Eddy Gordo

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Eddy Gordo
Origin Brazil
Voiced By {{{voice}}}
Fighting Style Capoeira
Age 29
Blood Type B
Height 6'2"
Weight 165 lbs
Occupation Heir to/owner of a multi-million dollar corporation
Hobby Leadership Training
Likes Power, Christie Monteiro, his master
Dislikes Weakness, Kazuya Mishima


[edit] Introduction

Eddy Gordo is a character in the Tekken series. He first appeared in Tekken 3, and he has returned for Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. Also, Eddy has been confirmed to return in Tekken 6. In Tekken 4 and Tekken 5, he was merely a "costume" swap for Christie Monteiro. However, in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, he is given his own character space.

For his debut in Tekken 3, Eddy entered in order to find his parents' murderer. Although he was included in Tekken 4, he did not have his own story or ending, similar to Miharu Hirano. In Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Eddy, alongside Christie, tried to win the Tournament to gain access to technology that could save his master, Ho Chi Myong.

[edit] Trivia

  • In Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag Tournament, Eddy Gordo had an alternate "costume" named Tiger Jackson, or Tiger, for short. Whether Tiger is an alter-ego of Eddy or a separate person is still a mystery, since Namco has not commented on this.
  • Eddy Gordo's bosses in the Tekken Force side game in Tekken 3 are (in order of appearance) Julia Chang, Gun Jack, Tiger Jackson, and Heihachi Mishima.
  • There has been some debate on whether Eddy and Christie Monteiro have been good for the art of capoeira. On one hand, they have popularized capoeira, but, on the other, they are adding to the misconceptions about the art. Capoeira still has strong underlying philosophies which haven't been separated to create a corporate sport, like has happened to most martial arts.
  • Namco invited Mestre Marcelo to Japan and digitized his moves for the use of Eddy Gordo, Christie Monteiro and Tiger Jackson.
  • Eddy Gordo's nickname, Faisca, means "spark" in Portuguese and was used by Mestre Marcelo as a nickname to one of his students.
  • Some of Eddy's moves are gymnastics, not capoeira. Specifically the flare, windmill, and handstand movements.
  • American actor, stunt performer and Capoeira practitioner, Lateef Crowder, is a favorite of Tekken fans to play as Eddy in a film simply entitled Tekken, which is to be released in 2009.
  • In Tekken 4, Eddy is selectable by pressing triangle after beating the game with Christie. Pressing triangle on Christie also allows him to be chosen, only the player would not have to beat Christie's story mode first.
  • In Tekken 5, Eddy could be selected by first purchasing Christie's Alternate Costume and then selecting Christie using the "Triangle" button.
  • Eddy is mentioned in comedian Dane Cook's skit about the time he saw a guy getting hit by a car {"He starts doing combo moves from Tekken, right? He looks like Eddy Gordo in the air, all of a sudden..."}.
  • In an early Tekken 6 image, Eddy appeared to be returning as a costume swap for Christie Monteiro ([1]). However, this was revealed to be false, as Tekken 6's "Character Select" screen shows that Eddy has his own character space ([2]).

[edit] Story

Tekken 3 Eddy Gordo.
Tekken 3 Eddy Gordo.

Eddy was born into one of the richest families in Brazil. Since he was a small boy he knew he would one day take over the family business. He was well-liked in his home town because he was a hard worker who treated others as his equals.

One day, when he was 19, Eddy came home from school to find his father shot and dying. He recalled that his father had been unusually nervous and fearful in recent weeks.

Eddy's father working to destroy the drug cartel in Brazil. His untimely death occurred just when he had obtained enough evidence to put the kingpins away for good. In his last breaths, Eddy's father told him, "Now is not the right time to fight. Falsely admit to the crime and hide in prison. Only there will you be safe". Eddy went along with his father's last wish and the model student went from a life of luxury to incarceration as a murderer.

Prison life was hell and not a day went by that Eddy didn't vow to get even with his father's killers. One day during a prison riot he watched an old man with great power fighting using a technique he called Capoeira. For 8 years Eddy practiced until he became a master and could be considered a lethal weapon.

Upon his release from prison, Eddy heard about the 'King of Iron Fist Tournament 3' and the MFE. He decided to enter the tournament, believing he could persuade the MFE to help him seek his long-awaited revenge.

[edit] Ending Animation "Fixer"

The words "Seek the truth" is seen as a limo rolls up by a mansion. At 23:00, Eddy is looking out the window anxiously. An hour later (at 0:00) Eddy breaks into a druglord's mansion and violently attacks him. The druglord points to a table with photographs of Kazuya on it (Eddy was probably asking who he was working for).

Tekken Tag Tournament Eddy Gordo.

Eddy is featured as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament, a non-canonical Tekken game.

[edit] Ending Animation

Eddy and Tiger Jackson practice their Capoeira moves in Eddy's second Tekken Tag Tournament stage (the stage that is called "Eddy-B").

Tekken 4 Eddy Gordo.

Shortly after The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Eddy began to fulfill a promise he made to Ho Chi Myong, which was to pass on the art of Capoeira to the master's granddaughter, Christie Monteiro. Christie became an impressive fighter after only two years of training. Eddy abruptly disappeared one day, and he told Christie that he must seek vengeance against the person responsible for his father's death. Christie became troubled by his mysterious and sudden disappearance, and Christie entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 to search for him, as the tournament was her only lead. Eddy appears as a playable character in this game as a costume swap for Christie Monteiro rather than a character with his own space. His prologue and epilogue were the same as Christie's prologue and epilogue.

[edit] Ending Animation

Christie Monteiro has defeated Heihachi Mishima and won the tournament. The audience is cheering for her. People are walking up to her, taking photos of her and complimenting her about her victory. One man starts to interview her about her victory. Christie is very nonchalant throughout this. A man in a suit walks up to her, holding a golden trophy that is shaped like Heihachi's head. Two women are behind this man. Christie looks through the crowd and sees Eddy, who has a sling on one of his arms. Christie starts to run up to him while yelling, "Eddy!", twice. An echo of her saying this is heard after the second time she says it. Christie runs up to him and hugs him. Eddy hugs her with his other arm (the arm that doesn't have a sling around it). Christie says, "Eddy...", and then she closes her eyes and smiles.

Tekken 5 Eddy Gordo.
Tekken 5 Eddy Gordo.
Tekken 5 Eddy Gordo.

Eddy Gordo, a legendary Capoeira prodigy.

Eddy's master was about to be freed from prison after a long incarceration. Eddy went to the prison to meet his master, but instead found a frail old man that was only a shadow of the strong Capoeira master he once knew.

Upon taking his master to a hospital, Eddy was told his master had an incurable illness and had less then six months to live. However, it may be possible to discover a cure if they had access to the technology and resources of the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Several days later, Eddy decides to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 with Christie.

[edit] Interludes

Stage 4: Christie Monteiro

Eddy fights Christie who tries to stop him and defeats her with a promise to return.

Stage 7: Kazuya Mishima

Eddy recognizes Kazuya as the the man who framed him for the murder of his parents. Kazuya then deducts that Eddy must be "the son of those rich Brazilians." Eddy threatens to Kazuya for what he did. After having won, Eddy calls out to his father, saying that he has finally avenged him, before proceeding with the tournament so that he can win money for his master's medical bills.

Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima

Eddy walks through Final Stage 2. Jinpachi (in human form) walks up behind him and says, "I'm impressed that you've made it this far." (Eddy turns around upon hearing Jinpachi's voice) "I am Jinpachi Mishima. My goal... My goal is to destroy all existence!" After he finishes speaking, Jinpachi transforms into his "Devil" form.

[edit] Ending Animation

Christie and Eddy are sitting outside of the operation room. The light on top of the door (which says 'Operating') goes off. The scene changes. Eddy and Christie are outside training. Ho Chi Myong then comes an interrupts the session. Eddy sits out and watches Christie and Ho Chi Myong as they practice.

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Eddy Gordo.

Eddy Gordo's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

Eddy Gordo (on the right side) fighting Leo (on the left side) in Tekken 6.

At the conclusion of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Eddy spoke alone with Jin Kazama. Jin offered to lend him his money and resources to save his master's life. If Eddy joined the Tekken Force, he promised to find a cure for Eddy's master's illness.

Eddy joins the Tekken Force, and he is involved with a number of criminal operations just as The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 approaches.

[edit] Character Relationships

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