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This page contains a list of the administrators in charge of the wiki along with the powers that they have for administering the wiki. Please don't ask to be an admin, we'll ask you.

Wiki Owner

The Wiki Owner is responsible for the entire wiki. They have the same powers as the bureaucrats and sysops, in addition they can access the wiki at a systems level. Currently the only wiki owner is Samuel.

Name Responsible for...
Samuel Systems maintenance, systems development, and wiki direction.


Bureaucrats are responsible for managing other users and sysops. They have the ability to moderate users, rename users, make mass rollbacks of a users changes and promote other users to be sysop and bureaucrats.

Name Responsible for...
Hecko X Article quality control, userbase quality control, correcting wiki-markup, making/maintaining move articles, and translating Japanese.
JunKazamaFan Image galleries, article quality control, Character of the Month, removing vandalism, filling in missing information, answering "Talk" page questions, updating with new Tekken information, and adding YouTube videos when needed.


Sysops are responsible for managing users. The have the ability to moderate users and make mass rollbacks of users changes.

Name Responsible for...
KingIsBest Responsibilities here.
Maria Responsibilities here.
Nitronia Responsibilities here.
Qwerty Responsibilities here.
RaiJinX Image galleries, reverting unsuitable edits, blocking vandals, correcting grammatical errors, answering questions, greeting newcomers
Tekken-EX Image galleries, re-writing stolen articles, reverting vandalism or false information, move articles, stage articles, correcting grammatical and spelling errors
YouriKamachii Stage and outfit articles, image galleries, article clean ups, reverting spam edits, minor edits, etc.
Teriko Responsibilities here.

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