Talk:Devil Gene

Archive I
Archive II

Kazama bloodline/ Devil is refer to as Devil Gene/ Devil is a life formEdit

Part of this discussion has been archived. The beginning can be read here: Talk:Devil Gene/Archive I#Kazama bloodline/ Devil is refer to as Devil Gene/ Devil is a life form

Devil is refer to as the Devil Gene/ Devil is a life form 3Edit

Basicly hecko when Devil meant "half of my body" you couldn't figure out what Devil meant by any parts of his body being missing.

  • what's not to figure out...? To me it seemed pretty simple: before they got thrown into the volcano, Devil was complete and kazuya was complete. After they got thrown into the volcano, Devil was incomplete (parts missing) and kazuya was incomplete (parts missing). Kazuya got restored to the way he was before the volcano incident by the G Corporation ( as describe in the game). So obviously the only one that is still missing something is Devil. Pretty straight-foward, I'd say :/.

Well hecko of course G Corporation restore kazuya. Because G Corporation is a biogenetic research facility. So yeah they restored kazuya with human blood and genes. But they didn't restore the Devil genes that kazuya lost in the volcano because when G Corporation first found kazuya's body, they didn't have any devil genes. They discovered the Devil Gene when they found kazuya's body. So like I said above, you couldn't figure out what Devil meant by any parts of his body being missing. Well Devil meant half of the Devil genes that was lost in Kazuya. The Devil gene is the missing physical body parts of Devil. You see I think you don't get the purpose of the Devil gene being in the story. Because you said the Devil gene and Devil was to different things. And you said that Devil was a spiritual being independently living withing kazuya. Well you are incorrect. Devil is a living being because of the Devil Gene. The word phrase "Devil Gene" means "Gene of a Devil", "Gene of the Devil" or "blood of the Devil" Which means the genetical blood of Devil. So this proves that Devil is not a spiritual being. Because a spirit don't have any blood. Blood is physical. Further more by this meaning, one can say the Devil Gene is Devil. Because its apart of him. So therefore the Devil Gene belongs to Devil. Remember, Devil can only inhabit Kazuya's body through the Devil gene. Which runs in kazuya's blood. So of course Devil was incomplete. Because kazuya lost most of the Devil genes in his blood in the volcano incident. That's why he went to steal Jin's Devil gene to ressurect himself. Meaning to complete himself. Now I know what you thinking hecko. You thinking about when Devil said "I lost apart of myself" which you think he is refering to Jin. But Devil was not refering to Jin. Because Devil specifically said that the lost part of himself was killed by heihachi. Now in the sentence Devil was just explaining to heihachi to what happen to him. He never say that the other half of him went to Jin. Now I know what you thinking, you thinking about Tekken 3 opening when devil branded the tattoo on Jin's arm. Now you cannot say that he possessed Jin like this, because you'll be making a conclusion base off of what you seen in the video. Now anybody can make conclusions and inferences off a video. Especially if it doesn't have a speaking narrative or close captures on the screen to explain the seen. Now if you want to make conclusions off what you seen on the video, I can make my conclusions off what I seen on the video. This is what I seen on the video. In the video, I seen Devil fly up to Jin and brand a tattoo on his arm. Afterwards Jin is holding his arm while Devil leaves him. To me it don't look like Devil merge with Jin by stamping a tattoo on his arm. Now, let's go back to the sentence about Devil losing apart of himself. I don't know if you major in english in college but I'm going to break this sentence down.
Devil: "Twenty years ago, I lost apart of myself when you nearly killed me. I am going to highlight the cause and effect of this sentence above.
Cause: "when you nearly killed me".
Effect: "I lost apart of myself".
When Devil said "I lost apart of myself, he was refering to when heihachi nearly killed him. Now I'm going to revise the sentence:
"When you nearly killed me, I lost apart of myself twenty years ago". Now wait hecko, you said Devil was a spirit. Heihachi is a physical form. So heihachi can't kill Devil because he's a spirit. A spirit is untouchable, not bodily material. So the only person Heihachi was killing, was kazuya. So this means Devil was refering to kazuya as himself. Remember, Devil said to heihachi "when you nearly killed me". Kazuya possess the Devil genes in his blood. Which is apart of Devil. So this throws out your theory that Devil was talking about a spiritual half of himself. Devil was talking about the Devil Gene. Which is something physical. The Devil Gene is Devil's body. Physical body. The Devil Gene proves that Devil is a life form. User: Faeli34

I feel like I'm answering the same questions over and over and over and over and over again. I'm making a short section to act as a summary after this reply, because seriously, it's a waste of my time.
  • So yeah they restored kazuya with human blood and genes.
    • You can't just introduce foreign genes to a body; the body would attack them as foreign objects and eventually destroy it. This is one of the problems with e.g. organ transplants. So it has to be Kazuya's DNA specifically, which presummably also contains the Devil Gene. If it didn't, it would have triggered and auto-immune response which would most likely have killed him long ago.
  • Well Devil meant half of the Devil genes that was lost in Kazuya.
    • Except that he says that the very half that he lost during that specific incident, is inside Jin. Once again, if it were really Genes he was refering to, please explain how that the specific Genes destroyed by lava/fire end up in an unborn fetus conceived before the incident even occured. I emphasise again that what is inside Jin is specifically the very same half Devil lost when he was nearly killed. You have no way of explaining this and keeping with you "it was the Genes" theory, can you..?
  • Devil is a living being because of the Devil Gene.
    • Notice how "Devil Gene" is capitalized? That means it's a name given to it, i.e. it's not necesarrily the gene of a devil. It could simply have been named that because there is a connection between people with this specific genetic anamoly and devils. Take for instance the Celestial Teapot. It's not an actual teapot, but the name of an analogy concerning religion and who bears the burden of proof with proving religious claims.
  • Now I know what you thinking hecko.
    • I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that you don't... From start to finish, whenever you mention my "supposed" thoughts, they've always been nothing more than assumptions and they've always been incorrect.
  • You thinking about when Devil said "I lost apart of myself" which you think he is refering to Jin.
    • No. This is the complete opposite of what I've been saying all through the discussion. I've been very specific about that it isn't Jin he's refering to. The person who said that "my half" refers to Jin has been Teriko, not me.
  • Now in the sentence Devil was just explaining to heihachi to what happen to him. He never say that the other half of him went to Jin. [+ long text about the T3 intro video]
    • You're right. He never said it in that sentence. However, he does in the preceding sentence: "So you were with him after all, my half..." while looking in Jin's direction. The "after all" is the "yahari" he says in Japanese. Yahari is used when you confirm a suspecion, i.e. he suspected that the half that he lost was with Jin, and upon seeing him, he confirmed it. So what the T3 intro is likely true. Do you perhaps know what happens after Devil's spirit reveals himself and the camera goes black? But since we know from T4 dialogue that what happened with Jin in the T3 intro is correct, how would you explain Devil's ephemeral presence by using the "Devil is only a gene" theory?
  • [Cause/effect section +] So heihachi can't kill Devil because he's a spirit. A spirit is untouchable, not bodily material. So the only person Heihachi was killing, was kazuya. So this means Devil was refering to kazuya as himself. Remember, Devil said to heihachi "when you nearly killed me". Kazuya possess the Devil genes in his blood. Which is apart of Devil. So this throws out your theory that Devil was talking about a spiritual half of himself.
    • Not really. Since you like this cause/effect thing, I'll use one too. Imagine you're dependant on a medical ventilator to live. I walk in and smash the medical ventilator. You nearly die, but is saved because the hospital personnel manage to hook you up to another machine.

Cause: I broke a medical ventilator
Effect: You almost died
During all this, I never touched you, even once. There was no need to. Same concept; I'm Heihachi, you're Devil, the medical ventilator is Kazuya. I (Heihachi) break the machine (kills Kazuya) and as a result, you (Devil) almost die (cease to exist). This is possible because Devil is bound to Kazuya by their pact, so his existance is tied to Kazuya's. If Kazuya were to die, Devil would die. According to Devil's choice of words (in the Japanese dialogue), he purposly seperated to avoid "dying" (stop existing).

--Hecko 13:21, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Genes have no independent thought or identity; they're genes. Furthermore, I checked Devil Jin's Japanese prologue, it never even mentioned genes. Instead, it said "Controlled by Devil's consanguinity, Jin Kazama...", which pretty much just makes things even more confusing and could imply a ton of different things I'd rather not go into. Anyway, Jinpachi says to Devil Jin: "You cannot defeat me after giving in to the Devil" (in the Jap version, it's just "Devil", not "the Devil") and Devil Jin refers to himself in plural, so he must realize that that there's a second conscious in there.
  • its not confusing things, when you gave me Devil Jin's (jap) prologue, it makes things clear when using both (jap) and (eng) versions, because we can get a better clear and understandable meaning from both sides. But since you metion Devil Jin's (Jap) prologue, yeah you were right, it doesnt mention genes, but it did say Consanguinity. I have to thank you for telling me Jin's (jap) prologue, because Consanguinity is a very important word when comes to understanding 'Devil', the devil gene, and the mishimas. Consanguinity is a very hard word to understand and use in sentences because it mean same the thing in many different kind of ways on how to use it. Here's the definitions.
  • NOTE: if you do not Read clearly and carefully you will not understand my point of view. You will probably reply to me in a Misunderstood way.
  • Consanguinity- Drived from latin consaguintas, from cansanguineous, from com- meaning "together" + sanguineus meaning "of or pertaining to "blood", from sanguinis meaning "blood".
  • Consanguinity ( "con- (with or together) sanguine (blood)- ity ( Noun marker) ") refers to the property of being from the same kinship as another person.
  • Consanguinity.i (血縁) "ketsuzoku" translated "'kinship" - noun- a Consanguineous(近親) "kinshin" translated ("kin" blood relative) through percentage or descent. Genealogical
  • Kinship- is a relationship between any persons that share a blood origin, through a Biological origin.
  • Genealogy- is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history

Now to me the definitions was not enough, I needed eo know more meaning and understaning, of how to write it and read it in a clear senstence, so I found a civil law website. On explaining the hold concept of what the word means, so I copy the article so that you can a better meaning of the word, I post a link of the website so you can go see for self below the article.

  • CONSANGUINITY The relation subsisting among all the different persons descending from the same stock or common ancestor. Some portion of the blood of the common ancestor flows through the veins of all his descendants, and though mixed with the blood flowing from many other families, yet it constitutes the kindred or alliance by blood between any two of the individuals. This relation by blood is of two kinds; lineal and collateral. Lineal consanguinity is that relation which exists among persons, where one is descended from the other, as between the son and the father or the grandfather, and so upwards in a direct ascending line; and between the father and the son or the grandson, and so downwards in a direct descending line. Every generation in this direct course makes a degree, computing either in the ascending or descending line.This the degrees of lineal consanguinity, it has been adopted by the civil, the canon, and the common law. Collateral consanguinity is the relation subsisting among persons who descend from the same commnon ancestor, but not from each other. It is essential to constitute this relation, that they spring from the same common root or stock, but in different branches.The mode of computing the degrees is to discover the common ancestor and, beginning with him to reckon downwards, so the degree the two persons, or the more remote of them, is distant from the ancestor is the degree of kindred subsisting between them. For instance, two brothers are related to each other in the first degree because from the father to each of them is one degree. An uncle and a nephew are related to each other in the second degree, because the nephew is two degrees distant from the common ancestor, and the rule of computation is extended to the remotest degrees of collateral relationship. This is the mode of computation by the common and canon law. The method of computing by the civil law is to begin at either of the persons in question and count up to the common ancestor, and then downwards to the other person, calling it a degree for each person, both ascending and descending, and the degrees they stand from each other is the degree in which they stand related. Thus, from a nephew to his father is one degree; to the grandfather, two degrees and then to the uncle, three; which points out the relationship.The mode of the civil law is preferable, for it points out the actual degree of kindred in all cases; by the mode adopted by the common law different relations may stand in the same degree. The uncle and nephew stand related in the second degree by the common law, as are two first cousins or two sons of two brothers. But by the civil law the uncle and nephew are in the third degree and the cousins are in the fourth. However, the mode of computation is immaterial as both will establish the same person to be the heir. establish the same person to be the heir. Here's the link [

This word is the key to making you understand the concept of 'Devil' and the devil gene. You said the prologue said. " Controlled by Devil's Consanguinity, Jin Kazama". Now base on the word and meaning of Consanguinity the better meaning of the statement is " Controlled by Devil's blood relative, Jin Kazama. Now according to the meaning of the word this statement is saying that Devil's blood relative is controling Jin Kazama. Now who is Devil's blood relative? Now you said that Devil's other spiritual half was controlling Jin. But the meaning of the word was referring Devil's other half as his blood relative. How can Devil's other half be a blood relative, when you said he was the spiritual half of him? the statement in the prologue ("Controlled by Devil's Consanguinity, Jin Kazama.") is a incomplete sentence. Now I am about to form it into a complete sentence " Jin Kazama, controlled by Devil's Consanguinity. I translated it into japanese (ジン風間、悪魔の血族によって制御されます) jin kazama , "akuma no ketsuzoku niyotte seigyo sa re masu". and then I translated it to english ("Jin Kazama, controlled by a blood relative of the devil"). At my state library, A librarian language translator helped me translate the Text, he help me translate it properly according to the Noun use of the word consanguinity. Basically this is telling me and you that Devil and his other half is blood related. Now hecko you said that both halfs are spirits. Now how can two spirits be blood related when they are not physical living beings? Now hecko, you probably woundering where I'm going with this and how does it relate to Devil as a spiritual being in Tekken. This tells me that you don't understand the devil gene and Devil. Now according to metaphysics, in all of life we all are spiritual beings with physical bodies. Now when you take Devil as a spiritual being and you give Devil a physical body then thats where the devil gene takes place. Now Kazuya was born with the devil gene, this how Devil was born within Kazuya as a living being, this is how Devil Kazuya was born. this makes kazuya half Devil-half Human, which is the combine cells of Devil and Human allowing Kazuya to have the nature of a Devil and the nature of a Human which allows Devil to act as Kazuya's alter ego during the absence of Kazuya (second self). Kazuya and Jun. Got intimate they produce Jin,. jin inherited the genes of his parents, if Devil is half of kazuya then Jin also got Devil's genes (devil gene), this also makes Jin half Devil-half Human. This is how Devil jin was born as Jin's "alter ego (second self)". According to Devil Jin (jap) prologue, " Jin Kazama, controlled by a blood relative of the Devil".. hecko this tells us that Devil is the blood relative half of Devil--Jin, which is the gene of Devil or Biological child-(Genetic sperm) of Devil controlling Jin Kazama. meaning ("blood" of 'Devil) 'Devil's Consanguinity (血縁) "ketsuzoku" translated Kinship or blood relative, Referring Devil as (devil gene). Devil Jin's Tekken 5 (jap) and (eng) prologue proves that Devil Jin is not the Spiritual half of 'Devil'. Devil Jin is the "blood" (relative) half of 'Devil' through the devil genes. In a better lack of words Devil+Jin is Devil's son as well as Jin is Kazuya's son because the Devil Jin (jap) prologue says that they are blood related, it is simple biology, and if you can't understand the concept relation between Devil and devil gene, then I feel sorry for you Tekken Fan, because Hecko you to caught of With the old concept of Devil because he was express as a individual spiritual being that was possesing the mishima at once, or possessing one mishima and moving to another or sharing and transfering half of themself to a family member in Tekken 1-3. But the new concept is the devil gene or devil blood which run through the mishima bloodline. Making one more than one devils possess the mishimas User: Teriko

I'm gonna reply in note form, since I suspect that my long replies are confusing you, especially considering you never answer any of the questions I ask you, but just move on to something else.
  • "Your" translation is obviously just writing the English sentence in Google Translate and having it translate for you. Why would you use that despite my 'warnings' of how inaccurate they are..? Not surprisingly, there are 4 errors in that short sentence + 1 thing that can go either way. Even if you had someone help translate it back to English, if the base is already incorrect, the second translation is only gonna get further from the original. Example of that here: (compare beginning to the end)
  • While your entire copy/paste section from the civil law site isn't incorrect, it -is- limited. Despite the short explanation of lineal and collateral consanguinity, it only looks at it from a legal point of view in terms of determining who an heir would be.
  • Your initial assumption with that consanguinity can only mean "blood relative" (and apparent obsession with that if "blood" is include, it must be a living thing) is already incorrect. So when you base everything off that fact, of course you're gonna stray off the mark. Like I said in a previous response, "Devil's consanguinity" is messy because it can imply a lot of things and doesn't specify which is the correct one. Examples:
    • Devil's Blood - That somewhere along the line, a woman within the Mishima clan did it with a devil and they now all share that devil's blood. This does however go against much of the stuff from T1 to T4.
    • Devil's Ancestor - While Azazel takes credit for introducing the Devil Gene to the Mishima's, Devil Jin implies that the powers they share aren't originally from Azazel, but goes further back. So it could as well be that whatever that thing might be is the one causing the transformations.
    • Devil's Descendant - Under the assumption that Devil was once a part of Azazel, who is refered to as their ancenstor (though this might not be literal), the same train of thought can then be applied to Devil Jin. If half of Devil split off and gained a seperate cosncious, it could be considered a descendant in the metaphorical sense. This would also explain why it is -only- in Jin's case that what is refered to as the Devil Gene is "デビルの血" while what is translated as Devil Gene in Kazuya's case is called "デビル化".
    • There are 2-3 more such examples, but I'd rather keep it short.
  • Even when looking past T1-T3, Tekken 4, which is after the introduction of the Devil Gene, still directly state that Devil is a spiritual being. Even Tekken 6 does it. T5 kinda does it too, but I wouldn't say that it's enough. So rather than feeling sorry for me being "old-fashioned", which you can clearly see isn't the case since also the newer games say Devil is spiritual, you should feel sorry for yourself. You spend so much time focusing on single words that you completely ignore the context in which they are used, so of course you're gonna get the wrong idea.
I don't think this discussion is gonna yield any results, so we might as well just stop here and wait for Namco to publish more information. --Hecko 12:56, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Your initial assumption with that consanguinity can only mean "blood relative" (and apparent obsession with that if "blood" is include, it must be a living thing) is already incorrect. So when you base everything off that fact, of course you're gonna stray off the mark. Like I said in a previous response, "Devil's consanguinity" is messy because it can imply a lot of things and doesn't specify which is the correct one.
    • First of all, you the one who gave me the translation of Devil Jin (jap) prologue. "Controlled by Devil's consanguinity, Jin Kazama. If you didn't want confusion, why did you mention it. The statement in the prologue uses consanguinity as a noun, referring something that is blood related to Devil. I jus look the word consanguinity up in a (jap) dictionary at the library and it said "n. (血族 - consanguinity, Hira =けつぞく) blood relative, blood relation, person related by birth. Consanguinity means blood relative, its not something that is assume, simple, if you think I'm wrong try looking it up yourself. If its wrong or if you think its wrong, then you need to check your translations " controlled by Devil's consanguinity, Jin Kazama." Intill then Like I said the statement is saying jin is being control by Devil's blood relative.
  • Devil's Blood - That somewhere along the line, a woman within the Mishima clan did it with a devil and they now all share that devil's blood. This does however go against much of the stuff from T1 to T4.
    • I don't know about a woman doing it with a devil. But in Heihachi's Tekken 5 interlude with Jinpachi, he refer the Devil gene as the Devil's blood. Heihachi tells Jinpachi, " Devil's blood or no Devil's blood, you cannot defeat me..." feel free to check it out.
  • Devil's Ancestor - While Azazel takes credit for introducing the Devil Gene to the Mishima's, Devil Jin implies that the powers they share aren't originally from Azazel, but goes further back. So it could as well be that whatever that thing might be is the one causing the transformations.
  • that's interesting, I heard from some Tekken fans that Azazel was reveal to be the first Devil in scenario mode. I try to check it out but the font of words is to small on my TV, so I would no what they are saying.
  • Devil's Descendant - Under the assumption that Devil was once a part of Azazel, who is refered to as their ancenstor (though this might not be literal), the same train of thought can then be applied to Devil Jin. If half of Devil split off and gained a seperate cosncious, it could be considered a descendant in the metaphorical sense. This would also explain why it is -only- in Jin's case that what is refered to as the Devil Gene is "デビルの血" while what is translated as Devil Gene in Kazuya's case is called "デビル化".
  • Dude do you know what a gene or genetics is? I mean come on genes are something within living beings, they are in a liquid substance call blood,. Kazuya, jin, and jinpachi are carrying the genetics of a Devil "devil gene(s)" in their veins. Its like being half human half Devil, did you listen to tekken 4 dr. Abel in julia's ending, that is what makes them descendants of Azazel, this is not a spirit going through the mishimas, its the devil blood that is pass down in the family. The genes in the blood is what gives them the characteristics and nature of a devil, no spirit ok. The devils act as their alter egos, it is them expressing their devil nature because they have the blood of a devil, the ancient thing known as azazel who was a spirit, but a physical living thing that has a body that how started the Devil gene. I don't know how the mishimas got the Devil blood, but they have it. The devils run through their blood.
    • There are 2-3 more such examples, but I'd rather keep it short.
  • Even when looking past T1-T3, Tekken 4, which is after the introduction of the Devil Gene, still directly state that Devil is a spiritual being. Even Tekken 6 does it. T5 kinda does it too, but I wouldn't say that it's enough. So rather than feeling sorry for me being "old-fashioned", which you can clearly see isn't the case since also the newer games say Devil is spiritual, you should feel sorry for yourself. You spend so much time focusing on single words that you completely ignore the context in which they are used, so of course you're gonna get the wrong idea.
  • I'm sorry dude but it don't, the only time they said anything about a spirit is when Jin said that azazel need a physical form, which makes him a Devil organism to detroy the world. If Devil was a sprit then why do he need kazuya's body? why was he born apart of kazuya's body as the devil gene? If Devil was a spiritual being then why couldn't he no one else, why did this strange spirit oddly choose those who got the Devil gene? Point blank the devil was born half of kazuya, he is a HYBRID DUH. Same with his son and grandfather, I trying to explain this clear as possible, I been tryna to explain to you this hold disscusion. Think about this real hard, what is a gene, what is blood?, what is a living thing? I don't mean to sound stupid but, dude you have to know what the relation between Devil and the devil gene. The devil gene is the physical aspect of the devil that is born apart of Jin and kazuya, it is what makes them have split nature between themself and their devil selfs. Its like street fighter, when ryu have the dark hadou.User: Teriko

Things I seriously don't want waste time constantly replying toEdit

I may add more to this later.

Devil saying "my half" was a reference to Jin because he's the son of Jun and Kazuya (and thus Devil).

No. Devil states that the 'half' he is talking about is the half that seperated from him 20 years earlier, when he was nearly killed by Heihachi (quotes: "So you were with him after all, my half..." & "Twenty years ago, I lost a part of myself when you nearly killed me. Now, I'll retrieve what is rightfully mine from him!"). Jin was conceived before then, so the timeline doesn't fit.

Devil saying "my half" was a reference to Jin's Devil Genes.

No. Again: Devil states that the 'half' he is talking about is the 'same half that seperated from him 20 years earlier, when he was nearly killed by Heihachi. While this detail may be left ambiguous in the subtitles, the Japanese dialogue is very specific about this (Official translation: "Now, I'll retreive what is rightfully mine from him!"; Japanese dialogue: "Ware ga hanshin wo koyatsu kara torimodosu."; Closer translation: "I'll take back my other half from him.")

Devil saying "I lost a part of myself when you nearly killed me" is refering to the genes, blood, and/or body parts Kazuya lost when he was tossed into the volcano.

No. The parts Kazuya "lost" were lost in the sense of that they were destroyed, i.e. no longer exist. What Devil "lost" was lost in the sense of that it "seperated" and still exists (Quote: "ni-juu nen mae, kisama ni korosarekaketa toki ni bunrishita"; translation "20 years ago, when I was nearly killed by you, I seperated"). It was likely translated as "lost" because he didn't know where the other half ended up after seperating, similar to how you can "lose" a wallet (I cannot say for sure since I don't know what the translator was thinking at the time).

--Hecko 13:21, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

but devil didn't state were he lost it at. Hecko you said :*devil states that the 'half' he is talking about is the 'same half that seperated from him 20 years earlier, when he was nearly killed by heihachi. Hecko listen to what you are saying, the same half that you said got seperated 20 years early was killed by heihachi, he is trying to restore that part by taking jins devil gene. Another thing :* no. The parts kazuya "lost" were lost in the sense of that they were destroyed, I.e. no longer exist. Kazuya has the devil gene, so whatever kazuya loses devil loses to. User:Ace jackson

Oh yeah Hecko the tekken 6 story do refer Devil as a living organism in Sergei Dragunov's story. It doesn't state in words anywhere in the story that Devil is a spirit. So Yeah you might want to go check that out buddy. User: Faeli34

@Ace: You've clearly misunderstood what is written on both occasions.
@Faeli: The original Japanese never uses the word "organism", it just says that he "received an order to capture Devil". Why it's there in the English version, I've no idea. But it also doesn't strike you as odd that it say "Devil", but it's a picture of Devil Jin instead? Seems like the US version is trying to make it seem like the Russians don't know who or what Devil actually is.
--Hecko 08:07, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Hecko stop the japanese translations. You acting like the creators are contradicting themsevles with japanese and english version. The Japanese version doesn't correct the english version. Both versions was made by namco. And as a matter of fact I check out Dragunov's japanese prologue myself. And it says (デビル捕獲の任を受け) "Trapped under the responsibility of the devil. The word phrase the Devil in this sentence is refering Devil as a thing or object. Not a spirit. So the japanese version is still saying the same thing. And about the russian military, of course they don't know who Devil Jin actually is. They just know he looks like a Devil. So yeah that's what they going to call him. But they still refered him as a thing. User: Faeli34

Jap vs. English: Always go for the original. It is by no means uncommon for the English version of a game to differ from the original Japanese. With Tekken, it's the same. Dialogue is often simplified and unspecific in English because certain conjugations and subtle phrasings can't be translated properly without making the sentences really long (or at all!). So while the English versions aren't bad, they are less accurate than the Japanese versions.
Your translation: It is flawed. I don't blame you though, since you don't actually know Japanese grammar. You've probably used Google translated again, despite how often I've said that translation software is inaccurate, and you're probably gonna continue to do that regardless of what I say. Anyway, the reason you got jumbled up words is because the sentence you asked it is incomplete; it has no final period and it has no past or non-past tense (since it's an "and"-sentence, meaning the tense is found in the next sentence). If you want it to make sense alone, plot in デビル捕獲の任を受けた。You should get something along the lines of "[He] received an order for Devil's capture." (The he is implied here, but is specified in the next sentence in the Japanese text).
The Russians' lack of info: You've pretty much just substantiated what I was trying to say. You have to also look at this from an in-game point of view, the Russian's either don't know who or what Devil actually is and assume it's Devil Jin because of his appearence, or they actually DO know that part of Devil is inside Jin and that's why they're after him. The former is a loooot more likely than the latter though, but it's hard to say either way.
--Hecko 22:38, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

That's not the reason they after Devil Jin. The russian military don't know nothing about Devil or no other half of him either. The reason the russian military after Devil Jin is because they found a unknown body buried deep down in some ice. They took the body in for more research. Later they heard a report on a creature destroying a forest. They seen pictures of the creature, it was Devil Jin. Devil jin look similiar to the unknown body they found. So they gave orders to Dragunov to capture Devil Jin so they can see if he had anything to do with the body they found. They don't know nothing about Devil. User: Faeli34


interesting, thanks


I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?

Are u a user, u must register as a user.. but the are two part to this disscussion, to read part one u must read the top for introduction User: Teriko

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