Talk:Devil Jin

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[edit] Devil Jin's Tekken 6 story

Where was it found at? I can't find it anywhere. Also, why was my image of Devil Jin in Tekken 6 removed from the article? I'm going to remove the story and put my image back into the article. JunKazamaFan 11:51, 16 August 2007 (PDT)

[edit] Devil Jin is the combination of Jin Kazama and Devil????

It says that at the bottom of the page, Should'nt it be -Jin Kazama when the Devil Gene takes over? User:Darkdoom3000

Not really, seeing that Devil says that Jin contains part om him. Also, see here for more in-depth info. --Hecko 11:38, 18 August 2007 (PDT)
You know, I was totally wondering about that too, but I guess we've already discussed this, huh Hecko? --RaiJinX

It's possible that DEvil Jin may have been the one to defeat Jinpachi because when Jinpachi was awakened it said that Jin's devil gene went berserk.--Cojin 08:41, 5 September 2007 (PDT)

Yeah, but that was only for a short time. Maybe Jin might've absent-mindedly (or unknowingly) have done so after killing Jinpachi, though. --RaiJinX
I think if Jin is awake , he would not absorb Jinpachi's powers because of his goal to end the bloodline. If he did then, like Kazuya that rather stop the madness on Mishima Zaibatsu , made it more evil , meaning , the devil already took control..... which is possible cuz Jin is using Traditional Karate in Tekken 6.
That, too. --Rai


The devil gene was born within jin because of his curse blood line but since jin is in the kazama family then he has the kazama blood which is explain by devil kazuya in tekken 4 when tryin to absorb jin's devil gene... Angel has a power that can tranform devil kazuya back to his human form which is shown on her ending in tekken tag tornament. jun has the same power because she has the same ending as angel except she transform devil jin back by touching him like angel. Devil jin has black feathered wings like an angel this could mean that jun is angel and also when jun didnt appear in the tekken series no more, also angel didnt as well, this is my theory that jun is angel. Azuka kazama, jin's cousin also appeared to have the same power as jun, this is shown in her ending in tekken 5 when she touch jin and transforming him back. If you notice devil jin appear not to look so like a devil except for his horns which makes him look like a devil, but if he did not have horns then he will look more like an angel with black feather wings. if you think about this hard enough you will catch on to this theory.

Hecko Xtalk
06:23, 19 January 2008 (PST)
Tekken Tag Tournament isn't canon, and Jun is "special", but not an angel. Theory destroyed, but thanks for trying.

Look think about it, when jun was in kazuya life angel was watching over him but now that jun is gone, where did angel go.... And why was orge so interested with jun? Jin is half and half between devil and angel, and jun didnt defeat devil own her own angel helped her defeat devil. tekken tag tournament is not my prove, every body knows that jun has the same power like angel common sense would come to anybody mind that,that is true. Now if I'm wrong then tell me how this theory is destroyed, you can't tell me that i'm wrong, please study tekken and read between the lines ok.

teriko is right every thing he is saying is right, if people think real hard they will know the real answers that can never be answer except by the people who created the game series.

Hecko Xtalk
11:35, 23 January 2008 (PST)

The devil gene was born within jin because of his curse blood line but since jin is in the kazama family then he has the kazama blood which is explain by devil kazuya in tekken 4 when tryin to absorb jin's devil gene
Devil tried to absorb the half of him that possessed Jin, not the gene itself, because the concept of a "Devil Gene" wasn't created until Tekken 4. Other than that, yes, he is of both the Kazama and Mishima bloodline, since, big surprise, his parents are Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama. So this is what we have establishied so far: Jin's parents are Jun and Kazuya, and Jin is a carrier of the Devil Gene.

Angel has a power that can tranform devil kazuya back to his human form which is shown on her ending in tekken tag tornament. jun has the same power because she has the same ending as angel except she transform devil jin back by touching him like angel.
Sorry, TTT is not canon, so this can't be used for jack-snuff. This part of the theory is now destroyed for being based on something not canon.

Devil jin has black feathered wings like an angel this could mean that jun is angel and also when jun didnt appear in the tekken series no more, also angel didnt as well, this is my theory that jun is angel
Sorry, it has been well established that Angel was a part of Kazuya's soul, she's not an actual person, and thus cannot be the same as Jun. As for the feathered wings, for all we know, this could have been done for asthetic purposes or it could be a mutation of his Devil Gene. This part of the theory is now destroyed for lack of substance.

Azuka kazama, jin's cousin also appeared to have the same power as jun, this is shown in her ending in tekken 5 when she touch jin and transforming him back.
Well... yes, she is of the Kazama bloodline, they have that ability. However, this does nothing to support you theory. In fact, it has nothing at all to do with it. This part of the theory can't even be called "part of the theory", because it isn't.

If you notice devil jin appear not to look so like a devil except for his horns which makes him look like a devil, but if he did not have horns then he will look more like an angel with black feather wings.
Yes, because looks are everything you need to define a character... Let's just look away from the fact that, he carries a genom called the Devil gene, is possessed by half of the entity known as Devil, not to mention, his official name being Devil Jin. This part of the theory is now destroyed for lack of substance

Don't worry, I'll include your second post too.

Look think about it, when jun was in kazuya life angel was watching over him but now that jun is gone, where did angel go....
Angel lost a battle over Kazuya's soul to Devil, near the end of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. From that point on, she is considered missing or killed by the Devil side of Kazuya. And even if that didn't happen, she surely died when Kazuya got thrown into the vulcano. Jun did not (supposedly) die until 4 years prior to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, which leaves a time-gap of about 14-15 years of Angel no longer existing and Jun still being alive. Would you care to explain this gap? And even if you look passed that, we've already established that Angel isn't a real person and thus cannot be Jun. She may have become more dominant in Kazuya due to Jun's presence, but that doesn't make Jun an angel. This part of the theory is now destroyed due to lack of substance.

And why was orge so interested with jun?
Probably for the same reason he was interested in all the other combatants that went missing. She was a great martial artist. Or are you gonna say that King was an angel too? Question answered, and it didn't support your theory.

Jin is half and half between devil and angel
That's what you've been trying to prove, but so far, you're failing miserably. But hey, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll rewrite some of the story so he somehow turns into angel-like being, though, it is HIGHLY unlikely.

and jun didnt defeat devil own her own angel helped her defeat devil.
Angel no longer existed, Jun went solo on this one. This part of the theory is now destroyed for being incorrect.

So, all you have left of your theory is what we started off with, yet nothing points to Jin being half angel. Sorry, until Namco decides to rewrite the story, your theory fails.

OK ok ok, for your information, if you played tekken 5, in devil jin's story it says he is being control by the devil gene, look up the list of tekken minor characters or G corperation on And please read the whole article, and you can look that up for your self, and if you read jun's article it do say that she defeat devil with the help of angel.. ok let's talk about devil jin, if you played tekken 5 you should know some of devil jin's personality, for one thing his stage is a church, now why would a devil be in a church, and when ever you begin a match with devil jin he quotes, Fear the wrath of God, Why would such devil have the words of God in his present so that mean that he is both angel and devil. To let you know that kazuya's devil is not controling jin's devil gene, jin's devil is kazuya's devil son so if incase you didnt know that there more than one devil, AGAIN PLEASE LOOK UP THE LIST OF TEKKEN MINOR CHARACTERS OR G CORPERATION ON, jinpaichi, and heihachi tekken dark resurrection stories, you need to study tekken story game secrets.. For more prove that devil jin is hybrid between devil and angel, jun has a spiritual power known as the angel gene, there's not much information but it has been mention in the series. Also if you look at the video clip of jin's ending on tekken 4 when he see a vision of his mother he tell heihachi to thank his mother jun kazama and flies out of honmaru then a lot of jin's black feathers fall to the floor and one small white feather falls to the center, PLEASE LOOK AT THAT ENDING.

RaiJinX - I may have sworn celibacy, but that doesn't mean I can't be evil.:
TALK - 12:26, 24 January 2008 (PST)
You know, Hecko is right. Your theory makes no sense. Maybe Jin's Devil transformation looks like that because of his Kazama blood; after all, he is the son of Jun Kazama and Kazuya Mishima. Since you seem to want to mention Jin's Tekken 4 ending so much, I'm sure you must also remember Kazuya's Tekken 4 interlude, where he tries to force Jin to transform into Devil Jin. And what happens? It doesn't work. And what did Kazuya say? "Could it be because of the Kazama blood?" I think that's why Jin's transformation is so much like that, and not a hybrid between Devil and Angel. And besides, Wikipedia could also be wrong, you know.
Hecko Xtalk
12:44, 24 January 2008 (PST)
First of, Jun's article makes NO mention of her getting help from Angel, neither ours nor wikipedia's. In fact, the Wikipedia article on Jun does not even include the word "angel". So that is utter bull.

And how should I know why he's fighting inside a cathedral? Maybe he was hoping for divine intervention before his Devil Gene "activated" again, maybe it already had, and he figured the cathedral might get destroyed during the fight, or maybe it just had the right atmosphere and the game developers figured, "hey, a Devil in a church, imagine the irony" and placed him there.

"Fear the wrath of God" is a mistranslation of what he says, which you would know, had you read Devil Jins article or if you understood Japanese. In reality, he says "I will teach you fear".

The "Angel Gene" is completely fan-created and has never been mentioned in any of the games. Fans coined the term in hopes of explaining her power, and because they thought she and Angel were one and the same. Feel free to prove me wrong with a direct quote from the game

And the devil that possesses Devil Jin's body isn't Devil's son, it IS Devil. Devil states the entire thing himself, by refering to Jin as his "other half" and stating that he lost a part of himself 20 years prior to the events of Tekken 4. It is this part that possessed Jin.

And so what if one of his feathers were white? What does it actually prove? It only raises questions and causes fanboys to read WAY too much into it.

So before you start bullshitting me about studying the story of Tekken, I suggest YOU do it first, since you seem to know NOTHING of pre-T4 history, because you try to pass of theory after misguided theory as factual information. I especially say this, because you've twice refered to the page that disproves many of your misguided theories, which obviously means that you haven't read the whole thing yourself.

EDIT: @Rai Kazuya's quote is actually also a slight mistranslation. He actually asks "Is this because of the power of the Kazamas?". The translators probably figured it wouldn't matter, because in either case, he didn't transform because of his Kazama ancestry, so why sweat the small stuff?

look all i know is that he is a hybrid between devil and angel, soon yall will know the truth about devil and angel because some fans of this game think just like i do, you guys on the other hand still havin prove solit facts about yall theory so the truth will come, where i come from we know all the facts even from some of the people who had part and created these games, you guys need to find unknown site on this what i'm talking about is true, so no matter what yall say, its what it is yall probaly dont even know who even started the devil gene do you yall need some series catching up on this, jinpachi know who really started it because it really didnt start from kazuya, well theres no reason to explain that because yall gone keep on coming up with stupid reason about it so whatever. another thing devil kazuya and devil jin is going to fight incase if yall didnt know that so tell me if devil is controling jins devil then why would they fight well theres no reason to explain that, and who came up with angel is another half with kazuya is dumb angel is just a spirit that was sent down to pertect kazuya from devil, think real hard if theres a devil blood runing in mishima family its a opposite to it too which is kazama blood. JUST KNOW THAT IM RIGHT THAT ALL. fro some prove that some fans think like i do go to google search in type in jin kazama vs Akira yuki you will finds some information about it.


Look devil jin is a hybrid. you guys need to look at the other side, if you read devil jin article it says he is being control by the devil gene, READ HIS ARTICLE!, now kazama blood has a relation with angel because, they both can repell the devil gene by touching one with the devil gene. AND HECKO,OR WHAT EVER THE FUCK YO NAME IS, devil lost apart of himself when heihachi through him down the vocano,and devil's other half is not controling jin, its the DEVIL GENE you dumb ass boy, READ READ! OK READ BETWEEN THE LINES.. exuse me. The devil gene is the Devil it self not the same devil, devil jin and devil is two defferent Devils, both devils refurre them selfs as the devil if you know the story RIGHT. angel is not apart of kazuya that was a statement from fans because if angel was apart of kazuya then where is she? were did angel go? why is she not in kazuya? angel's last appearance alone with unknown and jun kazama was on tekken 3 and when jun came up missing you didnt see angel no more, unknown no more, if you think real hard when jun was around kazuya angel was around kazuya and even if i dont have prove, the secrets will be reveal when tekken the movie come out in the mids of 2008 or 2009, and if you watch the first movie then you should know. so look man I'm sorry for cursing you out, but you have to understand that every story has a secret that must be found out.

Hecko Xtalk
16:10, 30 January 2008 (PST)
I tried being civil and patient you guys, by explaining why you are wrong in extensive details. That obviously got me nowhere, so now I'm gonna be and to the point, so if by God you do not understand, there's something wrong with you.

look all i know is that he is a hybrid between devil and angel
WRONG, you theorize that he is a hybrid and have no substantial facts to back up your claim beyond reasonable doubt.

soon yall will know the truth about devil and angel because some fans of this game think just like i do
Just because other fans think the same DOES NOT NECESSARILY MAKE IT TRUE!

you guys on the other hand still havin prove solit facts about yall theory so the truth will come,
Grammar is so bad, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I assume you're implying that what I've stated so far is theory, in which case you are INCORRECT!! All facts stated by me are just that, FACTS!! Things stated directly in the game or by its makers. What you have are sentences twisted and a bunch of non-existing events in the storyline, which you've used to concuct some theory that has been proven again and again to be incorrect on various different points.

where i come from we know all the facts even from some of the people who had part and created these games, you guys need to find unknown site on this what i'm talking about is true, so no matter what yall say
Ah yes, some mysterious unknown site with all the "correct information", which for some odd reason, you tell us nothing about or even link to so that credibility can be checked. Why is this? Are you afraid that we are gonna prove it to be utter bull?

its what it is yall probaly dont even know who even started the devil gene do you yall need some series catching up on this, jinpachi know who really started it because it really didnt start from kazuya, well theres no reason to explain that because yall gone keep on coming up with stupid reason about it so whatever
Oh, you want to test out knowledge of the Devil Gene? Okay, no problem, here are the FACTS. The entire concept of the Devil Gene was not created until Tekken 4, meaning that in the entire story-line up until that point never made any mention to any gene. The first character who was confirmed to have the gene was Jin, quickly followed by Kazuya, leading to the conclusion that the gene was heredetary. In case you don't know what it means, it means that a parent passes it on to their offspring. It was long believed that the Gene started with Kazuya in order to tie in the story-lines from Tekken 1, Tekken 2, and Tekken 3, and because of the apparent lack of the Gene in Heihachi. Then along came Tekken 5 and the demon possession of Jinpachi which led to confussion among fans. Did Jinpachi possess the same Gene? Was the demon who possessed Jinpachi related to Devil? To this date NOTHING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED!!

another thing devil kazuya and devil jin is going to fight incase if yall didnt know that so tell me if devil is controling jins devil then why would they fight well theres no reason to explain that
Oh, I dunno, could it be that Devil is not controlling the part he lost, that it created a personality of its own, and, being the evil bastard that it is, it wants to rule the world and not share it with anyone, including its other half? Why don't we wait until Tekken 6 comes out so that we might actual get some FACTS.

and who came up with angel is another half with kazuya is dumb
Yeeeah, that would be Namco, you may have heard of them, they CREATED THE GAME!!

Then try proving it with ACTUAL FACTS instead of bullshit theories.

fro some prove that some fans think like i do go to google search in type in jin kazama vs Akira yuki you will finds some information about it
Welcome to Tekkenpedia, a site where all statements featured in articles require facts and where fan theories aren't worth jack shit, when it comes to the articles. If you want to write it on your userpage, go right ahead.


Look devil jin is a hybrid. you guys need to look at the other side, if you read devil jin article it says he is being control by the devil gene, READ HIS ARTICLE!
Here's a fun fact, it doesn't say he is controlled by it, but that he loses control to it, in other words, the Devil Gene activates without him wanting it to and the devil in him takes control of his body. In other words THE GENE IS ONLY A TRIGGER, IT'S THE DEVIL IN HIM THAT TAKES CONTROL. For someone who whines about others having to read between the lines, you truly SUCK at it yourself.

now kazama blood has a relation with angel because, they both can repell the devil gene by touching one with the devil gene
Oooooh, is that soooo? Seeing that Angel was part of Kazuya's soul SHE NEVER ACTUALLY CAME INTO PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH HIM! In short, it's a bullshit comparison.

Are you actually that stupid or is just an act? Was it too complicated for you to scroll up and make sure?

devil lost apart of himself when heihachi through him down the vocano
CONGRATU-FUCKING-LATIONS!! It is, despite the absolutely horrible spelling, the first fact stated directly from the game, by anyone OTHER THAN ME!

and devil's other half is not controling jin, its the DEVIL GENE you dumb ass boy, READ READ! OK READ BETWEEN THE LINES.And then you just had to go and fuck it up for yourself. Read the first responce to the first part of your latest comment, that is if you figured out how scrolling works since the last time you visited.

The devil gene is the Devil it self not the same devil, devil jin and devil is two defferent Devils, both devils refurre them selfs as the devil if you know the story RIGHT.
Oh, I'm sorry, the part in Tekken 4 were Devil says about an uncounscious Jin (taken from the official translation, not my own): "So you were with him after all, my half..." *HINT GIANT KICK IN THE BALLS HINT!!!* must've confused me. With that sentence ALONE, he has stated that Jin possesses half of the being known as Devil. Still not convinced you say? You want more proof you say? Well, let's continue. Heihachi asks: "Who are you?!" (they left out "You bastard!", but hey, who cares?). Devil turns to heichachi and replies: "I am what you refer to as "Devil"" (We've now established that it really WAS Devil who made the comment about his other half being in Jin's body, had the GLOWING RED EYES not already tipped you off). He goes on to say: "Twenty years ago, I lost a part of myself when you nearly killed me." (Volcano incident from Tekken 2) "Now, I'll retrieve what's rightfully mine from him" (Refering to Jin, once AGAIN stating the Jin contains part of Devil). I could continue, but just see Kazuya's T4 end movie and it should all become PAINFULLY CLEAR that the devil in Jin is half of the Devil in Kazuya. In other words, your knowledge of the "right" story is utter bollocks.

angel is not apart of kazuya that was a statement from fans because if angel was apart of kazuya then where is she? were did angel go? why is she not in kazuya?
Who says she isn't? Can you somehow see inside Kazuya in ways we normal mortal beings cannot and tell wether she's there or not? Oh, an the reason why fans say Angel is part of Kazuya is a secret, but I'll share it with you anyway *shhhh* says so on her character profile.

angel's last appearance alone with unknown and jun kazama was on tekken 3 and when jun came up missing you didnt see angel no more, unknown no more
EEEEEEEEEEH, that answer is INCORRECT. Angel's last appearance was in Tekken Tag Tournament, which is a NON-CANONICAL GAME, in case that word was too hard for you, it means that the game has NOTHING to do with the storyline of the other games, so any argument about TTT and how it effects the storyline in the other games is total bull. Sorry, as a fan, you should have realized that long ago.

if you think real hard when jun was around kazuya angel was around kazuya
I've though about it, REAL HARD, like you said, and here's the conclusion I came to. When Jun was around, the Angel side of Kazuya's soul became more dominant, but regardless, SHE IS NOT JUN. And since you game me such a harder thinker, here's a lovely little conundrum for you, that EVERYONE seems to overlook. If Angel was Jun, why doesn't she then fight using KAZAMA style self-defence? For some odd reason, she seems to use MISHIMA Style Karate, the EXACT same style as Devil and Kazuya, I might add. And now you may think: "But Heihachi also uses Mishima style Karate", but if you've payed ANY attention in the early games, you'd notice that there are slight variations of how Heihachi fights using MSK and how Kazuya fights with MSK. We KNOW that Kazuya and Devil are the same being, which explains why there's no variation between their fighting styles, why I there then also no variations in Kazuya's and Angel's fighting styles? Even looking past the completely OBVIOUS fact that they are the same being, because it has been stated by the CREATORS OF THE GAME, the only reasonable conclusion would be because they are the same being. THE FUCKING END OF THAT ASPECT OF THE DISCUSSION!

and even if i dont have prove, the secrets will be reveal when tekken the movie come out in the mids of 2008 or 2009, and if you watch the first movie then you should know.
Dude, we already know that the movie doesn't follow the exact same storyline as the games, you can't use that argument for anything. The same goes for the first movie (or rather, the anime).

so look man I'm sorry for cursing you out, but you have to understand that every story has a secret that must be found out.
Hey, I'm sorry too for having to respond in this way, but if you've bothered reading the first questions I answered with an open mind, instead of being hard-headed, I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Also, I DO understand that many stories have secrets, but YOU need to understand, that you uncover the secrets by gathering ALL THE FACTS, sorting out rumors, verifying bits of info, instead of believing everything to be true and start making up bullshit theories that crumble before the first full stop has been reached, and then still accepting it as truth, even though all the actual facts have been layed out before you. Feel free to ask any questions if you want, but please stop with the utterly inane theories. Thank you.

All these things MAY be retconned in future installments, but as it stands now, these are the facts.

I'm pretty sure that was a little kid...--Cojin 02:29, 31 January 2008 (PST)


Alright, I'm sorry. OK, now look at it this, now i know this story deosnt have relations of what me and you is talking about but read carfully please. The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 Draws to a close. Jun Kazama comes to the stunning realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil. BUT SHE CANNOT HELP BEING DRAWN TO HIM, PROPELLED BY A MYSTIC FORCE BEYOND HER CONTROL. Several days later, the final challenger arrives to face Kazuya, the organizer of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. In a reprise of the first Tekken Tournament, the father and son clash in a cursed blood battle. Eventually, Heihachi emerges scarred but victorious to regain control of the immense Mishima Conglomerate. Unaware of Devil's presence, Heihachi casts the lifeless Kazuya into a fiery volcano.

As Kazuya's body burns, the Devil appears before the pregnant Jun Kazama in a bid to enter the soul of the new life beating within her. But in a desperate struggle for the future of her child, Jun defeats Devil and retires to desolate Yakushima so as to raise Kazuya's son, Jin, alone.

Having regained control of the Mishima Conglomerate, Heihachi sets about to further increase his powers. He embarks on a crusade to win the trust of world leaders by putting wars and conflicts to rest. Using his immeasurable wealth, he forms Tekkenshu, a mercenary group employed to quell conflicts efficiently. He also takes a strong interest in the well being of developing nations by helping them build agricultural systems that will sustain them. Through Heihachi's efforts, the world appears to be regaining peace.

Around fifteen years have passed and Jin Kazama is now 15 years old.

Under Heihachi's orders, the Tekkenshu are excavating a Central American archeological site when they discover a mysterious life form. Heihachi orders the creature's capture, but loses contact with the Tekkenshu after a garbled radio message, "... they are all dead... Toshin (Fighting God)?!..."

Upon arriving at the dig, Heihachi finds a field of corpses. Heihachi is wracked by sorrow, but also realizes that the power of the mysterious life form could be the key to his long dormant dream of world domination. To obtain this mysterious power of Toshin, and the world, Heihachi tempts the fates once again...

Within weeks, strange disappearances occur throughout the world. Persons of strong soul, masters of martial arts and other derivative fighting disciplines are reported missing... with no knowledge of their whereabouts.

Jun Kazama instinctively picks up on the dark power encroaching on her life. She has no understanding of what it is, but senses that she has become a target. Accepting her destiny, she tells Jin everything she knows of their haunted past to prepare him for the fateful day she now feels is imminent. She tells Jin to go to his grandfather Heihachi if anything befall her.

Her intuition proves right on a cold, stormy night. Toshin comes to the mountains bringing a chilling, swirling wind. "Run away!" cries Jun. But against his mother's pleas Jin opts to face Toshin and is knocked unconscious.

When Jin awakens, the house and everything around it is burned to the ground. Jin searches frantically for his mother but she is nowhere to be found.

Jun has died at Toshin's hands. Honoring her instructions, Jin goes to Heihachi and begs to be trained in order exact revenge. Heihachi, hearing Jin's tale, is convinced that Toshin is after the souls of powerful fighters. To attract Toshin, Heihachi decides to host the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3.

Four years later, on Jin Kazama's 19th birthday, the curtains rise for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3.

this story minsion a mysterous toshin, that toshin seeks people with strong souls and spirit within them, like jun kazama, that toshin is orge, A being that seeks people with strong supernatural powers, like jun kazama kazuya mishima, jin kazama, but the toshin's target was jun kazama. many fans ignore this story, but jun has a mystic force beyond her control that draws her to kazuya, a stong spirit thats within her, she is being propelled by a strong mystic force beyond her control, Can you tell me what that means? if you want to know where i got this story from go to but there is something in jun that draws her to kazuya, a mystic force, could that be angel? What is that mystic Force? And what does the toshin orge see inside her that he wants? And is jun really dead? can you anwser these questions?

Hecko Xtalk
09:52, 31 January 2008 (PST)
Yes, I see how the mysterious force must've been Angel, since it was this attraction that allowed Jun to be raped. Angels do that alot you know? Make people become attracted to devils, allow them to be helpless in time of need so that they can be raped and impregnated by the spawn of that before mentioned devil. Makes sense. Absolutely briliant theory... For all we know, her psychic powers gave Devil an oppening to directly influence her from within Kazuya, but the thing is, we have no fact as to what the mysterious force actually is, that's what makes it mysterious.

There's nothing mysterious about Toshin. Toshin is the Japanese name for the character Ogre, almost anyone who played Tekken 3 would know that. And FYI, it is stated that he seeks strong souls, which is commonly attributed to fighters with strong fighting prowess. This is a generalizing statement, meaning ANY strong fighter would do (it mentions nothing of "fighters with mysterieous powers", because had that been the case, why didn't he take Jin too? Why not go after Kazuya? Why not go after Yoshimitsu?). Jun Kazama was a strong fighter, hence Ogre was in search of her, it does not take a Ph.D. in psychology to figure out that mindset. Also, before the return of many characters in later installments, which Namco didn't expect they'd be making, Ogre was to have been responcible for the disappearences of Baek Doo San, the first King, Bruce Irvin and many of the other Tekken characters. Are you gonna say that were angels as well? Also, there are almost no fans who ignore that story, but there are however many who twist it in order to make up bullshit theories *cough cough*.

And no, no one knows if Jun is dead or not, which is why we haven't stated that as a fact anywhere.

@Cojin: Fan theories spread like wildfire, regardless of who starts spreading them, so it's better to shoot them down immediatly than to have more fans start buying into it.

I'd have to agree with hecko on this because...

  1. Kazuya sold his soul to devil so that he had the power to defeat heihachi in tekken 1.
  2. Angel fought over kazuya's soul with devil but even if she was another entity it mentions nothing of her being jun.
  3. Although jin was born with the devil gene he did not inherit the other half of devil until just before tekken 3(as shown in the tekken 3 intro branding him with the mark on his arm)
  4. Yes ogre/toshin attacked jun but he also attacked many fighters (bruce,wang,baek and king..although now t5 is out it is shown most were not attacked and if so were not killed up until tekken 3 this was the story.)
  5. The mysterious force could have been anything it could just be that she felt she had to save someone in such dire need(kazuya)
  6. TTT Isnt canon else we could say kazuya was never dead and came back to fight and would also mean ogre/true ogre which proved wrong in t4 as kazuya was brought back to life by Gcorp and as jin was in australia heihachi needed kazuyas body and was shocked to see he was still alive.
  7. Its been mentioned here plenty of times but watch all of the mishimas endings in t4 (including jin) and theres so much supporting the fact that devil jin is the half that devil left in him just before t3, and kazama blood is special but no substantial proof of this being angel has been confirmed. Also jins vision of jun could be hallucinating from devil gene, juns soul or maybe jin fighting back devil jin wih something that would calm him(image of his mother)
  8. I have read so much of this now juns gone angels gone, but if kazama blood was the angel why were she not in t5 representing asuka? and why in t2 does angel fight with devils/kazuyas mishima fighting style (though i can see this could be down to asthetic value as she is a costume swap.)
  9. The church for devil jin looks to be down to the fact its atmospheric as i couldnt see devil jin fighting anywhere else bar maybe one of the final stages(though if you take into account the fact jin won t5 then the appearance of devil jin in a church is non canon anyway.) I am open to suggestions as to what posessed jinpachi (either another part of devil, maybe the devil spirit that flew up in t3 intro, possibly ogre though unlikely, maybe sumthing entirely different.)As i am willing to believe that whether it was jin or devil jin that won the tournament they are both in the same body and so perhaps both their t5 endings are correct.
  10. The feathered wings hmmm, tricky, it could be for asthetic value or that he has kazama blood. It could be that everyone has an angel but seen as its only the mishimas who have the devil gene so far they are the only one who need it. Theres always a chance that namco may alter their stories so angel is a seperate entity/angel jun making devil jin a hybrid but...well.."DEVIL jin" (not angel devil jin)and angel hasn't even been mentioned outside of tekken 2 with the exception of TTT which is purely a non-canon gameplay tekken.

Anyway theres ten points on why i am 95% sure jin is not a hybrid and why jun isn't angel ive played all the games but dont own TTT no more. Wonder how ling is sposed to save jin without kazama blood? (or maybe she is but no one knows yet, maybe she is the angel?)


you know maybe you right about this but i think that she is i dont know how to prove it very well but i just think that she is angel. you said that jinpachi was possesed by devil or something else, well if you have tekken dark ressrection on psp,in haihachi story he states that his father jinpachi has the devil blood so that means that, thats a way different devil then kazuya or jins devil, i really dont know man, all i know is what i think, in thats jun in angel has a relationship.

this is my prove about devil angel, jin, kazuya ,and jun:

.::Kazuya & Jun: Love, Hate or A Night's Stand::.

I will always remember the raised eyebrows when I, and probably all other Tekken players, found out about Jin's lineage. His parents were Kazuya and Jun...two people one wouldn't really see together save except for the heck of pairing two characters together for a fan fiction--much like JuliaxJin. Up to this point we all knew and liked Kazuya for the cold blooded son of a gun that would destroy anything in his way. But then Namco surprise us even though in Jun's profile we know that she entered the tournament to free Kazuya of the evil spirit, Devil. Truth be told, no one saw this one coming.

So what do we know about Kazuya and Jun?

Kazuya had defeated his father, Heihachi, two years ago in Tekken 1 and had since taken over the Zaibatsu, bringing it towards arms making and what not. He had altogether disappeared from the public eye with mere rumors about his ruthless nature and his power being the closest people came to knowing him. Upon finding out that Heihachi was still alive, Kazuya held the Tekken 2 tournament and as expected Heihachi entered to clobber his son and get back what was "his".

Officially, Jun entered the tournament to free Kazuya of Devil and investigate the animal kidnapping (done by Kazuya). It isn't stated at all if she fell in love with him at first fact even as the tournament was drawing to a close and she had fully realized that he was possessed by Devil, she was "drawn" to him. So it wasn't love at first sight. In fact it even states that she was "propelled by a mystic force beyond her control". I'll get to this later on. As of now all we know is that even towards the end of the tournament she was drawn powerfully towards Kazuya and eventually slept with him.

Kazuya's reaction to Jun is never mentioned even once by Namco. We don't know whether he loved her, hated her, was really attracted to her. We don't know anything. All we know is that he slept with her. Rape is out of question because Jun was officially drawn to him which resulted in her eventually getting impregnated by him. Even her ending is called "purity" which should be hint enough. Keep in mind that Jun's ending is a canon ending as she returns to Yakushima where fifteen years later Jin's prologue would take place. Also Jun was perfectly at peace and even happy in her Tekken 2 ending and I seriously doubt a woman who got raped would be that calm, especially not someone as sensitive as Jun. So yes, rape is out of question.

However, Namco constantly avoiding to mention Kazuya's feelings towards Jun is probably similar to the way Cloud's love for either Tifa or Aeris is never mentioned: the reason being that Namco don't want to alienate either of Kazuya fans...those who love him as an evil son of a bitch and those who love him simply because he is badass and complex.

In any case, hate seems to be out of question. Why?

Canon wise, Angel was fighting with Devil to save Kazuya's soul. Keeping aside the argument that Jun is Angel, one has to wonder how his good side awakened. Canon wise it was his contact with Jun Kazama that brought out some of his lost goodness which is represented by Angel in the game. So yes, this good side that was awakened in him did actually happen and is canon. With Devil still having a hold over Kazuya's soul, Kazuya had to struggle between the two extremes but eventually Angel and Devil both had equal hold over him which made Kazuya a relatively good person. Now think about it:

Jun was the person who brought out Kazuya's good side. It obviously means that Kazuya's reaction to her was positive. It couldn't be just sexual attraction or a one night stand because that isn't good or pure. I doubt wanting to just have a woman for one passionate night is bringing out one's good side. We also know that he did eventually sleep with her. All things point towards the fact that Kazuya was in love with Jun at this point and it was this love that had made caused his good side to be rekindled and their sleeping together was "lovemaking" in every sense of the word.

As for Jun, she was officially attracted to Kazuya having being "propelled by a mystic force beyond her control". Now this "mystic force" has been a matter of debate for a long time now. Who or what is it? Devil? Angel? Love it self? Destiny? Fate?

It really can't be Devil. In Tekken 4 we see that half of him was transferred to Jin making him weaker. Now why would Devil go through the trouble of making Jun fall in love with Kazuya, make him sleep with her only so that he could become weaker?! It doesn't make sense. Not even by Namco storyline standards. Keep in mind also that Asuka, who also possess the Kazama blood, had to do as little as touch Jin to completely wipe Jin's Devil traces. Kazama blood clearly cancels out Devil influence which would explain why Devil's hold on Kazuya weakened when Jun came in the picture, and why Kazuya's good side was rekindled. And going with it, it again explains why Kazuya clearly loved her.

It is highly possible that it was Angel. Angel was there to save Kazuya from Devil and fully rekindle his good side. To do this she "used" Jun and with Kazuya falling in love with her, his good side was brought out. Officially his good side WAS brought out to the point that Devil and Angel were in equal control over him. Angel brought the two of them together to motivate Kazuya further to push the darkness away. As of yet it makes perfect sense that it would be Angel and NOT Devil as mentioned above.

That is another thing that Angel is supposedly a representation of Jun Kazama herself. Though she is said to Kazuya's good side, a lot of facts point towards the Jun theory having merit:

1- Angel is a female. Why would Kazuya's goodness be of the form of a woman (sexism! lol)?

2- Angel is supposed to be a nemesis of Devil and is its polar opposite. Kazama blood is shown to have the power to cancel out Devil influence hence they are one and the same. Shown in TTT, T4 and T5.

3- Jun was the chosen one.

4- the fact that their prologues are identical at the end of the day. Jun is to "exorcise" the Devil from Kazuya while Angel is "vying over his soul". Both of them are actually the same thing said in different ways when we think about it.

5- In the second last scene of the Tekken2 intro, we see Kazuya standing staring at the city from the high-rise building. His eyes are blood red like how they are when he is under Devil's influence. Behind him, Angel is standing with her arms around him protectively. Devil is shown to be internally existing in Kazuya (blood red eyes) but Angel is shown as an external influence (standing behind him with). Why would this be if they both are supposed to be "parts" of him. Clearly Angel is NOT a part of him but an outside being...Jun.

6- The fact that Angel is shown in the T2 intro as an illusion further solidifies the fact that she is a representation of Jun rather than an independent entity herself.

7- In Jun's TTT ending, she touches Jin and wipes away his Devil influence (just like Asuka does to Jin in her T5 ending). In Angel's TTT ending, she touches Kazuya and wipes away his Devil influence. Heck they even smile the same way! Obvious and clear hint!

Lots of people support the "Devil was the Mystic force" theory because of his TTT ending where he is shown gently lifting a dead/unconscious Jun and flying away. Obviously these people forget the fact that the Kazama's cancel out Devil's influence. It is shown more than once (TTT Jun ending, T5 Asuka ending). Even in T4 when Devil is trying to merge with the part of him in Jin, the Kazama blood stops it from happening...keep in mind that the blood stopped this from happening even though the host of the body, Jin, was unconscious. Obviously Kazama blood has a "natural" response to Devil and it takes place without a conscious effort on the part of the person. This is also shown in Asuka's ending where she changes Jin back to his normal self even thought she is clearly doing it without realizing what she is doing.

In Devil's TTT, he is obviously supposed to be a representation of Kazuya. By the time he came in contact with her his traces should have been wiped out completely making Kazuya take owner ship of his body back from Devil (its a split personality thing as explained here). However, since Devil and Kazuya are one and the same, Kazuya doesn't change to his normal self as is the case with Jin, the same way Kazuya doesn't become Devil EVERY TIME he is under Devil's control (Kazuya T4 ending for example). We see Kazuya gently lift up an unconscious Jun and fly away with her safely in his arms.

If Kazuya hated Jun why didn't he just leave her there?

If Kazuya was such a rapist why didn't he just bang her right there and then? She was obviously defenseless at time.

It is pretty obvious that Kazuya and Jun were clearly least during the Tekken 2 days. While it is true that we don't hear Kazuya even mentioning Jun's name since his return in Tekken2 we can't take this as a reason for him not loving her. There are many reasons:

1- Canon wise, Jun is dead by now.

2- him reminiscing about Jun would be totally out of character as far as his in-game persona goes.

3- its the same case as it is with Cloud, Tifa and Aeris. Half of his fans want him to be with Tifa while the other half want him to be with Aeris. In order NOT to alienate either of the fans, they have kept quiet on the matter. Same way, half of Kazuya's fans love him for the badass that he is while the others love him for being a badass AND his complex personality.

4- most of his in-game cut scenes are with people he hates or doesn't care about and since T4 he has been rather pissed in all the parts of the game as the story of the games have been too serious for "sentimental scenes". now say something now

Hecko Xtalk
14:35, 31 January 2008 (PST)
I like how you try to prove your case with someone elses theory. Emphasis on the last word: theory. Here's where it fails.

Officially, Jun entered the tournament to free Kazuya of Devil and investigate the animal kidnapping (done by Kazuya).
Yes, Jun entered to arrest Kazuya for animal smuggling, as WWWC officer, that was her job. She did not know of Devil's presense until after the tournament had started, so that part is purely fictional.

As of now all we know is that even towards the end of the tournament she was drawn powerfully towards Kazuya and eventually slept with him.
If by "slept with him", s/he means "got raped by him", then yes, that happened.

Kazuya's reaction to Jun is never mentioned even once by Namco. We don't know whether he loved her, hated her, was really attracted to her. We don't know anything. All we know is that he slept with her. Rape is out of question because Jun was officially drawn to him which resulted in her eventually getting impregnated by him. Even her ending is called "purity" which should be hint enough.
No, it isn't out of the question. It got censored out of the English version of the game. In the Japanese version, she got raped. And what is with the "purity" comment? So because her ending is called purity, she's somehow immune to getting raped?

Keep in mind that Jun's ending is a canon ending as she returns to Yakushima where fifteen years later Jin's prologue would take place. Also Jun was perfectly at peace and even happy in her Tekken 2 ending and I seriously doubt a woman who got raped would be that calm, especially not someone as sensitive as Jun. So yes, rape is out of question.
Who says the ending is canon? But for sake of argument, let's say it is. Who says she was calm and at peace? That might have been the exact reason why she went there, because she wasn't feeling calm and at peace, and she was hoping that the scenery would help he become that and help her reflect on the past events. Also, even if we go by the censored storyline, where she wasn't raped, she would still just have found out that the guy she had sex with was possessed by Devil, she had found out she was pregnant, and she had just gotten attacked by an evil entity. If Jun was really as sensitive as the person wants you to believe, how could she still extremely calm as if nothing had happened, like the person aslo wants you to believe. It's completely impossible for everything the person wrote to be true.

However, Namco constantly avoiding to mention Kazuya's feelings towards Jun is probably similar to the way Cloud's love for either Tifa or Aeris is never mentioned: the reason being that Namco don't want to alienate either of Kazuya fans...those who love him as an evil son of a bitch and those who love him simply because he is badass and complex.
First off, two completely different companies, but nevermind. And for the third time, Namco has already stated that he raped her. So far, we've established that this person is really bad at doing proper research.

Canon wise, Angel was fighting with Devil to save Kazuya's soul. Keeping aside the argument that Jun is Angel, one has to wonder how his good side awakened. Canon wise it was his contact with Jun Kazama that brought out some of his lost goodness which is represented by Angel in the game. So yes, this good side that was awakened in him did actually happen and is canon. With Devil still having a hold over Kazuya's soul, Kazuya had to struggle between the two extremes but eventually Angel and Devil both had equal hold over him which made Kazuya a relatively good person.
Well, she fought against Devil, not with Devil, but no matter. Also, we have no idea of how the good/evil ratio was, that is pure speculation. It would be easier to assume, that with the upbringing Kazuya had and the immense anger and hate he still possessed, he would still be a relatively evil guy. That being said, the following:

Jun was the person who brought out Kazuya's good side. It obviously means that Kazuya's reaction to her was positive. It couldn't be just sexual attraction or a one night stand because that isn't good or pure. I doubt wanting to just have a woman for one passionate night is bringing out one's good side. We also know that he did eventually sleep with her. All things point towards the fact that Kazuya was in love with Jun at this point and it was this love that had made caused his good side to be rekindled and their sleeping together was "lovemaking" in every sense of the word.
is pure assumption. And for the forth time, she got raped. She may have brought out the good side in him, but that doesn't mean that he instantly turns into a law abidding boy scout.

As for Jun, she was officially attracted to Kazuya having being "propelled by a mystic force beyond her control". Now this "mystic force" has been a matter of debate for a long time now. Who or what is it? Devil? Angel? Love it self? Destiny? Fate?

It really can't be Devil. In Tekken 4 we see that half of him was transferred to Jin making him weaker. Now why would Devil go through the trouble of making Jun fall in love with Kazuya, make him sleep with her only so that he could become weaker?! It doesn't make sense. Not even by Namco storyline standards. Keep in mind also that Asuka, who also possess the Kazama blood, had to do as little as touch Jin to completely wipe Jin's Devil traces. Kazama blood clearly cancels out Devil influence which would explain why Devil's hold on Kazuya weakened when Jun came in the picture, and why Kazuya's good side was rekindled. And going with it, it again explains why Kazuya clearly loved her.
Here, we once again see the results of bad research. He became weaker because Heihachi beat his ass, threw him into a Volcano, killed his human side (Kazuya), which resulted in Devil almost dying and thus losing part of himself. THAT'S why Devil got weaker. He states it
directly in Kazuya's T4 ending. This is probably why s/he couldn't make sense of it, because it never happened that way. So nothing has been explained, it could have been Devil, and there's no clear indication of wether or not he ever loved her. I'm not saying he didn't, I'm just saying it's not clearly confirmed. Also, we have no idea of how exactly the Kazamas influence the Devil Gene, in the sense that we don't know it actually cancels out or merely represses its influence. Also, we don't know what how this power is activated. It is quite clear that simply presence or touch alone is not enough, otherwise, Devil Jin would have transformed back during his fight with Asuka. This means that there's more to it than that. Possibly feeling towards the person, like concern. Thing is, we don't know, and all we have are assumptions.

It is highly possible that it was Angel. Angel was there to save Kazuya from Devil and fully rekindle his good side. To do this she "used" Jun and with Kazuya falling in love with her, his good side was brought out. Officially his good side WAS brought out to the point that Devil and Angel were in equal control over him. Angel brought the two of them together to motivate Kazuya further to push the darkness away. As of yet it makes perfect sense that it would be Angel and NOT Devil as mentioned above.
I like this theory, I really do. It sounds sweet. Thing is, it's still a theory. Another thing is, the person ruins much of his/her other theory. By saying that Devil and Angel we in equal control of Kazuya, and the Angel "used" Jun. This would be impossible, not to mention completely unnecessary, had Angel and Jun been the same being.

I could go into detail about about the first 7 numbered "facts", but the thing is, some of them try to prove that Jun and Angel are one and the same, while some of them disprove that very fact. So I'd rather not waste my time on them. If you ask me to, I will though. From this point on, I won't go into detail, because this bores me beyond belief.

Lots of people support the "Devil was the Mystic force" theory because of his TTT ending where he is shown gently lifting a dead/unconscious Jun and flying away. Obviously these people forget the fact that the Kazama's cancel out Devil's influence. It is shown more than once (TTT Jun ending, T5 Asuka ending). Even in T4 when Devil is trying to merge with the part of him in Jin, the Kazama blood stops it from happening...keep in mind that the blood stopped this from happening even though the host of the body, Jin, was unconscious. Obviously Kazama blood has a "natural" response to Devil and it takes place without a conscious effort on the part of the person. This is also shown in Asuka's ending where she changes Jin back to his normal self even thought she is clearly doing it without realizing what she is doing.
First off, I'd like to to establish that we don't know what the mysterious force is, nor if that part is mentioned in the Japenese version, or if it's part of the US censoring. Secondly, TTT is non-canon, and any theory based on it is useless. Finally, we already know that it requires some sort of activation from the person to activate the Kazama powers, though it is highly likely that they can be activated subconsciously.

'In Devil's TTT, he is obviously supposed to be a representation of Kazuya. By the time he came in contact with her his traces should have been wiped out completely making Kazuya take owner ship of his body back from Devil (its a split personality thing as explained here). However, since Devil and Kazuya are one and the same, Kazuya doesn't change to his normal self as is the case with Jin, the same way Kazuya doesn't become Devil EVERY TIME he is under Devil's control (Kazuya T4 ending for example). We see Kazuya gently lift up an unconscious Jun and fly away with her safely in his arms.

If Kazuya hated Jun why didn't he just leave her there?

If Kazuya was such a rapist why didn't he just bang her right there and then? She was obviously defenseless at time.
Once again, a theory based on TTT is worthless.

It is pretty obvious that Kazuya and Jun were clearly least during the Tekken 2 days. While it is true that we don't hear Kazuya even mentioning Jun's name since his return in Tekken2 we can't take this as a reason for him not loving her. There are many reasons:

1- Canon wise, Jun is dead by now.

2- him reminiscing about Jun would be totally out of character as far as his in-game persona goes.

3- its the same case as it is with Cloud, Tifa and Aeris. Half of his fans want him to be with Tifa while the other half want him to be with Aeris. In order NOT to alienate either of the fans, they have kept quiet on the matter. Same way, half of Kazuya's fans love him for the badass that he is while the others love him for being a badass AND his complex personality.

4- most of his in-game cut scenes are with people he hates or doesn't care about and since T4 he has been rather pissed in all the parts of the game as the story of the games have been too serious for "sentimental scenes".
1. She's missing, it is not established beyond reasonable doubt that she is dead or not. 2. But if his in-game personal loved her, why would it be weird? 3. Badass on one side, badass on the other side. This theory is based on nothing, and is actually quite stupid. 4) Seing that Jun only ever canonically appeared in T2, the only ones left are those he hate. It would be impossible to do anything else.

That being said, next time you want to prove something, use an official source, not another person's theories.

RaiJinX - I may have sworn celibacy, but that doesn't mean I can't be evil.:
TALK - 14:47, 31 January 2008 (PST)
 ::is disturbed:: So... Jun was raped by Kazuya?!
Hecko Xtalk
15:04, 31 January 2008 (PST)
Yeah, in the Japanese version, but like I said, it got censored out to the point that you would only ever figured it out if you put too much into the story and had a lose definition of rape. However, I don't know to what extent the word "rape" was used in the Japanese version, since I can't find the original Japanese texts anymore. But technically, this means that Kazuya could have been very much in love, but because Jun was influenced by something/someone during their night of lovemaking, it wasn't consensual, thus qualifying as rape. It could also mean that he tied her down, smacked her around, got all rough and violent, did "the naughties" and that was that. Like I said, with the original texts, I can't really tell to what extent it was used.

ILHI - "We're coming at ya, like Cleo Patra. We're coming through, do what'cha do. Where is the punani, under my skin. Can't you see I'm horny? I'm the rhyme driller, if you don't believe, here's another floor filler... Westside... Aiii.. Shot The DJ!":
TALK - 09:18, 1 February 2008 (PST)
Wait, shouldn't the whole "Angel is part of Kazuya" thing cancel Angel being anyone else?

Sure should but i think some of all these facts fall on death ears, two things that could or could not show angel as being totally not jun...

First isn't a fact but is a good comparison: Devil while being purple and winged still vaguely resembles kazuya, jun does not look anything like angel it would be safer to say she is unknown even if ttt is non-canon.

The second is hard to explain but il try, playing as devil through tekken 2 you face jun as the sub boss great ok nothing strange there, then you go to fight kazuya yeah, then (although this could be just the fact that devil has no 2p costume) angel rises as the final boss. It seems much more likely that kazuyas good side/angel has surfaced in a final battle with devil than jun coming to the rescue as an angel (especially as it appears that angel rises from the ground, perhaps showing this for the fact kazuya has been knocked out?)

Hecko Xtalk
13:59, 1 February 2008 (PST)
@ILHI: EXACTEMUNDO!! However, people who make the Angel = Jun theories seem to just sweep that under the rug.

Devil Jin has black wings to make him more pretty xD (well bat wings don't look so nice on people...) Jaewonnie 16:29, 15 March 2008 (PDT)

I think most jun=angel people rely on the fact they see Jin in t4 shed a white feather after flying away and such, but it is still a theory. EVOLUTION: a theory. but it is taught as fact. Jun is Angel: theory. but many assume it's fact. Most people rely on evolution's theory to explain the inexplicable. Tekken fans rely on their speculation to explain the loop-holes. --Ur-Noob19:53, 24 March 2008 (PDT)

Shinzen - みせものねえよ:
Tell me if I'm wrong but could it be possible that Devil Jin is a hybrid because of; when the Devil sought out Jin that part of angel followed it to prevent another "Kazuya" effect happening? The white feather at the end of Jin's ending can be taken as a sign of one good act (or person) surrounded by a family (or world) of evil?

Shinzen - みせものねえよ:
Can someone tell me if my theory is possible, because that's what I've thought for a long-time. BUT by all means please tell me otherwise, because I want to be certain about the assumptions I'm making. Thanks.

Serian - You're gonna fight but I'm gonna win:
TALK - 14:44, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
Well it's been a while since I've read this rather long discussion on whether Devil Jin is a hybrid but I think the answer to your question is there. First of all, the feather may not have really been there; it might have just been for dramatic effect. Secondly, even if the white feather was actually there, I'd take it as a sign of Jin's own goodness, because Jun raised him to be a good person. (hence the name!) Now, Jin Kazama is treading the same path that Kazuya did in Tekken 2, but this time there is no mention of Angel and no signs of an internal struggle. I don't think Namco wants to recycle the Devil/Angel story anymore.
Hecko Xtalk
11:01, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
@Shin: It's possible, but not probable. According to Kazuya/Devil, the additional powers Jin possess are derived from his Kazama ancestry, not from Angel.
Shinzen - みせものねえよ:
Ok, ありがとございます。 貴方はすごいです。
Hecko Xtalk
13:17, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
Japanese-related discussion is continued here. Discussions related to the current topic should remain on this talk page.

[edit] RaiJinX's Hypothesis

Rai at the time does not have anything to say about Devil Jin in Tekken 6, except that she cannot wait to see what's going to happen (maybe he is controlling Jin Kazama's mind).

All right. I'll get to creating his story today. Devil Jin controlling Jin's mind will be in it. JunKazamaFan 12:45, 10 October 2007 (PDT)
Your story with the whole mindcontrolling thing just may make my day. --Rai
Here it is!
Before his fight against Jinpachi Mishima in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Jin Kazama was taken over by Devil Jin. Devil Jin managed to defeat Jinpachi, and he absorbed Jinpachi's power before he dissolved into dust.
After absorbing Jinpachi's power, Devil Jin gained the ability to permanately take control of Jin's mind.
Is there no hope for Jin? JunKazamaFan 18:27, 10 October 2007 (PDT)

Nice job JKF! --Rai to the Jin X

Thank you very much! JunKazamaFan 18:34, 10 October 2007 (PDT)
You're welcome. --RaiJinX

[edit] Trivia Changes

Quote:In Asuka's ending in Tekken 5, Devil Jin was wearing gloves with a pyramid pattern on it (similar to the placement of bowling pins, when viewed from above), but once he was reverted back to normal, his gauntlets changed into the spiral-patterned gloves his normal self wears in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. Whether this indicates that Devil Jin's gloves are part of his transformation, or if it was simply a mistake by the animators is unknown.

There is a style in cartoons/anime/comics that when the first time you encounter transformation , it becomes your original appearance when you transform the next time , Danny Phantomis a good example.

Oh yeah almost 4got , Should i put this in? ALLmasked

Hecko Xtalk
00:35, 7 January 2008 (PST)
No, because we do not know if this is the case.

[edit] Something Wacky I Noticed

Serian - You're gonna fight but I'm gonna win:
TALK - 23:20, 17 May 2008 (UTC)
Ok, I know I'm not imagining this. Every time someone comes across Devil Jin in FMV sequences, they seem to ignore the fact that he's.... Devil Jin! Like in Asuka's ending. She interrupts a demon and a big guy who's on fire and casually challenges the demon to a fight because she doesn't like his cockiness. What, does she think he's some kind of cosplay weirdo? And then when Hwoarang gets knocked off his chopper in his ending, by a psychotic demon with powers, he gets up and smiles. Is everyone in the Tekken series insane? Or am I?
Serian - You're gonna fight but I'm gonna win:
TALK - 00:55, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
P.S. No offense to fans of cosplay.
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