin Kazama's 19th birthday, the curtains rise for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3.

[edit] Trivia

  • If you put the Tekken 3 disc into a CD player (or activate the "CD player" function on your game console), the 2nd track will play. The 2:37 song is called "The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 3: Enter The Tekken."
  • "Theater mode" is available after beating the game with all starting characters.
  • If you have any saved data from Tekken or Tekken 2 on your memory card, you can view any unlocked FMVs from the games while in Theater mode.

[edit] Fighters

[edit] Returning Characters

[edit] New Characters

[edit] Bonus Characters (PlayStation Version Only)

  • Doctor Boskonovitch (unlockable by beating him in the extra stage of Tekken Force, available only when you complete it for the fourth time)
  • Gon (unlockable by either defeating him in the Tekken Ball mode, by placing third in the Survival mode and entering GON as your initials, or by beating the game with Doctor Boskonovitch)

[edit] Locations

[edit] Manufacturer's description

They said it couldn't be done.... they were WRONG! Tekken 3 is coming to PlayStation with even more play modes than before, improved graphics, and over 1,000 thundering attack moves! Heihachi and Kazuya lock horns for the final time to decide who is the head of the Mishima Financial Empire. Tremendous wealth and power to go to the winner. For the loser, a burial in a volcano crater. But for the greedy Heihachi, even this is not enough as he prepares for global domination. And then, a baby is born... Fifteen years later, a secret excavation by Heihachi's Tekken Force unearths an unusual find. In their final communiqué with Heihachi, his men report the sighting of a mysterious "God of Fight". Heihachi immediately heads to the scene aboard his private jet, but upon arrival, he finds only scattered corpses. The wheel in his head starts to spin... "Who is responsible? What kind of thing could do this?" Within weeks, strange disappearances occur throughout the world. The baby is now a teenager. He seeks out Heihachi and introduces himself as Jin Kazama, only son of Jun. His family has been wiped out by this "God of Fight", and now Jin wants revenge. Upon hearing Jin's story, Heihachi is sure that the "God of Fight" must thrive on the spirits of the strong. He decides to resurrect "The King of the Iron Fist Tournament" one more time in order to lure the God of Fight into a trap. Jin enters his 19th year. Four years of tuition under Heihachi Mishima have prepared him for his meeting with destiny. The tournament is about to begin...

[edit] Tekken 3 Images

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