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Devil Jin/Tekken 5 Movelist

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Devil Jin/Tekken 5 Movelist is a list of all the moves that Devil Jin can perform in Tekken 5.


[edit] Throws

Throw Name Command Type Damage Escape Properties
Double High Sweep 1+3(or f+1+3) Front 35 1
Over the Shoulder Reverse 2+4(or 2+4) Front 35 2
Shoulder Flip 1+3(or 2+4) Left 43 1
Over the Limit 1+3(or 2+4) Right 40 2
Chicken Butcher 1+3(or 2+4) Behind 50 None
Stonehead f,F+1+2 Front 33 1+2 #1
Complicated Wire d,d/b,B+1+3 Front 40 1
Wrist Chuck Slam D/F+2+3 Front 40 1+2
Ultimate Tackle d+1+2 Front 5 Tackles #1

#1 Although there are no other "Ultimate Tackle" commands in the game movelist, refer to Tackles for more

[edit] Moves

Move Name Command Stance Damage Hit Range Properties
Flash Punch Combo 1,1,2 6,6,12 hhm KND
Left Right Combo 1,2 6,8 hh
Demon Slayer 1,2,2 6,8,18 hhh
Shoot the Works 1,2,3,4 6,8,25,21 hhmm KND
Shoot the Works Upper 1,2,3,f+4 6,8,25,7 hhmm KND
One Two Knee 1,2,4 6,8,8 hhm
Demon Backhand Spin 2,2 12,21 hh
Demon Scissors 4~3 25 M KND
Hellfire Cannon u/f+1+2 21 h KND
Fly 3+4 0 None
Three Ring Circus 1+4,2,4 5,10,10,21 Smhhm KND
3 Ring Circus Combo 1+4,2,d+4 5,10,10,14 SmhhL KND,BS
893P Knee Kick f+2,4 18,10 mm
Spinning High Kick f+3 30 h KND
Knee Kick f+4 12 m
Twin Lancer d/f+1,2 12,16 mm
Hades Hammer Uppercut d/f+2,1 21,15 mm JG
Hades Hammer Sweep d/f+2,2 21,8 ml
Tsunami Kick d/f+4,4 10,16 mm
Corpse Thrust d+1 24 m KND
Broken Plate d+3 5 l MSc
Double Lift Kick d+3+4 5,20 Smh JG
Bloody Knife b+1 15 m
Parting Wave b+1,D/F 15 m
Back Fist to Side High Kick b+2,3 12,21 hh
Hell Scraper b+2,4,2,1,2 12,10,10,10,22 hhmmm KND
Demon Steel Pedal b+4 21 m CSc,GB
Infinite Power b+1+2 0 None
Demon's Spear b+1+2o #1 m KND,GB
Roundhouse to Triple Spin Kick u/f+4,4,4,4 25,?,8,12 hLLm KND,BS
High Pounce U/F+2+4 34 M BS,KND
Demon's Paw f,F+2 24 m KND
Demon Cyclone f,F+3,1,3 18,14,13 mhL KND
Hell Spiral f,F+3,1,4 18,14,25 mhm KND,KSc
Laser Cannon b,f+2,1,2 16,12,22 mmm KND
Laser Scraper b,f+2,1,d/f+2 16,14,21 mmm JG
Rising Uppercut f,N,d,D/F+2 23 h JG
Electric Wind Godfist f,N,d~d/f+2 25 h JG,GB
Dragon Uppercut1 f,N,d,D/F+1 29 m KND
From 1Heaven's Door f,N,d,D/F+1,U/F 29,15 m
From 1Dragon Uppercut to Middle Kick f,N,d,D/F+1,3 29,? mm KND
From 1Dragon Uppercut to Spin Kick f,N,d,D/F+1,4 29,? mL KND
Spinning Demon f,N,d,D/F+4,4 22,10 Lm BS,KND, #2
Demon's Tail f,N,d,D/F+3 21 L KND
Demon's Hoof f,N,d,d/f+3 21 M KND
Leaping Side Kick f,f,f+3 30 m KND,GB
Twin Pistons WS+1,2 10,15 mm JG
Uppercut WS+2 15 m JG
Tsunami Kick WS+4,4 13,18 mm
Decapitating Sword SS+2 22 h
Hellfire Incinerator d/f+1+2 15 L #3
Attack Reversal b+1+3(or b+2+4) Varies None #4

#1 Damage ranges from 18, 28, or 42 depending on how long the command is held

#2 When it is not clean, hit damage is 15,15 and opponent is not knocked down by the first hit

#3 Opponent must knocked down in order to do the move; it can also be blocked if the opponent rises and blocks before the hit

#4 Time with enemy attack

[edit] String Hits

Command Hits Damage Hit Range
3,2,4,3,1+4,2,2,1,2 10 15,6,10,10,7,5,7,10,15,30 hhmhLhhmmm
3,2,4,3,1+3,2,1 8 15,6,10,10,7,5,7,31 hhmhLhhm
b+2,4,4,4,4,2,1+4,2,1 10 12,10,10,8,6,6,5,5,5,31 hhmLmmLhhm
b+2,4,4,4,4,2,1+4,2,d+3+4 11 12,10,10,8,6,6,5,5,5,21,21 hhmLmmLhhLh
f,f,N,2,1,2,2,3,4,4,1,2,1 10 7,8,6,7,6,11,5,5,8,30
f,f,N,2,1,2,2,3,4,4,3,2,1 10 7,8,6,7,6,11,5,5,25,30
f,f,N,2,1,4,4,2,4,3,2,1 #1 7,8,7,10,5,7,5,25,30

#1 Against smaller to average sized characters, only 8 hits will land; against larger characters 9 hits will land

[edit] Unblockables

Move Name Command Stance Damage Hit Range Properties
Hellfire Blast 1+2 37 (!) KND
Infernal Destruction 3+4,1+2 50 [!] KND
Cross Infernal Destruction 3+4,f+1+2 50 [!] KND
Lightning Uppercut b+1+4 40  ! KND
Lightning Screw Uppercut B+1+4 80  ! KND

[edit] See Also

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