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[edit] Character's Name

ILHI - Tekken 4 had no Jack-bot? Rubbish. Combot sucks.:
TALK - 08:20, 30 January 2008 (PST)
I think it looks cool and that, I just don't like the name. I don't like chains of numbers and letters in names, it makes it harder to remember for one, and for another it just doesn't look right. Now the Jacks are easier to remember, they're just numbered.

I also dislike the name Nancy, I don't like the name generally. but mainly, I don't think it suits the robot.

Do you guys think "Nancy" could be a robot created by the zaibatsu? That's my theory.

RaiJinX - I may have sworn celobacy, but that doesn't mean I can't be evil.:
TALK - 14:03, 31 January 2008 (PST)
Hey, she might be. And what's with all these video game creators and suddenly adding random characters with girl names (ex. Nicole in Dead or Alive 4)?'ll remember it's full name soon enough. I already do. - KevlarX290

It's probably a bonus character.

JunKazamaFan - Growl snare snare growl.:
TALK - 06:37, 1 February 2008 (PST)
I'm here to say what I have to say about Nancy MIS47J. Yes, it does look very cool, but I'm not too fond of the name. Why give such an intimidating robot such an unintimidating name like Nancy MIS47J? Unless this stands for something. Yes, the chain of letters and numbers does make it hard to remember, and the name "Nancy" just doesn't suit this robot. Maybe the Mishima Zaibatsu did create this! It could possibly be the robot that is ten times the power of Jack-5, as mentioned in Jack-6's Tekken 6 story. But, it said that they were creating a new "Jack" robot, and this looks nothing like a "Jack" robot, and it doesn't have "Jack" in its name, either, unless that's what the "J" stands for. I'm not so sure about why random video game characters are given female names, RaiJinX. By the way, the name is actually "Nancy MIS47J", not "Nancy MI847J". But, you're right. I'll probably have it memorized in a few days. Yes, Nancy MIS47J is a bonus character. From what I've heard, it appears as an opponent during Arcade single play mode and before the fights with Jin Kazama and Azazel in "Story" mode. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun fighting Nancy MIS47J, along with Azazel! Also, I don't like the attack where Nancy MIS47J extends its head and fires a laser at the floor in a circular shape, sending the opponent through the floor and to their death if they were standing in that circle. I know it can be easily sidestepped or sidewalked, but I still don't like it.
Hecko Xtalk
07:11, 1 February 2008 (PST)
Guess I should throw in my two cents. I don't mind the name, it's nostalgic. 30s-50s American horrorflicks with robots usually gave killer robots female names, because it would be more of a shocker, I suppose. As for the letters and numbers, it's probably something as simple as MIS(hima Zaibatsu, creating company) 47 (model number) J (series).

Are yo sure it's 'Nancy-MIS47J'? I know MarkMan and the vid uploader spelt it like that, but it really looks like an 8 (or B) in the vid. -KevlarX290


Though this could be wishing upon a star(or two evil ones haha no?...ok il get my coat) this means theres 1 space for a tekken character on the official website and now theres two huge dudes who aint on there (azazel and nancy mis47j ) could this mean neither of these two will be on the official site and that perhaps jun or kuni will come back? probally not as this nancy is a bonus character. [[[[[I don't think Azazel or Nancy will make the last 'spot'. If any of them do, it would be Azazel most likely, but I reckon they would've done it by now. btw that page is T6 AC, so even if old characters return in the console version of T6, they won't be posted on that page.]]]]] - KevlarX290

Hecko Xtalk
16:21, 1 February 2008 (PST)
If you look close enough, you'll notice the seperations that makes it an 'S'

Are you looking at the vid? Just look at the first 3 secs of the vid where Nancy is being introduced as a bonus fight, it looks like 8 or maybe B, it can't be an S. Eh, seeing as how the vid uploader spelt it with an S, it probably is one. But I'm still going to think it's an 8 until I see a clear pic of it. - KevlarX290

ILHI - Tekken 4 had no Jack-bot? Rubbish. Combot sucks.:
TALK - 07:24, 2 February 2008 (PST)
I'm thinking it's "MIS" due to someone's theory above being that it might be a Mishima robot, and someone else noting why the combination might be.

It makes sense, but then again, it's not clearly visible.

Also, I don't think this character will be selectable. Its name would take to long to say when selected. ^_^

Hecko Xtalk
11:23, 2 February 2008 (PST)
Because of this:

it's impossible to be an 8 or a B. At best, it is an S or, more likely, a 6.

Tekken-EX - I will teach you the meaning of fear! HIYA!:
TALK - 2:15, 9 February 2008 (PST)
The announcer might just say "Nancy" or "Bonus Character" or something like that or maybe just say nothing. But I agree with you, ILHI. And I have another theory why Nancy whatshername can't be selected. He/She/It is to strong and too hard to beat and when you play online or vs battle or any other endless mode, you will get SO BORED you wish you never selected Nancy in the first place!!! :(

Tekken-EX - I will teach you the meaning of fear! HIYA!:
TALK - 12:28 AM, 16 March 2008 (AEDT)
To Hecko: I'm pretty sure it's 6 because of the Lee Chaolan vid had the best quality. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Hecko Xtalk
19:04, 15 March 2008 (PDT)
Why would I correct you, when I said the same thing over a month ago..?
Tekken-EX - I will teach you the meaning of fear! HIYA!:
TALK - 10:42 PM, 24 March 2008 (AEDT)
Whoops, sorry. Wasn't concentrating!

[edit] Character Relationships

RaiJinX - I may have sworn celobacy, but that doesn't mean I can't be evil.:
TALK - 16:39, 25 March 2008 (PDT)
Would it be safe to say that Nancy and Jack-6 are rivals in sense?
Hecko Xtalk
18:42, 25 March 2008 (PDT)
No, but it can be assummed.
RaiJinX - I may have sworn celobacy, but that doesn't mean I can't be evil.:
TALK - 14:49, 26 March 2008 (PDT)
Could I put it in that section until further notice?
Hecko Xtalk
16:28, 26 March 2008 (PDT)
Better not. The odds of it being never revealed because it has no storyline importance is extremely high, so it would be 100% fan theory

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