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Endurance was a variable used in calculating the amount of health each Tekken Tag Tournament character had. The default amount of health was set to be 140 points and endurance, calculated in percentages, would then be used to find out how much health a character actually had. The following list depicts endurance and actual amount of health, when health is set to default.

Endurance Health Characters
100%140Forest Law, Wang Jinrei, Jun Kazama, Paul Phoenix, Ling Xiaoyu, Michelle Chang, Nina Williams, Alex/Roger, Heihachi Mishima, Unknown, Kunimitsu
108%151Yoshimitsu, Bryan Fury, Baek Doo San, Hwoarang, Julia Chang, Lee Chaolan, Jin Kazama, Lei Wulong, Anna Williams, Kazuya Mishima, Bruce Irvin, Mokujin/Tetsujin, Eddy Gordo
111%155Armor King, Ganryu
120%168Devil/Angel, Kuma/Panda, Gun Jack, Jack-2, Prototype Jack, True Ogre
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