Gallery for the character, Anna Williams
Anna's Character Select portrait.
Anna with the other bosses.
Anna and Nina arguing over Anna's lost high heels during Nina's Tekken ending.
An Anna image from the "Retro Series".
A picture of Anna taken by Nina after Anna comes out of the shower in her Tekken 2 ending.
Anna performing a win animation after defeating her opponent, Jack-2.
Anna alongside eight of the other unlockable characters.
The screen that is shown before a fight between Anna and Lei Wulong (Arcade version).
Anna's character models (bottom right).
Anna performing a win animation after defeating Yoshimitsu (Arcade version).
Anna performing her "butt shake" win animation.
Anna's character profile.
A sketch of Anna relaxing.
The screen that is shown before a fight between Angel / Unknown and Jun / Anna.
Anna offers Nina her hand in her ending.
Anna Williams' extra outfit.
A closeup of Anna, wearing her Player Two outfit.
Anna's customization chart.
Kicking one of her shoes off (her "Item Move" feature) at her opponent, Hwoarang.
Anna wearing one of her new outfits.
Nina and Anna in "Prologue" artwork.
Anna and Kazuya in "Prologue" artwork.
Artwork of Anna in her "Zebra Suit" costume.
Anna with Nina and Lee in her ending.
Anna and Nina, as seen in the Gamescom trailer.
Fighting Alisa in her "Zebra Suit" costume.
Fighting Alisa in her "Zebra Suit" costume.
Fighting Alisa in her "Zebra Suit" costume.
Fighting Alisa in her "Zebra Suit" costume.
Fighting Nina. They are both customized.
Anna's "Sitting on opponent's back" win animation.
Anna addressing Leo in Scenario Campaign mode.
Anna's new costume, designed by Oogure Ito.
Artwork of Anna, done by Kawano Takuji.
A comparison of Anna's facial models, old (left) and new (right).
Anna and Nina in a cinematic trailer.
Anna and Nina in a cinematic trailer.
Pre-fight animation for Anna and Nina while wearing their bikinis.
Anna and Nina in bikinis using a double team move on Heihachi.
Kate Niemczyk artwork of Anna and the twelve other Tekken women.
Screenshot of Anna and Nina.
Artwork of Anna, Xiaoyu, Alisa, and Nina.
A closeup of Anna as a child during a cutscene.
Anna striking Nina Williams with a "palms strike" during a cutscene.
Anna on the May-June page of the Death by Degrees calendar.
Young Anna with her sister and father.
Artwork of Anna and Heihachi, shown before playing "Anna Mode".
Marian Zapico as Anna Williams.
Anna and her sister, Nina.
Anna and Nina's bio pics.
Anna alongside Nina, Bryan, Dragunov, and Christie.
Anna alongside the other tournament fighters.
Anna approaching Nina and Kazuya.
The closeup of Anna's backside during her scene with Nina and Kazuya.
The bedroom scene Anna shares with Kazuya and Nina.
Anna in the bedroom scene.
Anna with Nina and Kazuya.
Anna and Nina in all black clothes.
Anna on a poster for the film.
Screenshot of Anna in the shower.
Anna facing off against Nina.
Shunya Yamashita artwork for Kotobukiya Anna figure.
Promotion for Anna, Nina, and Jun's Bishoujo statues.