Doctor Bosconovitch/Outfits

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Tekken 3[edit]

T3 1P: White lab coat, light blue shirt with a red tie and brown vest, dark green pants, and brown shoes. He also carries a black handheld device with a red button, brown straight antenna, and red corona ball.

T3 2P: A yellow and blue recolor of Yoshimitsu's T3 2P (the same recolor used for Yoshimitsu's TTT 1P), minus the helmet. He carries the same handheld device, except it now has a curving antenna.

Tekken 3 Outfits

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[edit]

TTT2 A: Mostly the same as T3 1P, except Dr. Bosconovitch's tie is orange, he doesn't wear a vest, and he no longer carries a handheld device. Player 2 variant wears a black lab coat, white shirt, blue tie, tan pants, and dark brown shoes.

TTT2 B: Generic extra outfit.

TTT2 C: Nintendo outfit, Fox McCloud (Nintendo Wii U only.)

TTT2 D: Snoop Lion outfit (Nintendo Wii U only.)

TTT2 Outfits