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Fallen Colony

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Fallen Colony
Walls Yes
BG Music  ?

Fallen Colony is a multi-tier stage in Tekken 6. It is a weird area with flying jets and a blue sky. In a corner by a large tree trunk is a glass area, where the players can fall through into a library with a window.


[edit] Death Combos

Many death combos have been discovered in this stage due to its design, as the floor breaks right at the wall. Due to the floor breaking, the character that was sent through the floor gets into a "Bound" position, allowing the opponent to continue their combos against them, quickly sending them to the wall. However, some death combos do not require this stage. Other things that make these death combos possible are the "Rage" system, giving extra damage to the hits, and the "Bound" system, extending the combos.

[edit] Anna Williams

[edit] Armor King

[edit] Asuka Kazama

[edit] Baek Doo San

[edit] Bob

[edit] Bruce Irvin

Note: This death combo does not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Gargoyle's Perch stage.

[edit] Bryan Fury

[edit] Christie Monteiro

[edit] Craig Marduk

[edit] Devil Jin

[edit] Feng Wei

[edit] Ganryu

[edit] Heihachi Mishima

[edit] Hwoarang

Note: This video features two Hwoarang death combos rather than one. Also, these death combos do not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Rustic Asia stage.

[edit] Jack-6

Note: This death combo does not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Temple Grounds stage.

[edit] Jin Kazama

[edit] Kuma

[edit] Lee Chaolan

Note: This death combo does not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Gargoyle's Perch stage.

[edit] Leo

Note: This death combo does not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Noh Theater stage.

[edit] Lili

[edit] Ling Xiaoyu

[edit] Marshall Law

[edit] Miguel Caballero Rojo

[edit] Nina Williams

Note: This is the only death combo that occurs in this stage where the character performing the death combo is not in "Rage" mode.

[edit] Paul Phoenix

[edit] Steve Fox (Part 1)

[edit] Steve Fox (Part 2)

[edit] Zafina

Note: This death combo does not happen in the Fallen Colony stage, but the Temple Grounds stage.

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