Nina Williams

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Nina Williams
Origin Ireland
Fighting Style Bone Martial Arts and Aikido / Assassination Arts
Age (T1 and DbD) 20, (T2 and T3) 22 (T4 and T5 / T5: DR) 24
Blood Type A (changed during Cryosleep)
Height 5'3"
Weight 108 lbs
Occupation Assassin
Hobby Retracing memories
Likes Can't remember (maybe milk-tea), definately assassination and Jin Kazama
Dislikes Anna Williams, losing


[edit] Introduction

Nina Williams is a character from the Tekken games. She is the cold-blooded assassin that made her first appearance in the original Tekken game, Tekken, and has appeared in every Tekken ever since. Nina has a lethal fighting style, consisting of throws, grapples, and holds. She has a rivalry with her younger sister, who is named Anna Williams. During the end of Tekken 2, Nina and Anna undergo Cryogenic Sleep. They are experimented upon for 15 years (that is the reason why Nina and her sister both remain so young during the many years of the tournaments). During those years of Cryogenic sleep, she was pregnant and gave birth to Steve Fox (who has appeared in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5).

Nina also stars in her own action/strategy game, Death by Degrees. It was released in Japan in January 2005, North America in February 2005, and Europe in April 2005. The game received mixed reviews by critics, but found more acceptance among fans of the Tekken series.

While there has been a good deal of Voice Actresses voicing Nina Williams, the most noteworthy of all Nina voice actresses has to be Lisle Wilkerson, who has been voicing Nina in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. Nina was also voiced by Yumi Touma in the earlier Tekken games.

[edit] Trivia

  • Like Paul Phoenix, Yoshimitsu and Heihachi Mishima, Nina has appeared in every Tekken game and is thus the only female to have done so.
  • Nina has at least one purple costume per game.
  • Nina Williams' bosses in the Tekken Force side game in Tekken 3 are (in order of appearance) Jin Kazama, Anna Williams, Anna Williams, and Heihachi Mishima.
  • In Death by Degrees, Nina Williams is voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn.
  • Nina's sub-bosses are Anna Williams and Raven.
  • Nina is selectable in Tekken 4 after beating the game three times.
  • Nina's Tekken 4 ending is connected to Lei Wulong's and Steve Fox's endings.
  • During her Tekken 4 ending, after Lei kicks in the door, the sniper rifle Nina was holding is no where to be seen, and she now wields a handgun in stead.
  • Nina is also an acronym for "No Irish Need Apply", a phrase that was sometimes found in employment ads, due to Anti-Irish sentiment. Ironically, Nina herself is Irish but her voice doesn't sound it.
  • One of Nina's moves in Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Sadistic Cupid (f,F+2), causes an opponent to use their K.O scream.
  • In Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, Nina can be customized to look like an army girl (colour 1: Green, colour 2: Black, colour 3: black, gauntlet and submachine gun).
  • If Nina slaps any female character in Tekken 3 and later installments (using b+2), the opponent may retaliate with by slapping Nina (done by pressing 2_(2,2)). Technically speaking, this can loop forever, as Nina herself can also retaliate the slap, but only if both characters only slaps once per turn.
  • In Tekken 5 or Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, if Nina performs certain moves on Bryan Fury, he will do a sadistic laugh. The moves are: Bad Habit (CH f,f+3) and Twisted Mind (d+3+4 opponent on floor).
  • If Nina preforms Reverse Neck Breaker on her opponent in Tekken 5 or Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, the last grunt of the opponent is the same grunt as in Nina's Win Animation when she treads on the opponents back.

[edit] Story

[edit] Tekken 1

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Nina Williams.

[edit] Version 1

A silent assassin. She learned assassination techniques from her father and those of aikido for self protection from her mother, therefore she has an outstanding fighting sense. She was sent to assassinate Heihachi Mishima, the sponsor of the tournament, but her real intentions are not clear.

[edit] Version 2

Nina acquired her unusual combination of skills from her parents. Her father, once an assassin for the IRA, left Ireland to escape his past. His marriage to a British Aikido champion created a bloodline that would spawn a child with incredible talent and a killer instinct. Nina was kidnapped by an underground force and drugged into believing that the Rave War sponsor must be assassinated. God help anyone who gets in her way.

[edit] Ending Animation "High Heels"

Anna opens a door. A few seconds later, there is a closeup of her feet. She is wearing a shoe on her left foot, but she doesn't have a shoe on her right foot. Anna points at her right foot, and then she looks at Nina. Nina shrugs. Anna walks up to Nina and starts shouting at her. Nina gives her a disgusted look and slaps her. Anna turns around, cries, and puts her hands over her face. A few seconds later, Nina holds up Anna's missing shoe, revealing that Nina had the shoe all along.

[edit] Tekken 2

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Tekken 2 Nina Williams (On Left.).
Tekken 2 Nina Williams (On Left.).

A master of Aikido and Koppo techniques, she is an assassin for the people of Ireland. Although Nina's mission is to assassinate Kazuya Mishima, her personal agenda is to finally settle the long battle with her sister, Anna.

[edit] Ending Animation "Cemetary"

Nina walks up to her father's grave and puts flowers on it. The camera zooms away from Nina for a second, and then the camera zooms in on Nina, meaning that someone is walking towards her. After a while, Nina turns around and pulls out a gun. Anna is shown as being the person that was behind her. She is holding flowers. Nina stares at her. Anna shakes her head. Nina turns her head and looks at her father's grave. Nina turns her head back towards Anna's direction. Nina decides to walk away from the place. Anna proceeds to visit her father's grave. Nina is shown smiling as the screen fades to white.

[edit] Tekken: The Motion Picture

Tekken: The Motion Picture Nina Williams.

Nina Williams is featured in Tekken: The Motion Picture. She was hired by Lee Chaolan to assassinate Kazuya Mishima. She failed both times, as Kazuya managed to escape the first time and was saved by Jun Kazama the second time. During the Tournament, Nina is fighting Anna Williams, until Anna gets eaten. For a while, it's a mystery whether or not she survived but as the island starts to explode, we can see the other survivirs, including an injured Nina. But Anna isn't seen. This may lead to a point Nina may win the sibling war at a Tekken conclusion.

[edit] Tekken 3

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Tekken 3 Nina Williams.
Tekken 3 Nina Williams.

[edit] Version 1

After failing to assassinate Kazuya Mishima in the last Tournament, she was forced to become a test subject for cryogenic research. Reawakened by Ogre's powers, she is determined to eliminate Jin Kazama.

[edit] Version 2

In the last tournament she was ordered to assassinate Kazuya, but an untimely quarrel with her sister, Anna, prevented it. Shortly thereafter, both sisters were captured by Kazuya's corps and were used as guinea pigs in Boskonovitch's Cold Sleep #2 experiment. They did not wake up for 15 years. Heihachi's private corps, the Tekken Forces, went to the burial site and excavated Ogre. This unearthing unleashed its spirit, which awakened Nina's resting soul. Now controlled by Ogre, Nina acts robotically, with the command to assassinate Jin Kazama.

[edit] Ending Animation "War Between Sisters"

Nina is laying down in some kind of machine as work goes underway to restore her memories. The scene changes, and Anna and Nina walk into a small cemetary where snow has fallen. Anna, who is holding flowers, leads Nina to a grave (which is probably the grave of Richard Williams) and places the flowers by that grave. There is flash and Nina begins groaning in pain. Anna goes to see what is wrong, but Nina slaps Anna in the face so hard that she falls to the ground. Nina furiously walks away, leaving Anna on the ground, smiling.

[edit] Tekken Tag Tournament

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Tekken Tag Tournament Nina Williams.

Nina was featured as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament. Tekken Tag Tournament is a non-canonical Tekken game.

[edit] Ending Animation

Nina and Anna are having a conversation. Nina is on the player's left side, and Anna is on the player's right side. Suddenly, Nina holds out one of her arms, asking for a handshake. Anna sighs and reluctantly grabs Nina's hand. Instead of them shaking hands, Nina twists Anna's arm. Anna is shown screaming in pain for a few seconds. Nina is shown grinning as this ending animation ends. This ending takes place in Nina's first Tekken Tag Tournament stage, which is called "Nina-A".

[edit] Tekken 4

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Tekken 4 Nina Williams.
Tekken 4 Nina Williams.

After the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, the Mishima Zaibatsu used Nina as an experimental test subject for cryogenics research. Fifteen years later, Nina was released from cryosleep and appeared in the third Tournament. She fought through the Tournament while suffering from cryosleep-induced amnesia.

Since then, Nina disappeared from the reaches of the Mishima Zaibatsu and spent her days carrying out missions as a contract assassin. To this day, she has been unable to regain memories of Anna or her personal life.

As a woman without memories or close relations, the only person Nina could count on was herself. Carrying out her hits for profit was the only reality she could rely on.

One day, Nina received a new contract from a Mafia organization. The target of the contract was Steve Fox, a boxing world champion. With a little research, Nina discovered that Fox was a participant in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Nina set her sights on completing her new mission and infiltrated the Tournament.

[edit] Ending Animation "Fin"


After the Tournament, Nina pursued her target, Steve Fox, to his hotel in order to complete her objective.

While preparing for the hit, Nina received additional information on the target from the Syndicate...

End of the text

The Syndicate's additional information revealed that Nina was in fact Steve Fox's mother. Nina is ready to assassinate Steve (via sniper rifle), but finds it very difficult for her to pull the trigger as she feels guilty of murdering her only child. Lei Wulong busts open her door, yelling "Freeze!" Nina does not adhere and fires two shots at Lei (which he dodges). She quickly escapes through the window and runs across the street to where Steve is. The two share a moment together, until it is interrupted by Lei. Lei fires two shots at Nina, but Steve protects her by knocking her over. Nina gets up and runs, thanking Steve for his help, but is still pursued by Lei as Steve watches.

[edit] Death by Degrees


Nina Williams in Death by Degrees.

In 2005, Nina starred in her own spinoff game, Death by Degrees.

In Death by Degrees, Nina is assigned a mission that is a joint operation between the CIA and MI6. The team that she's with consists of two "sneakers" (John Doe and Alan Smithee) and one "sweeper" (Nina). They are supposed to infiltrate the Amphitrite, a Glafeera corporation cruise ship. Then, they are supposed to execute a video recon of a meeting held by high-ranking members of a certain organization. Nina is assigned to enter the fighting tournament that is being held onboard the ship, and then she is supposed to hide herself and await further orders. Upon mission completion, they are supposed to rendezvous and make their exit.

The game provided an alternate backstory for Nina and Anna Williams with a flashback, suggesting that their father died when they were children protecting them. Richard Williams had struggled with some guards, and shouted for Nina to pick up a gun one of them had dropped. However, her hesitation and fear caused the guards to get the upper hand and shoot Richard. Anna is shown comforting Nina moments later, while Nina looks over the scene. Presumably, Nina and Anna's rivalry stems from this event.

This rivalry crosses over to the real-time events of the game, when Nina is sent to investigate a mysterious group. At an Island prison, she fails to interrogate her target when she is knocked out by Anna, who is working on behalf of the Mishima clan with the Tekken Force as bodyguards, as she owes Heihachi for her sister's operation. At the end of the game, Anna is the final boss Nina must face.

[edit] Tekken 5

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Tekken 5 Nina Williams.
Tekken 5 Nina Williams.

[edit] Tekken 5 Manual Version

To regain her memory, Nina met with her sister for the first time in several years. Upon seeing her sister's face, Nina remembered her past and immediately started to shoot. The shootout lasted a few days, but neither sister could make a decisive hit. They decided to settle their fight at the upcoming tournament.

[edit] Official Version

Her past still shrouded in mystery. Nina continued her life as a contract assassin.

Although Nina discovered that Steve Fox was her biological son after receiving information from the Syndicate, she remained emotionally unchanged.

Soon after, the Syndicate was taken down by Hong Kong detective Lei Wulong, and Nina no longer had a motive for assassinating Steve. She instead decided to concentrate her efforts on uncovering her past. Nina believed that paying her sister, Anna, a visit might help in recovering her memory.

Upon meeting up with Anna, Nina's past memories came rushing back to her. The two engaged in a fierce gun battle that lasted for days, but neither side was able to finish the standoff, so it was decided that they would meet again at the recently announced King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

[edit] Interludes

Stage 4: Raven

Nina and Raven introduce themselves to each other and have a fight. After Nina wins, she stands over Raven's dead body repeating the words: "No one that finds out my name and lives."

Stage 7: Anna Williams

Nina and Anna meet each other and fight. Nina wins but refuses to kill Anna, since she wasn't at all satisfied.

Final Stage: Jinpachi Mishima

Nina walks through Final Stage 2. Jinpachi (in human form) walks up behind her and says, "I'm impressed that you've made it this far. I am Jinpachi Mishima. My goal... My goal is to destroy all existence!" Shortly after Jinpachi starts to speak, Nina turns around and notices him. After he finishes speaking, Jinpachi transforms into his "Devil" form.

[edit] Ending Animation


After being inspired by their sibling battle, a movie director insists on starring them in an upcoming film.

End of the text.

Nina and Anna are shown fighting with swords on a castle's rooftop. In the end, Anna is victorious, and Nina falls to the ground. The director yells "Cut!", and then people congratulate and applaud Anna. Nina walks away from the scene while they do this. As she walks away from the castle, Nina presses a button on a remote control in her hand, and the castle set behind her explodes. Then, Nina is shown smiling.

[edit] Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Nina Williams.

Nina Williams' storyline is unchanged between Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

[edit] Tekken 6

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Nina Williams (on the right) fighting Steve Fox (on the left) in Tekken 6.

At the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 5, Nina Williams has finally settled the score by defeating her younger sister, Anna Williams.

Shortly after her mission was complete, Jin Kazama recruited Nina to be his bodyguard and assist his Tekken Force in taking over the world. With strong tension between the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced.

In order to remove any threats to the life of Jin Kazama, Nina enters the tournament.

[edit] Character Relationships

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