Rising Uppercut

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Rising Uppercut
Command f,N,d,d/f+2
f,N,d/f+2 (Kazuya alternative T4 onward)
Damage 23
Hit Range h
Properties JG
JGc (T4)
Move Frames Hit Advantage
11 KD
Block Advantage CH Advantage
-10 KD

Rising Uppercut is a move introduced in the first Tekken game, that is available to all practitioners of Mishima Style Karate. A variant of this move exists known as an Electric Wind Godfist (EWGF). Due to the Rising Uppercut's inferior properties in terms of speed and recovery when compared to the EWGF, one of the first pieces of advice a player gets, when playing a character who practices Mishima Style Karate, is to abandon the Rising Uppercut and learn how to perform the EWGF without error.

[edit] When to use

Rising Uppercut is commonly used as a launcher, usually until a player learns how to perform the EWGF on a frequent basis. Generally an incoming Rising Uppercut is hard to detect, however it is common for some players to un-neccessaraly "extend" the crouch dash. Rising Uppercut sets the opponent up reasonably well for juggles, especially if starting the juggle with a punch of some description. The Rising Uppercut is however never used in high-level play, but is instead substituted with the before mentioned EWGF.

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