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Getting up

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During the night, Yoshimitsu snuck onto someone's server and stole bits and parts of this article from it, if not the whole thing!!
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Getting Up From Grounded Position All moves works for every character unless otherwise noted in the footnotes, this chart does not apply to Lei for the most part, see the Lei move list for more details on his grounded moves and options. The first column indicates your position on the ground.

Pos Cmd Move Name Dmg Range F Hit B Adv H Adv CH Adv Note KND u Stand Up x x x x x x

 3 Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD BS RC 
 4 Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
 5 Tag Out x x x x x x   
 (1_d+1) Roll Sideways x x x x x x #1 #5 
  = ~D  = Face Down Position x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD BS RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
  = f_b  = Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
    = 3    = Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD BS RC 
    = 4    = Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
    = ~D    = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 
    = f+1+2    = Head Dive 15 m 50 +2 KD KD   
  = b,b+3+4  = Rising Feet Lunge  20 m 30 -22 KD KD #2 #4 
 f_b Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD BS RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 
  = f+1+2  = Head Dive 15 m 50 +2 KD KD   
 b+3+4 Rising Feet Lunge 20 m 30 -22 KD KD #2 #4 
 b+4~3 Quick Feet Lunge               
 d+(3_4) Ankle Kick 4 l 13 22 -11 -11   

PCD u Stand Up x x x x x x

 3 Low Kick Rise 7 l 24 -17 -3_KD KD RC #3 
 4 Mid Kick Rise 10 m 24 -14 -5 KD   
 5 Tag Out x x x x x x   
 (1_d+1) Roll Sideways x x x x x x #1 #5 
  = ~D  = Knock Down Position x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD BS RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
  = f_b  = Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
    = 3    = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD BS RC 
    = 4    = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
    = ~D    = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 
 f_b Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 

SLD u Stand Up x x x x x x

 3 Low Kick Rise 7 l 26 -19 -8_KD KD RC #3 
 4 Mid Kick Rise 10 m 26 -19 -10 KD   
 5 Tag Out x x x x x x   
 (1_d+1) Roll Sideways x x x x x x #1 #5 
  = ~D  = Play Dead Position x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 26 -19 -8_KD KD BS RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 26 -19 -10 KD   
  = f_b  = Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
    = 3    = Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD BS RC 
    = 4    = Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
    = ~D    = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 
 f_b Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 22 -16 -7_KD KD RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 12 m 22 -18 -9 KD   
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 

PLD u Stand Up x x x x x x

 3 Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD RC 
 4 Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
 5 Tag Out x x x x x x   
 (1_d+1) Roll Sideways x x x x x x #1 #5 
  = ~D  = Slide Position x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD BS RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
  = f_b  = Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
    = 3    = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD BS RC 
    = 4    = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
    = ~D    = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 
 f_b Roll Forward_Roll Back x x x x x x   
  = 3  = Low Kick Rise 7 l 20 -15 +6_KD KD RC 
  = 4  = Mid Kick Rise 10 m 18 -14 -4 KD   
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching x x x x x x RC 

Foot Notes#1 To roll to the background use 1and to roll towards the foreground use d+1.

  1. 2 Paul, Yoshimistu and Kunimitsu will do Backspring into a Head Dive. Move stats are 20 m 62 +10 KD KD.
  2. 3 FCD 3 can be used as juggle starter.
  3. 4 King, Armor King, Roger and Eddy do a Spiral Lunge and are back turned. Cannot be done after a side roll. B Adv -38.

Tech Roll or Quick Rising Tech Rolling or Quick Rising, is the technique where the character gets up at the moment of impact with the ground instead of waiting to be fully grounded before getting up. In order to do this you must input the required command as your character hits the ground. If you do it early or late your character will end up being completely grouned.

Position Command Move Name Note Any ~5 Tech Tag Out Any (~1_~2) Tech Roll towards the background

  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 

Any (~3_~4) Tech Roll towards the foreground

  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 

Any ~b Roll Back KND ~f Back Spring GS SLD ~f Hop Up FCD ~f Hop Up - Back Turned Towards Opponent

Not all knockdowns can be teched, prime examples would be bounce knockdowns such as Bryan's b+1, spinning knockdowns such as Jin's f+3 and long range counter hit knockdowns such as Paul's qcf+2. A few special types of tech rolls are possible from specific knockdowns and unlike Tekken 3 you can tech roll most long range knockdowns in Tekken Tag Tournament.

Knockdown Command Move Name Note Long Range PLD or KND any Any of the above mentioned Tech Get Ups Long Range SLD or FCD ~5 Tech Tag Out

 (~1_~2) Tech Roll towards the background   
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 
 (~3_~4) Tech Roll towards the foreground    
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 

Violent Knockdown ~b Back Spring Long Range Throws (~1_~2) Tech Roll towards the background

  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 
 (~3_~4) Tech Roll towards the foreground    
  = ~D  = Recover Crouching RC 

Roll Back Knockdown ~D/B Slide Up

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