Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo

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Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo
Command 1,3,2,1,4
Damage 6,10,10,10,10
Hit Range hhmml
Properties MS
Move Frames Hit Advantage
Block Advantage CH Advantage
Chains from Chains to
During Soul Omen only

Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo (風間流五連撃 Kazama-ryuu gorengeki), also called Kazama Fury, is a move introduce in Tekken 4 and is used by Jin Kazama.

It is final part of two chains:

When to use

It is only viable as a wall combo, otherwise Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo is not that good to use in actual gameplay, as most of the time the whole string can be blocked. The first two hits are occasionally used in juggles for wall carry. The low is completely safe on block, so that can occasionally be used as a bait for using his b+2+4 parry to open an opportunity to punish.


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