From Tekkenpedia
Mokujin | |
![]() | |
Origin | Unknown |
Fighting Style | Mokujin-Ken (Mimicry) |
Age | 2000 |
Blood Type | Sap |
Height | 5'10" |
Weight | 210 lbs |
Occupation | Training Dummy |
Hobby | Mimicry |
Likes | Mimicry |
Dislikes | Unknown |
Contents |
[edit] Introduction
Mokujin is a character in the Tekken fighting game series. Mokujin has appeared in Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 5, and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. It is currently unknown if Mokujin will return in Tekken 6 or not.
Mokujin has no fighting style of his own. Instead, he chooses the fighting style of another character that is competing in the current tournament and uses it. Mokujin changes fighting styles after every round.
[edit] Trivia
- Mokujin's name is written in kanji as 木人, and litterally means "person of wood", or simply "wooden person".
- Mokujin's fighting style is actually called 木人拳 (Mokujin-ken, Wooden person fist).
- Mokujin is the only character in Tekken 3 who does not face Heihachi Mishima at the end of Stage 4 (Mishima Fortress) in the Tekken Force side game. Instead, Mokujin will face Mokujin at the end of this stage.
- Mokujin's bosses in the Tekken Force side game in Tekken 3 are (in order of appearance) Mokujin, Mokujin, Mokujin, and Mokujin.
- Mokujin's sub-boss in Tekken 5 is Roger Jr..
- Based on the interlude with Roger Jr., we can say that he has children.
- In Tekken 3, Mokujin is available after beating the game four times.
- If you select Mokujin and press and hold 'down' on the d-pad while the game is loading, the traditional sound, heard when getting hit, is switched with the sound of striking a block of wood. This applies for all games.
- Selecting Mokujin with with the kick buttons means playing as the female version of Mokujin (her relation to the male mokujin, if there is any, is unknown).
- Mokujin is the chronologically oldest Tekken character according to the in-game time frame.
- Mokujin (alongside Jin Kazama in his non-devil form) was the only character in Tekken 5 not shown in the console opening.
[edit] Story
Mokujin is a training dummy made from a 2000 year old oak tree.
Mokujin has been kept in a museum for a long time, but when the God of Fighting (Ogre) awoke, it gained self-identity and started to act on its own. Some people say it is motivated by the desire to help martial artists, and only God and Mokujin know for sure.
[edit] Ending Animation "Upper Cut"
Mokujin receives an uppercut from a female version of Mokujin. Mokujin lands on his stomach. The female version of Mokujin throws a bucket on his back, and then she shakes her fist. Then, Mokujin is shown filling two buckets up with water from a lake. Mokujin walks back to the forest, carrying the two buckets filled with water. He sees two smaller Mokujin near a Tekken 3 arcade machine. One of them is playing the game, and the other one is just watching. Then, Mokujin starts playing. The two smaller Mokujin watch him play. He uses Mokujin (the male version), and he fights Mokujin (the female version). The male version of Mokujin (the one that Mokujin is using) wins the fight. Mokujin claps his hands. The female version of Mokujin, seen at the beginning of this video, appears behind him. Mokujin turns around, notices her, and he receives another uppercut.
[edit] Tekken Tag Tournament
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Mokujin appears as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament, a non-canonical Tekken game.
[edit] Ending Animation
Mokujin and Tetsujin are practicing some Wushu-like moves with many other Mokujin. Mokujin, Tetsujin and the other Mokujin perform all of their moves in unison. This ending animation ends with Mokujin/Tetsujin and the Mokujin pointing at the screen. This ending takes place in Forest Law's second Tekken Tag Tournament stage, which is called "Law-B".
Mokujin was a wooden dummy made from white oak that was used to train martial artists.
Mokujin started to move all of a sudden two years ago, but ceased moving after Ogre was defeated by Jin Kazama. When returned to the museum, Mokujin's face seemed to be smiling.
Once again, Mokujin has started to move upon the emergence of a powerful entity...
Will Mokujin ever be free?
[edit] Interludes
Stage 4: Roger Jr.
Mokujin meets Roger Jr. and his mother at the Dragon's Nest. Mokujin asks if Roger's mother has seen any of its children. Roger's mother replies saying that she will help it if it beats her. Mokujin then states that she wouldn't be able to help, since she can't talk. Roger's mother states that she's the one who wears pants in the family. In the end, Mokujin defeats Roger Jr. apologizing for it and saying that something terrible lies at the end of this Tournament.
Note: After Mokujin wins its fight against Roger Jr., Mokujin's words and actions are very similar to Wang Jinrei's after Wang defeats Ling Xiaoyu in his Tekken 5 / Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Story mode.
Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima
Mokujin walks through Final Stage 2. Jinpachi (in human form) walks up behind it and says, "I'm impressed that you've made it this far. I am Jinpachi Mishima. My goal... My goal is to destroy all existence!" Shortly after Jinpachi starts to speak, Mokujin turns around and notices him. After he finishes speaking, Jinpachi transforms into his "Devil" form.
[edit] Ending Animation
Mokujin has defeated Jinpachi. With the defeat of the force that awakened him, Mokujin falls to ground, lifeless. A column of light then shoots from the sky onto Mokujin, and a small leaf sprouts on his head.
[edit] Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
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Mokujin's storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.
Mokujin is a training dummy made from a 2,000-year-old oak tree. Sensing evil's presence, Mokujin once again sets out to save the world.
[edit] Character Relationships
- Wooden version of Tetsujin.
- Was brought to life in Tekken 3, and possibly Tekken Tag Tournament, by Ogre's evil.
- Was brought to life in Tekken 5 / Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection by Jinpachi Mishima's evil.
- Was brought to life in Tekken 6 by Azazel's evil.