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Suigetsu Strike

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Suigetsu Strike
Command 2
Stance Mental Alertness (2)
Damage 24
Hit Range m
Properties CF
Move Frames Hit Advantage
11 KD
Block Advantage CH Advantage
Chains from Chains to
Mental Alertness (2)

Suigetsu Strike is a move introduced to Jin Kazama in Tekken 5 and appears in other Tekken games.

[edit] Why is it good and when to use it

It is a very strong move.

It could be used to do another move or Unblockable after it.

It could be used to do a Supercharger or any other charging move in your movelist.

It could be an excellent move for a plan you have in mind.

It could be used to do Supercharger or any other charging move in you movelist.

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