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Left Drill Punch

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Left Drill Punch
Command 1
Stance Mental Alertness (2)
Damage 22
Hit Range m
Properties MS
Move Frames Hit Advantage
11 KD
Block Advantage CH Advantage
Chains from Chains to
Mental Alertness (2)

Left Drill Punch is a move introduced to Jin Kazama in Tekken 5 and in other Tekken games after Tekken 5. Despite appearing as a move when Jin made a transition from Mishima Style Fighting Karate and Kazama-Style Self Defense to Traditional Karate, it didn't appear in Tekken 4.

[edit] Usefulness and Conditions to use in

This move could stun a enemy for a while. It is also very useful to use this attack for any plan you have in mind. It can only be done after one has performed Mental Alertness (2).

It can be used when one is in a bad situation.

It can be used as a trick, so one can perform an Unblockable.

It can be used also as a trick as said above, and then one could perform a Supercharger or any other charging move in Jin's movelist.

It can also be used to perform any juggle or combo.

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