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Lee Chaolan
From Tekkenpedia English
Lee Chaolan | |
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Origin | Japan |
Voiced By | Ryotaro Okiayu |
Fighting Style | Martial Arts (T1, T2, TTT). Combined Martial Arts / Advanced Jeet Kune Do (T4,T5/T5:DR) |
Age | 25 (T1) 27 (T2) 48 (T4,T5/T5:DR) 49 (T6) |
Blood Type | A |
Height | 5'9" |
Weight | 67 kg |
Occupation | Secretary and short-hand, currently a G-Corporation shareholder |
Hobby | Playing golf, hang gliding, paragliding, flying kites and fighting |
Likes | Women, Tobacco (mentholated), Wang, Alisa Bosconovitch, Julia Chang, his second adoptive brother, the robot he created, Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law |
Dislikes | his adoptive elder brother and his adoptive father |
Contents |
Lee Chaolan was introduced in Tekken and returned for every subsequent game, except Tekken 3.
- In his T4, T5 and T6 Scenario Campaign endings, the final part is of Lee saying "Excellent!".
- He often wears a Unicorn on his clothing, an animal known as a symbol of purity, elegance, and charm. It's also known for courage and strength.
- He seems to possess a company called Violet Systems, as shown in Tekken 6.
- He did not appear in Tekken 3.
- Lee is Kazuya's stage 8 sub-boss. When you beat arcade mode with Kazuya, Lee will be unlocked and when you use Lee in Arcade, Kazuya will be Lee's stage 8 sub-boss.
- Lee is Heihachi's stage 8 sub-boss. When you beat Arcade Mode with Heihachi, Lee will be unlocked and when you use Lee in Arcade, Heihachi will be Lee's stage 8 sub-boss.
- Lee is selectable after beating Story Mode with Violet, his alter-ego, which to keep the Mishima Zaibatsu from discovering his true identity.
- Lee's sub-bosses are Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi Mishima.
- Lee can be customized to look like Violet, his alter-ego from Tekken 4.
- Lee can also be customized to look like a member of the Tekken Force and can also be customized to somewhat resemble Tuxedo Mask from the anime series Sailor Moon.
- Lee can be customized to look like Raphael Sorel from the Soul Calibur series. His Item Move is a rapier and his movements with it are similar to Raphael's.
- Lee can again be customized to look like his alter-ego from Tekken 4, Violet.
- In the Scenario Campaign mode, Lee becomes an ally of his adoptive younger brother, Lars and helps him take down Kazuya and G Corporation. In the end, Lee owns Lars a debt for helping him and promises to fix Alisa Bosconovitch's body.
- It is the first Tekken where Lee meets his adoptive nephew, Jin.
- Lee's nickname, the "Silverhaired Demon", is brought up in the "Abyss Gate" stage of Scenario Campaign, where the spectators and Steve Fox refer to him using this name.
Analysis of Lee
Pertaining to Heihachi Mishima as his adopted son, Lee Chaolan was entitled to the Mishima Zaibatsu just as much as Kazuya Mishima. It was only after the events of Tekken 2 that Lee sidetracked from the central plot of Tekken saga, though still retaining a strong affiliation.
In Tekken 2, Lee was convinced by Wang to assist in the defeat of Kazuya, in order to return some degree of honor to the Mishima Zaibatsu. After the events of Tekken 2, Lee was consumed with rage and desire for vengeance towards Heihachi, very similar to that which his older brother experienced. However, instead of letting the hatred consume him like it did Kazuya, Lee instead chooses to more-or-less forgive his father, and live a quiet life away from conflict.
Lee Chaolan is usually very level-headed and mature, only allowing his judgment to be clouded by pride when dealing with the matters of the Mishima Family (mostly his rivalry with Kazuya). He always shows a serene expression while fighting in the Tournament, and a swish attitude in most of his pre-match and winning animations. He often tends to taunt his opponents and use the phrase "C'mon!".
As a whole, Lee can be best described as a neutral character, inclining towards moral excellence and yet containing a degree of cunning and ruthlessness, should the need arise for such qualities. Apart from his bitterness towards the Mishima Clan, Lee is a sumptuous businessman who would rather live and let live.
Appearance and Outfits
- See main article, Outfits (Lee Chaolan).
Lee Chaloan has distinctive silver hair which covers most of the top part of his head and he has dark gray eyes. His primary outfit is a vest with the face of a unicorn at the back, leather pants, gloves and shoes. His secondary outfit is a classical tuxedo. Their colours vary with the series. His appearance is though to be based on Dante, the protagonist of the Devil May Cry video-game series, due to the great similarities between their hair styles and colours.
In Tekken 5 and Tekken 6, his primary outfit shows an indigo vest and brown pants while his secondary outfit shows a jet black tuxedo.
In Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, his primary and secondary outfits are both entirely violet.
In Tekken 6, Lee can perform his item move when his outfit includes a red rose and/or a rapier.
His first item (rose) is a taunt with a brief stun effect - Lee elegantly throws his rose towards his opponent and says "C'mon".
His second item (rapier) is a linear attack move - Lee performs a swordplay and simultaneously advances and attacks his opponent.
Before the events of the original Tekken, Heihachi sent Lee to the U.S. to handle the Mishima Zaibatsu's operations there, and to continue his business education. While Heihachi trained Kazuya in the art of Mishima Style Fighting Karate, Lee studied with Paul and Law in the U.S. This is the reason of some of the moves that Lee shares with Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law.
Lee's parents died when he was a young child, leaving him to fend for himself on the streets. Facing a hostile environment each day, he quickly became a skilled scrapper with reflexes that were amazing for a boy of his age. It was these qualities that caught the eye of Heihachi, who witnessed Lee fighting off several other kids while on a business trip. Impressed by Lee's street-fighting skill, Heihachi decided to adopt Lee. Heihachi then took Lee Chaolan back to Japan to be educated.
Heihachi never actually felt any emotion towards Lee; the real purpose was to give Kazuya a rival to inspire him to shape up. Their combat skill is equal, but those who know Lee's power fear the "Silver-Haired Demon".
Both Lee and Heihachi were defeated by Kazuya Mishima, who then took charge of the Mishima Zaibatsu. He was forced to serve Kazuya as his underling, leading the Tekken Force and handling menial matters to his utter chagrin. Lee was later approached by Wang Jinrei who warned him about Kazuya, and asked his help in returning honor to the Mishima Zaibatsu. Lee instead chooses to help his boss by delaying Heihachi long enough for Jun Kazama to defeat the Devil that was possessing Kazuya.
Then, Kazuya opens The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. This time, Lee faced his stepfather, Heihachi Mishima, who was quite angry with him for helping his traitor son, Kazuya. Heihachi then defeated Lee Chaolan quite easily.
Ending Animation "Treachery"
A television screen states that Lee won The King of Iron Fist Tournament. There is also a blimp with his name on it floating in the sky. Other things are shown on many television screens throughout the city, such as the Williams Sisters, Angel, Pac-Man and Lee's face with the words "Thank you for playing with me!" flashing on the background.
Then, Lee is shown in his office behind his desk. While Heihachi and Kazuya are being shown behind bars, Lee gives a "thumbs-down". He then points to himself, and smiles.
'NB!' Lee Chaolan's Tekken 2 ending is non-canon, as it depicts him locking away Kazuya and Heihachi.
Lee Chaolan is featured in Tekken: The Motion Picture. Lee planned on using the Tournament to test out his new experiments on the fighters, and to defeat Kazuya Mishima. Before hand, Lee sent Nina Williams to assassinate Kazuya, although it ended in failure. He eventually sends Anna Williams to do the job, after Nina has failed a second time. After suffering an embarrassing defeat by Kazuya's hand, a now maddened Lee activates the island's self-destruct mechanism and is the first to die.
Lee Chaolan is featured as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament, a non-canonical Tekken game.
Ending Animation
While standing up, Lee Chaolan imagines beating up Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi Mishima. Then, Lee is shown grinning. This ending takes place in Jin Kazama's first Tekken Tag Tournament stage ("Jin-A").
Twenty years ago Lee was expelled from the Mishima Zaibatsu where he betrayed Heihachi, and sided with Kazuya at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2.
For quite some time, thoughts of revenge consumed Lee. Eventually, he realized that it was pointless to kill an old man, who probably had only a few years left in his life at best. With that realization, Lee distanced himself from fighting and moved to a mansion in the Bahamas to lead a solitary life.
One day, he discovered a huge sell-off of G Corporation's stock online. Lee's intuition told him that something happened within the company. His intuition was correct. He hacked into their classified computer network and accessed their internal corporate communications. Lee learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation and caused significant damage to their research facilities.
He also came across information that a new life form under development by the Mishima Zaibatsu would be completed by next year. In order to complete the life form, however, it appeared that they were missing a critical component...
Oddly enough, an announcement was made for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 around the same time. Lee's fading passion for fighting was rekindled - along with his resentment towards the Mishima clan.
In order to prevent the Mishima Zaibatsu from discovering his true identity, Lee signed up for the Tournament online under a false name, Violet. As additional measures to mask his identity, he dyed his gleaming silver hair purple, wore a pair of sunglasses, and donned violet clothes.
Ending Animation
The "Arena" stage is shown. The crowd is cheering for Lee. Lee thanks them. Then, he says that winning the tournament was not his ultimate goal. After he says this, he says that he participated in the tournament to gather test data for Combot, and to promote its application as the ultimate fighting machine. Then, he presents Combot, who is standing near the "The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 Final Stage" television screen, to the audience, and then he asks Combot to give them a demonstration. "Combot's" eyes start to glow bright red. Combot starts to walk down the stairs, but he trips and falls to the ground shortly after he starts walking. A disgusted look appears on Lee's face. A little bit of electricity comes from Combot's body as he gets up. Combot's eyes flicker. Angry, Lee says, "Damn it...". Combot starts running towards Lee as Lee goes into his fighting stance.
Lee won the tournament and finally achieved his dream of becoming the CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu.
The first Combot had a fatal bug due to its hasty development. Lee transferred the Combot development project to the Mishima Research Labs, where he spent large sums of money and gathered many brilliant engineers to develop the second prototype.
The end of the text.
A woman walks into Lee's office. She tells him that the new Combot prototype is finished. She lays a book on Lee's desk. The phrase "Combot II" can be seen on it. Lee says, "This one better work to spec." The woman tells him that combat experiments were conducted against Heihachi, and then she says that 10.23 seconds into the experiment, Combot unleashed a 50 hit combination. She finishes by saying, "Heihachi was completely helpless." Lee chuckles and says, "Excellent.", while mixing his glass of wine around. Lee is shown smiling.
Tekken 5 Manual Version
Lee Chaolan, adopted son of Heihachi and rival of Kazuya
Lee entered the previous tournament in disguise to defeat Heihachi. However it turned out to be Kazuya who was dead from the 2nd Tournament, Lee lost to Kazuya, his fight, focus and the tournament.
With his adopted father's death, Lee plans to take the Zaibatsu but he was too late. He mutters that Kazuya always get in his way.
A month later the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was announced, Lee was determined to have a rematch against Kazuya and take the Zaibatsu away from him.
Stage 4: Kazuya Mishima
Lee runs into Kazuya (while at the Final Frontier) and complains about how he always stands in his way of getting the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya insults Lee, saying it's a shame how stupid he is for not knowing the true nature of the Tournament. After defeating Kazuya, Lee jumps up and down happily, but manages to fall clumsily.
Stage 7: Heihachi Mishima
Lee is shocked to see Heihachi alive and well, when Heihachi tells him that he's too strong for something like that to kill him. After beating him, Lee stands over Heihachi's unconcious body, insulting him.
Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima
Lee walks through Final Stage 2. Jinpachi (in human form) walks up behind him and says, "I'm impressed that you've made it this far. I am Jinpachi Mishima. My goal... My goal is to destroy all existence!" Shortly after Jinpachi starts to speak, Lee turns around and notices him. After he finishes speaking, Jinpachi transforms into his "Devil" form.
Ending Animation - Poolside
After the tournament, Lee Chaolan returned to his quiet life at his mansion in the Bahamas. Lee relaxes on a chair while a woman in a bathing suit massages one of his legs. He snaps his fingers, signaling a bathing suit clad Heihachi to come nearer. Apparently, Lee has made Heihachi his waiter.
"Two fingers!" says Lee while extending two of his fingers.
"Yes Sir!" says Heihachi, muttering "Damn that bastard..." as he walks away.
Hearing that final remark, Lee threatened him. "You should hurry, if you don't want to die..." he says as he picks up a remote control that is on the table next to him. He presses a button, and many beeps come from the bow tie that Heihachi is wearing. Heihachi panics as he reminisces about explosion at Hon-Maru. He then runs away frantically while saying, "Right away Sir!".
Lee puts the controller back on the table and chuckles. As the woman next to him puts his sunglasses on, he relaxes and says: "Excellent!".
Lee Chaolan's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

Lee Chaolan took part in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to take revenge on Kazuya Mishima. However, the one who had opened the tournament was not Kazuya, but Jinpachi Mishima, and Chaolan, after learning this fact, lost interest in the tournament and returned to his home in the Bahamas.
Soon afterwards, the MFG, led by Jin Kazama brought the world to chaos, and around the same time G Corporation became a major opposition. Surprised by G Corporation's sudden military action, Chaolan, a major shareholder, conducted a private investigation with the utmost secrecy and discovered that it was Kazuya who was the real power behind G Corporation actions.
After obtaining information that Kazuya himself would take part in this tournament, Chaolan, using a shareholder's preferential treatment ticket, enters the tournament in order to get close to Kazuya.
Ending Animation "Golf Bomb"
Lee is preparing to play what seemed to be a normal game of golf....until it's revealed that Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama were strapped to what looked like rockets on the other side of the field.
Lee swings the first ball which only lands some distance from the three captive men. Heihachi laughs, gloating "You (Lee) missed!", only for the golf ball to explode, sending dust up the latter's face.
As a result, the first coil of rope comes loose on all three rockets while Lee himself prepares a golf ball with a bomb symbol on it.
A swing later, the bomb ball explodes near the rockets, sending them (Heihachi, Kazuya and Jin respectively) sky-high and exploding as fireworks against the blue sky.
A woman joyfully exclaims "Nice shot!" whilst clapping. Lee himself chuckles before the camera zooms in on to his face as he takes off his sunglasses and smiles directly at the camera, saying his famous catchphrase "Excellent".

Lee Chaolan's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion.
Pre-match | Post-match |
Performs "Acid Rain Combo" (f+3,3,3 from T4), then says "Come on!" | Performs "Silver Cyclone", then "Hitman Stance". |
Fixes gloves, then says "Come on!" | "You shouldn't take me too lightly." |
Takes a bow, then goes into fighting stance. | "You need to fight with more class." |
Does a spinning left kick, then enters "Hitman Stance". | Dusts chest off with his right hand. |
_ | Does a backflip, then moves arms apart. |
_ | "Give up, or you're gonna get hurt." |
_ | Holds left fist in front of his face, then lowers it. |
Family Tree
Jinpachi Mishima | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lars Alexandersson | Heihachi Mishima | Kazumi Mishima | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lee Chaolan | Kazuya Mishima | Jun Kazama | Asuka's father | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jin Kazama | Asuka Kazama | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Character Relationships
- Adoptive grandson of Jinpachi Mishima.
- Adoptive son of Heihachi Mishima.
- Foster brother of Kazuya Mishima and his rival regarding ownership of the Mishima Zaibatsu.
- Foster brother of Lars Alexandersson.
- Adoptive uncle of Jin Kazama.
- Trained with Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law in the U.S., prior to the events of the first Tekken.
- Was convinced by Wang Jinrei to bring honor to the Mishima Zaibatsu in Tekken 2.
- Violet is Lee's alter-ego.
- Creator of Combot.
- Employer of Nina Williams and Anna Williams, as well as Ganryu and Bruce Irvin in Tekken: The Motion Picture.
- Went out with Anna Williams in Tekken: The Motion Picture.
- Was defeated by Kazuya Mishima and then Heihachi Mishima in Tekken: The Motion Picture.
- In Tekken 6, he is helping Lars and Alisa to destroy Kazuya and his organization G Corporation.
- He's got a duty by Lars to keep Alisa Bosconovitch's body safe. He will also try to fix her back up after learning how she was built.
- Friend of Julia Chang who worked in G Corporation
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