From Tekkenpedia
(This isn't much of a hypothesis, but it's a thought.) If you look at it, most of the characters in Tekken Tag have some sort of ending with another character (except for Heihachi and Lee Chaolan). So it's kinda like they're ending is with the person they tagged with. I know, it's not much of a good theory. --RaiJinX
[edit] Kazuya or Jin
I seem to remember that in my Tekken Tag tournament booklet, there was a section for character descriptions. The first one was supposed to be Jin but it was a picture of Kazuya, does anyone elses have that or was mine a freak copy. KingIsBest 18:01, 9 October 2007 (AEDT).
- Can you scan it? --Hecko 02:27, 9 October 2007 (PDT)
- aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, yeah, if I can find it! KingIsBest 20:42, 9 October 2007 (AEDT).
| KingIsBest - By Tekken 98, I'll have a gazillion-and-7 multi-chain throw: TALK - 08:25, 3 June 2008 (UTC)
| Finally got my hands on a copy, I wasn't imagining it.

| ILHI - "Leave behind your fears. Please believe; you will not falter. There's no danger here, you can breathe in clear blue water.": TALK - 13:52, 3 June 2008 (UTC)
| It was a mistake in all copies, including Platinum release if that'd be different.
| Serian - You're gonna fight but I'm gonna win: TALK - 16:36, 3 June 2008 (UTC)
| What do you mean, ILHI? Mine doesn't look anything like that... is it just for a particular country?
| ILHI - "Leave behind your fears. Please believe; you will not falter. There's no danger here, you can breathe in clear blue water.": TALK - 18:29, 3 June 2008 (UTC)
| Hmm. Care to check, both my editions, both non-Platinum and Platinum show the same. I'm in UK, so I'm guessing it's the same with the rest of Europe's. What does the Jin image look like?
| KingIsBest - By Tekken 98, I'll have a gazillion-and-7 multi-chain throw: TALK - 02:17, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
| Hecko lives in Denmark and he didn't seem to know about it. Jin should look like what he looks in the game. The image given is an image of what Kazuya looks like in the game. There is no profile for Kazuya so I can't compare that.
An article's setup should be text, then media, not the other way around. Additionally, Rai, please check if additional stuff has been written before reverting something. --Hecko 12:41, 26 October 2007 (PDT)
- Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was confused as to why you had removed the videos and why they were still there. I just realized it. Sorry! --Rai
- No worries ^_^ --Hecko 13:06, 26 October 2007 (PDT)
: :) --Rai to the Jin to the X
[edit] De-Wikifying
| Serian - You're gonna fight but I'm gonna win: TALK - 17:18, 23 May 2008 (UTC)
| What exactly is De-Wikifying and how would one go about doing that?
| Hecko Xtalk - blog - anime rants 17:56, 23 May 2008 (UTC)
| It basically means to rewrite sections copy/pasted from Wikipedia. The entire introduction in this article is blatantly stolen and we want to confirm and rewrite it so that we have the "right" to call it ours. I think I'll just show you what I mean rather than tell it
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