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Tagging basics
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Standing Tag The most basic of tags. These tags do not require any special directional or additional button input and do not require any specific character teams except for the Devil & Kazuya morph tag.
Tag Name Cmd Description
Standing Tag 5 Tag out from any standing position
Grounded Tag 5 Tag out from any grounded position
Tech Tag 5 Tag out as you hit the ground.
Stunned Tag 5 Tag out during fall over stun or double over stun
The Devil & Kazuya team is extremely limited in their tagging abilities. The standing tag is replaced by an on screen morph tag. Since there is no run involved in this particular tag you cannot use any of the tag run moves. Other tags such as grounded tags, stunned tags, juggle tags and even tag throws are completely off limits for this team. Even though the morph tag has a shield type property up close it leaves you extremely vulnerable to a retaliation attack. There is one way to get around the morph tag however, if you manage to run under the opponent after a juggle starter you will be able to execute a regular standing tag.
Juggle Tag One of the safest tags in the game and possibly a starter for a high damage combo. Juggle tags are simply executed by pushing the tag button right after you execute selected juggle starters. If the juggle starter doesn't connect or is blocked the input will just be ignored and nothing happens. View the character move lists to see which juggle starters allow tagging.
Tag Run Moves This refers to moves that can be done by the character running in after a tag, not the character running out of the screen. Most of the characters have standard tag run moves, the exceptions to the rule will be addressed later on.
Tag Name Cmd Dmg Range F Hit B Adv H Adv CH Adv Note
Tag Run Cancel u/b,b x x x x x x #1
= Tag = 5 x x x x x x
Tag Head Dive f,f,N+1+2 30 m 18 0 KD KD #2 Tag Slash Kick f,f,N+3 30 m 20 +17 KD KD Tag Slide f,f,N+4 17 l 14 x KD KD
Foot Notes#1 Nina, Paul and Bryan can also do this with a qcb motion.
- 2 In close range B Adv +10. Allowing for a free jab juggle starter like in Tekken 3.
You can also incorporate side steps into a tag run or even cancel the run into a side step. This comes in very handy for doing some cool looking juggles after a class 1 tag which simply aren't possible without a tag run side step cancel. The commands are screen related, not character side related. Side step up means you will side step to the background and side step down means you will side step towards the screen. Some commands conflict with the evasive backflip command for characters that have this move such as Yoshimitsu. The chart will indicate for which characters the command doesn't work. Depending on what you want to do after the side step, you will also need to cancel the side step itself. For example, you want to side step jab after a class 1 tag launch but your character has a SS+1 special move you will first need to cancel the tag run into a side step and then cancel the side step with a tap f to prevent execution of the SS+1 special move.
Side Step Name Cmd Back Flip Character Non Back Flip Character Note
Side Step Buffer Up hold U yes yes #1
Side Step Buffer Down hold D yes yes #1
Side Step Cancel Up d,d/f,f,u/f yes yes #2
Side Step Cancel Up d,d/b,b,u/b no yes #2
Side Step Cancel Down u,u/f,f,d/f yes yes #2
Side Step Cancel Down u,u/b,b,d/b no yes #2
Foot Notes#1 This will cause a side step at the end of the run. This version is too slow to connect side step moves after a tag.
- 2 This is the one to use in juggles. Kazuya can just do this by tapping f during the run.
The following are the exceptions to the standard tag run moves. The command are the same but they result into different moves for the characters listed below.
Tag Name Input Description Damage Note
Armor King f,f,N+4,4,4 Ali Kick 22,7,7 #3
Gun Jack f,f,N+3 Standing Left Kick 25
Devil & Angel f,f,N+1+2 Laser Beam 40 #2
Paul Phoenix f,f,N+3,3,4 Shredder 20,15,25
Eddy Gordo f,f,N+3 Lunging Brush Fire 30
Yoshimitsu f,f,N+3 Standing Left Spin Kick 30
f,f,N+4 Fubuki 20
Kunimitsu f,f,N+3 Standing Left Spin Kick 30
f,f,N+4 Fubuki 10
Nina Williams f,f,N+3 Leaping Heel Hold 20,20 #1 King f,f,N+3 Standing Left Kick 25
f,f,N+4,4,4 Ali Kick 22,7,7 #3
Kazuya f,f,N+1+2 Right Punch 7 #2
f,f,N+3 Split Axe Kick 23 f,f,N+4 Roundhouse 30
Lee Chaolan f,f,N+3,4,4 Shredder 20,15,25 Alex & Roger f,f,N+3 Standing Left Kick 25
f,f,N+4,4,4 Ali Kick 22,7,7 #3
Foot Notes#1 Continue with the corresponding multi throw extensions. Can be escape with 2.
- 2 Kazuya cannot be teamed up with Angel in the arcade version.
- 3 This version of the Ali Kicks does not have the Extended Ali Kicks on CH.
Special Team Tag
These special team tags require specific characters on the same team. If the initial move doesn't connect or is blocked the tag input will just be ignored and nothing happens.
Tag Team Input Description Damage
Jack-2 to Bryan d+1+2~5,2 Bravo Knuckle - Fisherman's Slam 50
Gun Jack to Bryan d+1+2~5,2 Bravo Knuckle - Fisherman's Slam 50
Bryan to Alex ws+1~5 Snake Upper - Animal Taunt 18
Bryan to Roger ws+1~5 Snake Upper - Animal Taunt 18
Special Poison Arrow Tags When Forest Law is teamed up with one of the listed characters his Poison Arrow (f+2~1) will cause a double over stun when a tag is buffered in (f+2~1~5). The resulting tag attack can be manipulated by holding down.
Incoming Character Input Name Damage Note
Lei Wulong N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
King (N_~D) Knuckle Bomb 21,21 Armor King N Knuckle Bomb 21,21
~D Burning Knuckle Bomb 21,45
Gun Jack N Digital Hans Headslide 21,21
~D Slide 21,21
Heihachi Mishima N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Bryan Fury N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Hwoarang N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Lee Chaolan N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Jin Kazama N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Paul Phoenix 1 Thruster 21,20
= ~5 = Tag n/a 2,2 Jaw Breaker - Stone Breaker 21,12,10 #1 = 1 = Law Power Punch 23
Alex & Roger (N_~D) Knuckle Bomb 21,21 Kuma & Panda N Leaping Slash Kick 21,30
~D Slide 21,21
Prototype Jack N Digital Hans Headslide 21,21
~D Slide 21,21
Foot Notes#1 Paul will automaticly tag out as Law comes in again.
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